Germany Welcomes Back High Noon

Last week, Andrew Love traveled to Bad Camberg, Germany to speak with HARP and CARP leaders, as well as several others who were in positions of leadership from all around Europe.

The event was organized by the European 2nd Generation Department to help bring young leaders of our movement together in order to move forward with more confidence and clarity.

Andrew was invited to speak about High Noon and the European tour that will be happening during the months of May and June of this year. The purpose of his talk was to help the group experience the High Noon culture of Accountability, Grace, Honesty, and Integrity.

The event went extremely well because the international community was open-hearted and ready to go deep into what sexual integrity meant to them and how they would like to move forward as a continent.

This was High Noon’s second time speaking at the Camburg workshop site, as they were invited to speak in the Fall to the BFD leaders. The relationship between High Noon and European members are developing quite well, as the message of Heavenly Intimacy extends beyond all borders and affects all people equally.

By the end of the day, the participants were more open to engaging in difficult conversations and were connecting much more freely about the realities of their lives. The atmosphere was very familial and True Parents would definitely be proud of everyone’s willingness to participate in this group growth.

Presently, High Noon is wrapping up the details of their European tour with the organizers over there. The locations are confirmed the exact dates are almost decided. 2019 promises to be filled with even more milestones for both High Noon and the Heavenly Intimacy providence at large.

Heavenly Parent seems very eager to have our Family Federation rip wide open this new era of freedom and is taking the High noon team for a wild ride across the globe to facilitate this ascension.


You Can't Give What You Don't Have


[VIDEO] Effective Ways to Stay Accountable | Sam Black