Testimony: Freedom Through Telling My Parents the Truth

Below is a letter that we received from a young man after we gave a presentation on the effects of pornography at the Global Top Gun Youth workshop in 2018.

What a powerful way for parents to support a child through hard times.

Way to live at High Noon!

"Thank you so much for the amazing lecture at Global Top Gun Youth (GTGY)! What you talked about was the thing that I had been struggling with most throughout my life. It’s a problem that I knew I would have to solve one day, but there was no one that I could talk to about this and so I thought I would have to keep it to myself. But your lecture changed my mind and I thought that I can't go to the spirit world if I don't confess about this to my parents.

So when I got home after GTGY, I wrote a confession letter to them. It was about all my sins, masturbation, etc., that I had committed in the past and that I repent for. I'm sure it would've been better if I was able to tell them in person, but I didn't want to cause any misunderstanding so I took the time to write everything down. I left it with my parents and let them read it on their own.

A few days later, I got a text from them that said, "You must have suffered a lot all by yourself up until now. We are very sorry. It's something that we, as parents, should have taught and guided you in the right way."

When I read this, I felt so liberated. I was really worried about how they would feel when they read it, but I'm really grateful that I was able to share it with them. And above all, I felt God's heart that God was letting me meet you [High Noon] at GTGY. And while I repent about the life that I had been living, I'm welled up with the gratitude that I can make a new start with my life.

Even though what I have done cannot be erased, I won't make the same mistakes anymore and will try my best to create a life of High Noon.

Thank you so much for saving me! I'm looking forward to seeing you again!"

『こんにちは。この前のGTGYでは素晴らしいレクチャーをありがとうございました!その内容はまさに僕自身がこれまでの人生で一番悩んできたことであり、いつかは解決していかなければいけないと思っていた問題でした。しかし周りに相談する人もおらず、この悩みはずっと一人で抱え続けなければいけないと思っていました。しかしあなたからのレクチャーを受けて考え方が完全に変わり、このことは親に言わなければ霊界に行くことはできないと思いました。なのでGTGYが終わった後、家に帰ったとき、親に信仰告白の手紙を書きました。これまで私がしてきた罪のこと(自慰行為等)、またこれからはそれらを悔い改めるということなど書きました。直接言えれば一番良かったのですが、本当に親に申し訳なかったし、誤解も生まないように、ということでありのままを全て書きました。そしてそれを親に託した後、私は帰省し、親だけで読んでもらいました。数日後、メールが来てそこには「一人で苦しかったね。父母が良く指導すべきことだと思うから申し訳ない。」と書かれていました。それを読んだときに、本当に開放された気持ちがしました。どんな気持ちでこれを親が読むのだろうかと不安でしたが、親子でこのことを共有できて感謝でした。また何よりもGTGYでHigh Noonと出会わせてくださった神様の心情を感じ、これまでの人生を悔い改めると同時に、新たなる出発が切れることに本当に感謝の思いがこみ上げてきました。今までしてきたことは消えないですが、もうこれ以上同じ過ちを犯さず、正午定着の人生を送っていけるように頑張っていきたいと思っています。




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