#8 - Reaction To Pornhub Stats from 2019

Porn has become increasingly normal over the past 15 years. Pornhub and its constant campaigning are one of the reasons for that. Every year they publish stats from their website, including the most common search terms on their website.

Join Andrew and Sammy as they share their reactions going over these stats and how they interpret current porn trends and what they mean.

  • The true identity of MindGeek

  • The No-going-back policy

  • What happens to your conscience?

  • Trends for most searched terms

  • The perspective from outside the porn-bubble

  • What happens to your motivation through porn?

  • What is the twin-dragon effect?

  • What does porn represent and what’s an alternative?

  • What is High Noon all about?

Episode Transcript:

Andrew Love: Hey, welcome back. Andrew Love in the house. And I just wanted to say that today, in our episode, Sammy and I do a deep dive into some crazy stuff. We're talking about trends, what's going on in the world. But I just want you to see us like jungle guides where we're just a few steps ahead of you and we got machetes and we're clearing a path so that you can really understand how to navigate through this landscape. This tricky landscape of the Internet and pornography and all this stuff. So buckle up. Join us. We're going on a safari, baby.

Sammy Uyama: Hello, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to another episode of the Love, Life and Legacy podcast, with your hosts, myself, Sammy Uyama and Mr. Andrew Love. How are you today, Andrew?

Andrew Love: I am alive. I'm, I'm high-fiving life right now.

Sammy Uyama: High-fiving it. Alright. Just uh, it's been a while. How are you doing? Andrew? What have you been up to?

Andrew Love: Yeah, we're so you know, High Noon is all over the place. It's crazy because High Noon travels to spread the word about sexual sanity, sexual integrity, heavenly sexuality. But then also Sammy and I just are, we travel a lot anyway. So I travel within traveling, and right now, I just drove in a car with... it was a family sedan with three car seats in the back and pretty much all of our belongings for three days from Toronto to Denver, stopping for a week. And then I'm off to Malaysia next week. So I'm just taking a lot of deep breaths lately, you know,

Sammy Uyama: Wow, what a life. That's, that's uh, you, you cut out the part have everyone vomiting? Yeah, all over the backseat during this trip.

Andrew Love: I was just trying to keep us dignified, man. But yeah, this is all, you know, I can get... So if I didn't know how to deal with stress, if I always try to escape stress, my life would be a disaster. But learning how to, this ties into pornography and you know, just trying to escape your problems, rather than learning how to really face them head-on, and like embrace them until they just dissolve is it's like, I'm not afraid of that stuff anymore. I'm not afraid of being in a car with a bunch of sick kids driving for three days, we'll figure it out. It's just like, let's figure it out. I'll breathe it out, you know. So that's, that's been my life, is embracing challenges and yes, sometimes it's stressful for sure. But also, I had some of the deepest insights driving across the country in the open expanse of America, the American landscape. Holy molly. I got so many deep insights that I couldn't have gotten any other way. Because you know, you run around in life and you just do this and that and then you don't just stare out the window and look at Nebraska, the countryside of Nebraska and think about some deep stuff, you know. So I'm doing well, that's why I'm doing well, because I can do well in those situations. And I'm good and I hope I can teach other people how to do that. Because like me a year ago, I would have had 20 aneurysms per day over the past three days, based on the stress that was available, you know? How about yourself, Sammy?

Sammy Uyama: Myself... Life here is pretty routine. We have a one point I'd say maybe 1.3 month old... I have a one month and one year and three months.

Andrew Love: I feel like women have that down a lot better than dudes, so they know. It's like a certain amount of months like 15 months or whatever you say how many months is she?

Sammy Uyama: Right? Haha, yes, so we have a 15 month old daughter. And so we try to keep things pretty routine because it's just crazy, otherwise. So it's manageable when we've got the set bedtime, and the nap times and all that. So that's what we've been focused on mostly. And part of part of that routine for myself. I for the past, maybe five, six years or so, I drink a giant smoothie for breakfast every day. And that this thing holds me off basically until dinner. I do this thing...

Andrew Love: Can I just specify? Because you say, like I drink a big thing of smooth... I've seen some of these canteens. It's more like a bathtub. You have a bathtub. You have a giant, like cauldron of smoothie. I've seen these things and the green, is it still green?

Sammy Uyama: It's yeah, it's purplish, greenish, you know. It's kind of a lot of stuff in there. But basically, you take, if you have a giant blender and that thing's full, and that is my food. And so when people, when people see that for the first time, they're pretty thrown off. They think about having a smoothie as like a little tiny cup of something that you have on the side, but uh, but if you actually, if you put enough stuff into it, and you mix it all together, then it's a lot of calories. And so that's what I eat.

Andrew Love: Yeah, most people don't eat smoothies with shovels. But Sammy, he redefined the game of health gluttony. You're a glutton for health, it's amazing.

Sammy Uyama: Yes.

Andrew Love: Good to know. So you feeling, you feeling frisky? You feeling powerful?

Sammy Uyama: Yeah, feeling fresh and gives me lots of energy to do work to take care my family and you know. Because I do a lot of other things. And just one thing that I have not been doing recently has been looking at porn. And...

Andrew Love: Segue...

Sammy Uyama: That's what we're here to talk to you guys about today. We have, because apparently a lot of people are.

Andrew Love: Yeah, we don't like focusing on porn so much all the time, for sure. But every once in a while, we would like to really go deep and talk about it from angles that people don't normally hear. Because you can go to a million different websites and learn a million different facts, but that won't necessarily change the course of your existence. But if you know what to strive for, but you also know what poison looks like; what, what, what it's doing, then it's, it's very helpful. And so today we wanted to talk about something very interesting and horrifying. We don't want to shy away from the facts. What are we looking at Sammy? What are we looking at here?

Sammy Uyama: So every year Pornhub, which is the biggest porn website on the Internet, which is a pretty big place, they release their annual statistics about usage on their website. And so they publish that, and one of these neat-looking infographics. And so we've taken that, and it's pretty remarkable. Some of the bits of information you can glean. And some of the things that you can speculate on just looking at the trends and the direction of what people are interested in regarding pornography. So we just wanted to take some time to comment on that and to provide some commentary. But what do we think about it all?

Andrew Love: Yeah, yeah. Yeah. And also, you know, disclaimer, we want to really make sure that if you don't know what Pornhub is, don't Google. Our, our policy is like, if you don't know something, don't Google it. The whole point of sexuality is connection. So ask somebody who's in a really healthy relationship. If you have questions, when you go to Google, that's, that's the beginning of the... that's like the origin point of the problem, which is, we're a society that's increasingly disconnected. And that's causing all sorts of mayhem within the mind in the heart of individuals, but also within society at large. So, if you have questions that arise, I implore you, please do not just go and Google it, and try to figure it out on your own because that will add, create usually more questions than answers. The best thing to do is to if you have parents that you feel that are open, talk to your parents. Or good friends. Friends that you know, are not just gonna give you the first thought that they come up with, but we're willing to like, really think and talk about these things deeply. We, you know, go that route is much more productive, because no quick answer will settle these deep questions of your soul. So, like, we're gonna talk about some stuff that's pretty real, pretty raw. And so if you're, you know, super young, listen to this with your parents if they let you. And if you're older, then, you know there's, there could be some triggers in here. I don't know your story. But just, you know, proceed with caution. But the reason why we're doing this is not to be inflammatory. We don't want to incite some rage inside of you or anything like that. We just want to talk about the facts of what's going on on a meta scale, like worldwide scale trends, so that we can look deeper into like, what is going on what. Because there's, there's stuff that's presented in this data and there's information that is bewildering. That is shocking. But also that is very revealing about where humanity is at right here, right now. In 2020. It's the beginning of 2020 as we are recording this, so where's humanity at right now?

Sammy Uyama: Wow, wow, that's an excellent point, Andrew. Yeah, this isn't about oh, You know, things are horrible. Just look at all this degradation and we just want to look at, okay, this is, this is what's going on? And what might that mean? And just provide some perspective. And always with this podcast, it's all, it's about, it's not condemnation or having an opinion or judgment on the state of things. But just provide you guys with some perspective on what this might mean and how to interpret this, all this information.

Andrew Love: Yeah. And I'd like to just take a moment to explain the source of this. So, Pornhub. And again, if you don't know about it, don't, don't start researching. Because you know, this.

Sammy Uyama: I mean yeah, the only thing you need to know is that it's the most popular pornography website.

Andrew Love: Well, also, I mean, it's interesting to note that it's from us, Canada, I actually drove by the building because I was so curious. I was in Montreal. It's in Montreal. I was expecting it to be this giant, monolithic black building with tinted windows.

Sammy Uyama: ... fire coming out of the...

Andrew Love: ... fire. Yeah, like, like, what, what Skeletor wherever he lives - from He-Man. Like something kind of like that.

Sammy Uyama: Out of the windows,

Andrew Love: Yeah, just the worst imagery. And I went by and it's like a six-storey glass, nondescript office building. And you would never guess that these people are what's behind, you know, probably one of the biggest human trafficking rings legitimately like celebrating rape and all this stuff. And it's just in this really polite nice office building amidst other office buildings. And this is important to note because it's, it's created by a company called Mind Geek that sells itself as a legitimate tech organization. And they never mentioned their ties to the fact that they are the owners and the purveyors of this sex ring; this massively popular sex ring? And...

Sammy Uyama: It's so interesting looking on Mind Geek's website that they... everything about their marketing is there. An IT company. They focus on search engine, engine optimization and web design. And this website or this company, they probably control a, something... 70% to 80% of the entire Internet's pornography. It's mind-blowing.

Andrew Love: It is and it's it's very detached from reality because on the, on the front end of their identity, is they're just a tech company, right. But on the back end, they're Pornhub, which is really aggressively trying to mainstream porn, a lifestyle... like just kind of sexual ambivalence. They had an advertisement in Times Square, I remember. Just kind of mocking masturbation and just kind of really lowering humanity's expectations for sex. Like and mainstreaming pornography and just kind of be like get you, get used to us. We're here. Everybody does at this kind of thing. Because the more that you hear these kind of things, the more that you just believe that it's true, right? So it's a real strange duality.

Sammy Uyama: Yeah, that's the whole point of them going through the effort of publishing all these statistics is just to say, hey, these are what, you know, the world is into. And, and very, like, mainstream is good word. We're just normalizing that this is all the, this is the kinks and fetishes that people are, that are trending right now.

Andrew Love: Yeah. Yeah. So let's get into it. So again, you know, the reason why we're doing this is is to kind of try as much as we can to wrap our head around what is going on. What are we involved in? Because since very few people are really talking about it, and even if you had a sample size of your friends, that's nothing compared to looking at the metadata, which is global. Right? What is, what is the global impact that pornography is having? Right, so let's go Let's, yeah,

Sammy Uyama: Yeah. So we're gonna be going through these this infographic that they provide, and just sharing our thoughts on it. And we'll post the link in the show notes to where you can see this data yourself. Fight the new drug, they made a great article going through different bits of the statistics and providing their own commentary on kind of what they, you know, how they interpret that data. So we'll link that to you guys. And you can look at that for reference, if you like.

Andrew Love: Yeah, so right right out, right out of the gate. So this is for 2019. There was 50... 42. I don't know where I got 50, it's clearly a 4... 42 billion visits to their website last year. And as far as I know, that doesn't include aliens. So that would mean that you know, the population of humanity is 7.8 something like that billion, but not that's, you know, not everybody has the internet. So you can imagine that's a lot of people, a lot of repeat customers. Which automatically we know that porn isn't just like, oh, I watch it once this year. Right? It's, it's, it's there's. This driving force that causes people to come back again and again. Right. So a lot of repeat customers.

Sammy Uyama: Yeah, the other... So this, this first page though, the only thing that stood out to me was 1.36 million hours of new content, which is they equate to 169 years. That's, that is so ironic. That was 169 there for you. There's a, which is almost, you know, two centuries worth of material that you if you watched non-stop 24/7, it would take you 170 years to complete watching everything that was published in one year alone.

Andrew Love: Yeah, yeah. And this is crazy. Okay, so this is like... I gave a presentation in Montreal. And there's a mom there that was talking about the stuff that she's dealing with. She has kids in high school, and just talking about how normalized, kind of showing nude images at least and even making porn is really progressing into people creating their own content. And Pornhub is really just like YouTube and people can make money off of uploading their own stuff. And the scary thing is that they won't take it down even if you want them to. And there have been cases and it's even in the fight, the new fight, the new drug article that there's a, you know, there's stuff that involves people being raped, that has been uploaded against their will on Pornhub. They refuse to take it down. They won't take it down. And there's even when people put it up themselves, but they want to take it down. Once it's out there, it's out there. And it's crazy because, like, a lot of these kids are uploading stuff and they're even minors. But even regardless, let's say they're 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 - whatever. They're doing it on a whim, and then it impacts, you that's on the internet, forever and ever and ever. And so that's, you know, 1.36 million hours of people uploading themselves. There's some professional stuff in there, I'm sure. But also the trend is, you know, normal people, just the people that you meet each day that are uploading themselves having sex or doing whatever, by themselves on the internet for the public to see. Pretty wild stuff, you know?

Sammy Uyama: Yeah. The next page has some interesting stuff for myself. Was there anything left on this first infographic for you Andrew.

Andrew Love: You mean just the orange stuff?  Well, all the way down to... All the petabytes... I don't even know what a terra... I know what a terra, giga... that stuff means nothing to me. There's a lot of content consumed. Let's just say that.

Sammy Uyama: Yeah, it's, it's always... One thing is when these numbers get so big they can lose meaning in itself. It's just like incomprehensible. The only number I can understand - 209 gigabytes of data transfer every second. That is pretty crazy.

Andrew Love: That's crazy.

Sammy Uyama: It takes my computer like a couple minutes - 10 minutes = to download 1 gig. Wow.

Andrew Love: So there's just below that there's 98,000 amateur models. So that speaks to the point that I'm talking about - 98,000 new amateur models. New, yeah. Amateur models. People doing sex stuff. Crazy, crazy crazy. So, you know, to that point again, when you, when you start behaving a certain way, like when you have bad friends and you start behaving like them to get validation, a lot of times you're doing it against your conscience. But eventually your conscience just becomes numb and you stop having equal access to your conscience. And it kind of lowers your expectations because you feel like well, since I've done this, I can't get out of this and this begins this kind of spiral thinking. And I really see that about sex and porn and especially this porn 2.0 of people, they're, they're implicating themselves by putting themselves online. And once you're online, you lose control over your, your own imagery, about your own sexuality. And so I see it as a, as a real kind of bad condition that you're kind of making a deal that is not going to be beneficial over the long term whatsoever. But it's, it's definitely a trend that's growing in, you know, by the second. Yeah, sorry. I feel like an old man when I'm talking about this. Jeez, Louise. I feel so out of date. I can't, I can't imagine what it's like to be amongst you know, your peers that, where people are uploading themselves having sex online. Like, that's so Cavalier. It's, wow.

Sammy Uyama: Different World. Yeah. And I mean, this is one way in an alarming direction that things are going in and that's becoming normal. And not so long ago, that was completely unheard of.

Andrew Love: Totally unheard of. Within our, my parents generation, like, their parents had to bring a marriage certificate if they wanted to get a hotel room in America, because there's such a Christian Puritan spirit, right? From that to, you know, uploading yourself having sex for anybody to see. My God, it's crazy. Hop, skip and a jump man.

Sammy Uyama: Yeah. The next infographic has stats on a minute by minute basis. So just a few to read off that they get 80,000 visits every single minute. They've got 11,000 hours watched every single minute, and the ones that really stand out for me as something that I note that never crossed my mind is the idea of building a community around a porn site. For me, the idea of looking at porn is that you are doing it, you know, in the dark, in your closet, you know, just like away, private from everybody. And just what I know about pornography is how much it isolates people. But it... So for me, it's a such a telling thing that something that causes you to emotionally feel so disconnected and isolated, that becomes the source of what people are looking for connection through that. And these are interesting numbers. I got, like 343 friend requests sent. So I guess in Pornhub, you can have your own account, which makes sense probably, like saves your history. And you know, the same thing like YouTube and all these things, guys, like I can make suggestions or whatever. And so 612 users followed every single minute; 134 messages sent. They've got 387 video ratings, video comments. And this Pornhub is becoming a whole source of community for people, which is such an ironic thing for me. Yeah. Well, what do you think about that, Andrew?

Andrew Love: Yeah, well, I don't think the conversations that you'd be having, theyare conversations that you would repeat in front of your mom, in front of people that you respect - your idols, right. And that's, there's something to say about that. Right? Like, again, would you want to hang out with people where you can speak to them in a way, like the culture of your friends is like something that you wouldn't be ashamed of if your parents showed up? Or if they did show up, you'd be mortified because then they'd see who you really were, you know, this kind of thing is like it shows this dual life. And I can't imagine that you're becoming more enlightened on this platform. That you're making kindred spirits that will be there for you when you're sick or anything like that. It's just like, the stuff you're talking about are misery-loves-company kind of thing. You know? Where you're just talking about, you know, hey, look at this person. They're like this and this and you're kind of using each other to kind of pull each other down instead of lift each other up, right? Obviously, I'm not on that platform. But I've been in a locker room. I've been in situations where when sexuality isn't represented with dignity, it's used to kind of... somebody loses, right? It's either mocking somebody or it's using sex as a tool of power or something like that. So I don't imagine it's an uplifting atmosphere. But that's just me.

Sammy Uyama: It's funny. It's a funny wording. You're not on that platform. It's like any other social media. It's like, are you, are you on Instagram? Are you on Slide? What are they doing? What, Snapchat? Isntead, it's hey, what's your Pornhub ID?

Andrew Love: Well, we -you and I - we had that conversation with that dude, right, in Denmark. And, and he was very open about, you know, his... he's got, he's got his whole profile and he's talking about that. And he's even kind of ashamed of some of the stuff that pops up. But he's very open about it. And that was with us. And he knew our stance. And so I'm sure how much he would be open about talking about that with his friends, right? And again, the more you do it, the more you normalize it, the harder it is to kind of climb out of that. Because you're just kind of in the muck with everybody else, you know, huh? Yeah, crazy stuff. This is a whole new world for me. I really have never felt sincerely so old in my entire life. I feel so outdated because this is a world that I can't fathom. Just so out of touch. So...

Sammy Uyama: There's the ones that... Well, yeah, there's the ones that we really want to talk about, which is the trends for most searched terms. Yeah, a lot of stuff we can gleam out of that.

Andrew Love: So again, if you see this stuff, be careful because there's definitely some triggers here, but is the same as you know, I use this graphic, this chart in my presentation to talk about what's the impact on our society. Because in the top 10 most searched for terms on a website that's getting 48 billion visits per year, just in the last year and they're getting more and more. The the term "mother" comes up repeatedly, multiple multiple times, multiple times, and it's to me (crosstalk).

Sammy Uyama: We got one, two three, four, five! Five.

Andrew Love: So, again, so check it out. Because I've been, you know, steeped in the world of porn and kind of like talking about it very casually and all that and it's just like a byproduct of yeah, yeah, that's what people look at, right? Because you see it, and then whatever, whatever. It's just, it becomes a part of the cultural landscape. But then when you remove yourself from that whole world, and you can see it from a bird's eye view, not because I'm better nothing like that, not from above, I can see April, but you can see it from outside of the bubble of the porn bubble. And you've and it gives you a perspective of like, what in the world is happening; that we would be including the term mother in our sexual fantasies that isn't alarming that isn't shocking. Like, that should like Freud is, is shocked. Freud. Freud is the godfather of the Oedipus complex as a as a psychological theory. Right? But like...

Sammy Uyama: Right. That's the... you want to kill your dad and have sex with your mom.

Andrew Love: Yeah, yeah. That whole time. He loved that theory and he used it in everything he did. But even him you'd be shocked by how how much this is a trend and I, I interpret. My, my glib interpretation of looking at these stats and just constantly looking at them in shock is that people are really just looking for a mom, right? And they're sexualizing a relationship that they don't have because it's, there's such a void there, right? And again, there's different ways of, of that they're using the word mom in their searches, but like step mom and stuff like that, that they're sexualizing a mother because they're so absent of having real motherly love, right? And I see that, I see that. I definitely see that in myself. And I see that I mean, our faith background, you me, we're in the Family Federation, and it's really turning into understanding the power of the mother aspect of God because it's been so overlooked that we've not understood the dignity and the majesty and the power of women. And in the absence of respecting women, we've sexualized every possible relationship we have with them, I mean as men, right? And, and now it's it's at this apex where we're, we're sexualizing our own mothers. It's so crazy. I don't know, I'm really I'm shocked every time I see this because not, not just that that people are doing it but that's like so, so common that so many people are sexualizing the mother relationship as like it does. Do we not want to stop and talk about this for a second? You know, not just to me, but the society want to say whoa, timeout. Can we just talk about this for one hot second? Are we okay with this? Because I certainly am grossed out by it, you know? But I don't want to be this nagging voice of hey, you stop sexualizing your mother. Yet at the same time, I'm like, yo, seriously? Can we stop doing this? This is not... when you, when you wake up in the morning, you don't want to be that guy. Right? Huh?

Sammy Uyama: Yeah, I mean, I think that that really speaks to a lot. There's two other things that can, that I noticed. I mean, the one that is, one thing in particular that concerns me about just what people are into sexually is that the fascination with like, barely legal or under age, and like teens is always a teen is always a popular search term amongst porn websites. And it says something about this, this magical number of being 18 is that that's when you're legally allowed to have sex with someone without going to jail. And, I mean, there's nothing, I mean, biologically or emotionally, there's barely any difference between a 17 year old and an 18 year old, but just because someone happened, you know, they've, enough days of the year have gone by that they turn 18 years old, and then suddenly, it's perfectly acceptable to sexualize them. And it's this, this human, there's like, I think it's such a part of human nature is to want to push the boundary towards things. And that's kind of like the acceptable edge. And naturally, people always want to try to get as close as possible to that and, and tiptoe and crossing the others that you know, crossing the line. And and, you know, one of the biggest arguments people make for pornography is it's just a, you know, someone's private fantasy world and, you know, they're allowed to have whatever kinks that they want. And, you know, it's all just done in the privacy of their home, and it doesn't harm anyone. But, but, you know, you spend so much time with something and it's, some of your focus goes towards that. You can't not bring that with you into all other, into other areas of your life. And I just, you know, that of course, is just my opinion, might be speculating on it, but I just feel, like, so strongly that you spend hours looking at, you know, like fantas. Your fantasy is like having sex with high schoolers or middle schoolers. Just you know, this under age demographic, and how can you not, you know, bring that out into your normal life. And naturally, just automatically, even just start sexualizing young people when you see them on the street. Especially like, like, school uniform, that's such like a, like a, you know, a popular fetish amongst porn users. And you know, when you see someone in a uniform, how is that not the first thing that comes to your mind then?

Andrew Love: Absolutely, yeah, you transform from somebody who's meant to protect to a predator. He turned into a predator. Turns your motivation around. Honestly, that's one huge thing. For sure. The fact that you're sexualizing all these relationships, and it's called the quantification of the brain, right? Because everything becomes, turned into a porn scene. But when you become so steeped in it, then it's like, you know, it turns. you're looking out into the world and thinking, what do I get out of this? How can I take? And it's take, take, take; I want this, I want you like this, like this, like this. Rather than looking out and saying how can I give? Because when you're really looking out into the world and looking at people and saying, well, what can I do to help you? Then you realize that there's a human behind this fetish that you have. And when you're stuck at the level of fetish, it's a very low state of existence, because all you can see is what you want to see. You don't see the reality of that person. Right? So yes, absolutely. Fantasizing causes you to marginalize the human being to fit in to what you want out of them rather than seeing the human behind the fetish. And that's definitely something that we're seeing here because the next, the most popular searches worldwide again, was so much mother. This is a... oh my god... I can't. So and to go to your teen, you know, in the, this porn, the, the Fight the New Drug report, again, we'll have it in the show notes, talks about how a lot of the teen stuff like this search, search term for teen, teen is kind of down. And what they are hinting at is because it's almost just implied at this point that it's a part of the cultural landscape of porn, that they're going to be younger. And I know from a bunch of studies that they show that there's like this, kind of like, what is it drag... twin dragon kind of effect where the more that you've fetishize young people, the more it causes actors and actresses to look younger, but it also causes us to get younger kids to look older. So it creates this very unclear space where kids are no longer allowed to be kids and they're made to look like adults. They start wearing makeup younger. They have Victoria's Secret for little girls. they have thongs for little girls, really gross stuff. And then, but also the actors and actresses in porn are looking younger and younger on purpose. Because it's like creating this, this invisible, the line between consent is becoming erased in a way in the minds of people are fetishizing younger and younger people.

Sammy Uyama: Yeah, yeah. Well, so should we keep... I mean, what should... we, we can... should talk about other parts of this. So should we start wrapping up? I think we covered a lot. Yeah. Yeah, we did do a lot.

Andrew Love: Yeah. So you know, this is a, this is again, you know, Sammy, and I, we give a lot of talks and we speak to a lot of people. And sometimes it really feels like we're just beating the nail on the head. We're just kind of hammering the same point home. That this, the situation is pretty, pretty intense, pretty insane. Yet at the same time, I feel like it's healthy in small doses to really feel the true impact of what's going on. You can't live in that state. Because if you do, you will get burnt out and depressed. But every so often you do have to, you have to touch on the nerve, to feel, to feel. That's why we talk about these, these kind of issues in such detail on occasion, because it's important to allow ourselves to feel disgusted at points. But if you're constantly walking around feeling disgusted, you're not in a state to create something beautiful. So it's good to touch on it, but then also to say like okay, now that we've looked at this information, this Pornhub information, what are we going to do with it? Because the trend is clearly getting worse. But at the same time, it's allowing more and more people to wake up. So are we going to be a part of a counterculture? And if so, what does that counterculture look like? That's what really gets us excited here at High Noon.

Sammy Uyama: And because one of the thing, you know, we're kind of stepping away from just, you know, we've kind of gotten microscopic on the types of porn, right, and just... but let's step to, take a step back and talk about porn as a whole. And it's such a focus on the physical aspect of sex and yeah, all right, cool. I was talking about, okay. I want to so you know, we've gotten very microscopic on into pornography and what it looks like and what's trending. And I want to take a step back and just talk about pornography and what it represents. And, you know, it just focuses on the physical aspect of sex. And, you know, becomes about, you know, just finding the right, the thing that gives you the right chemical hit in your brain. And that's what kinks and fetishes, it's all what that focuses on. And basically, sex just becomes about mutual masturbation where you just get two bodies that rub against each other in the right way until you both get off. But sex is such a, but sex is so much more than that. It can be an entire spiritual experience where you know beforehand you get very present with someone. And you know, you're gazing into each other's eyes. And while you're making love, you're just there with each other, looking at each other and so aware of how much you love this person and so aware of how much this person loves you and your lives exist for one another. That is such a different kind of experience, which is impossible with, with pornography. It's just, everything becomes about just finding the right image. And this too much stimulation. So as always, just as a High Noon, we're not a, here, you know, we, like, like Andrew said, we like to get steeped in this once a while so we can really feel kind of the, what's the state of the world right now. And the state of sexuality and relationships. But High Noon, what we're actually about is painting the picture for what does a radiant, amazing sexual relationship and amazing radiant marriage look like. And that's what we want to paint the picture for you guys, and what we focus on creating. So thank you everybody for taking this deep dive with us today. And, as always, you can find out more about us at highnoon.org. And please, our deepest, most heartfelt request is that you take just 30 seconds to leave review and a rating for us in iTunes. Whatever podcasting app that you're using, it helps so much to get feedback and to help spread the word about what it is that we want to do and help bring sexual sanity to the people. So thank you very much. We'll see you next time.

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#5 - Why Quit Porn and Masturbation?


#2 - Thoughts on Pornography