#70 - My Experience as a High Noon Facilitator | Steve Pierce

Leadership refers to the ability to lead others, and no company or community can thrive without it. Being able to lead and be an example are very fulfilling. Showing how to conquer your struggles and help other people do it too can be a simple way of restoring humanity.

For this episode, we’ll be highlighting the story of Steve Pierce, a 65-year old American born in Seattle, who’s in the seafood business for over 40 years and has been affiliated with High Noon for three years now. His journey as a man, husband, father, and as a facilitator will be a great example for everyone who’s also struggling with their porn addiction and masturbation.

He’s one of the living testimonies on how High Noon greatly affected and helped him to achieve his goals and become a better person. He’ll be sharing with us how to be strong and courageous, how he rebuilt trust among people he loved, and how he preserved the innate desire for goodness and to do the right thing. In return, he receives the learning to love people, learn from their experiences and be an instrument used by God to help those who are on the battlefield. 

Many paths will lead you to High Noon, and you can have confidence that you will be with a team that will help you regain trust and hope within a marriage. Join the 15-Day Challenge to gain momentum in your journey towards sexual integrity.

  • We shouldn't be taking love, we shouldn't be earning love. We should just give and receive it.

  • It's very empowering, liberating, and freeing to be seen.

  • There's no better way than teaching to learn something you teach.

  • Freeing and restoring ourselves takes time.

  • Facilitating takes personal growth and development and recovery to a new level.

  • Don't let the conscience go away. Protect that conscience. Follow it.

Episode Transcript:

Andrew Love  

Welcome back to Love, Life and Legacy, a podcast that is custom-designed for anybody who wants to win at life, win at love, win at sex. That's what we do. In today's episode, Sammy is going to be interviewing a young man by the name of Steve Pierce. He is a very cool guy who's been through our program as a participant and then transformed tenfold when he became a facilitator of the very same ascend program.  We go into his journey as a man, as a husband, as a father and as a facilitator. It's pretty amazing to hear somebody who's so fired up after being a facilitator for almost two and a half years. He's still very much on the cutting edge of this revolution. Please enjoy as we host Steve Pierce on this beautiful, magnifying, magnificent magnanimous podcast. Enjoy. 

Sammy Uyama  

Welcome, welcome, welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to our next episode of the Love, Life and Legacy podcast, a show about sex. We're here to help navigate this crazy, sexualized world. I'm here with a wonderful guest, Mr. Steve Pierce. The one and only. Hey, Uncle Steve. It's great to have you here.

Steve Pierce  

Great to be here, Sammy. Thanks for the invite.

Sammy Uyama  

So the reason why all of you should be excited to listen to Uncle Steve Pierce is he is one of our long running High Noon facilitators and a super awesome, really cool, super cool guy.  We want to talk about his experience facilitating and what he's gotten. Before we go into that, Uncle Steve, tell us a little bit about yourself, your family, your work so people can get a sense of who you are. 

Steve Pierce  

High Noon wise, I have been affiliated with this fantastic organization for almost three years now, and so good. I have one daughter. She's 26. My wife is from Japan. We are international. That's the gist of it.  Okay, I can do that. Steve Pierce. I am, let's see agewise, well, I guess you might need to know that I am 65. I'm American, born in Seattle. I'm in Las Vegas right now. I'm in the seafood business for an awful long time, well over 40 years.

Sammy Uyama  

When were you blessed?

Steve Pierce  

 Yes. 82, married since then. 

Sammy Uyama  

Yes, right. Wow. Yes, you're also coming up on 40 years?

Steve Pierce  


Sammy Uyama  

Nice idea. Did you sign up for the cruise? Did you hear about the cruise? 

Steve Pierce  

I did hear about it. I need to go over that with my darling. I'll check that out. Yes, I definitely will.  By the way, I grew up in Seattle in San Diego. It is a major cruise port. A lot of cruises leave out of this. Definitely, I'm no stranger to cruises. I've been dating in Ensenada, Mexico out of San Diego.

Sammy Uyama  

You'll be familiar. For all those listening, if you've no clue what we're talking about, the summer of 2022, the 1982, 6500 plus couples will be celebrating their 40th blessing anniversary. We're organizing a giant celebration cruise for them, and everyone is welcome.  One daughter. Alright, awesome. You've been with High Noon for going on three years now. Now you're a facilitator, doing two groups. Maybe tell us a little about your High Noon origin story, how you got connected to High Noon and how you end up becoming a facilitator.

Steve Pierce  

Okay, alright. Happy to share that. That's one thing about High Noon. We become at peace and happy to share our real heart. What's good about life is we want all to be true people. How did I get into High Hoon? I guess, maybe the way I'd like to say it is that there was some unfinished business in my life. This unfinished business started when I was eight years old. Then just to call a spade a spade to just be really super clear about it, most males on this planet are indoctrinated into what High Noon very aptly says imitation love.  This is not a good thing that an entire race of people, our human family, God's family, this happens to us that we're indoctrinated into something like that. When we actually should be raised in what High Noon also aptly calls real love, or also Greg bear as this name. 

Sammy Uyama  


Steve Pierce  

The author, right? Yes, great book. I think so many, the vast majority of people even in their older years, recognize that there is unfinished business because it's hard to finish that business. But we do need to in our life, we really do and we can. With the help of some great people, like High Noon and some of.  The unfinished business is that we have to stop trying to earn love. How's it put in the learning lesson? Even the recent High Noon curriculum for the group calls, we shouldn't be taking love. We shouldn't be earning love. We just give and receive it. That's the correct order, then we'll be healthy. We'll be very happy people. We really try and take love and when we get out of sexual integrity, I think everybody's heart knows what they're doing deep down. We don't admit it. We don't say that but we're taking love. Anytime that a man, if a woman bends over and a man wants to see her breasts, they're taking. That's taking action, spiritually. Then even if they may get excited or like it or they may do it a thousand times, it's taking action. It's not give and receive.  Then when we try to earn love, like just looking good. I want to look good. That's trying to earn love. That also our heart, our spirit is not going to ever be comfortable. It's not going to ever truly be happy. Temporarily... not really.  Earning and taking, all those things, taking love, we can't do that. We have to stop and mature and wise up and become more people. Anyway, a lot of us know that we've been fake, we've been trying to look good. A lot of us know that we've led double lives, we objectified the opposite sex. Objectifying people. When we get called on it, we go. Yet, that isn't good to objectify a human being. We're not thinking about their heart, who they are. We're just making them an object of our visual delight or whatever. That's all unfinished business for a lot of people. We're just the luckiest people in life. It's a time in history when God, our heavenly Parent, when through working with each other, we can actually finally get past that. But not by ourselves, like the motto, the mantra of High Noon. Not by ourselves.  I couldn't get through it by myself as much as I tried. I needed to finish this business. Stop earning love and then don't get out of integrity, sexual integrity, and then I couldn't do it. But I started taking the classes on High Noon, three years ago, and I was just enraptured by the content. It's brilliant stuff. It's just explaining what's going on.  This is what's going on in my brain. This is what's going on in my emotional level. It pinpointed everything very correctly. And the people on my calls, on our High Noon group calls, that we're talking about on this particular podcast, they're also, they can't believe the materials that they're reading.  They think I just wrote that or that's me, person after person says that. Where is this coming from? It's being pinpointed so accurately. It's so nice when someone knows who we are. When they can see. I see you. I know you. It's so nice to be seen even if it's not the prettiest part of ourselves. It's very empowering and liberating. It's freeing to be seen.

Sammy Uyama  

Three years ago, you had this unfinished business in your life regarding sexual integrity. So you connected to High Noon, taking the course, and then you joined the group. And that was the very beginning for you. 

Steve Pierce  

Yes, I was eager to make progress to advance myself, my recovery. After a lifetime of historically inheriting all these things, I really sought a chance to really make progress, so I just jumped at it. I really did it. When I was asked, that's when I was after six months of taking just pure courses online. Then I took the jump of enrolling in a group call, which is a scary thing to do. Just like taking a dive and blindly diving in some deep water. 

Sammy Uyama  

Yes, so many people, they've experienced what you're talking about. They may start out with letting me do the things I can do by myself. That nobody needs to know then. Then you did have the courage to take that next step.

Steve Pierce  

Yes. I'd also like to say that how can I become a facilitator? I was asked to after about one year. And I thought, I am very eager to make progress. There's no better way than teaching to learn something. You teach it, then you'll learn it. What better way is that. Also, I saw a chance. If I do this, I think I can actually reach the finish line. I don't know how else I could, so I said yes to being a facilitator for High Noon. Also, the second point, that was for myself. Second point, I really sensed, of course, the vital importance that this ministry has on so many people. Actually, to be honest, on an entire world, let's be honest about it, the entire world is embroiled in this kind of situation and it's enveloped in factual lack of integrity and also just imitation love. It's being smothered in imitation love. People are raised up in it to this day, this minute.  The last thing I'd like to say about how I round up as a facilitator was the more I invest and have experiences, the more I want to do more. Isn't that crazy? It made me think of doctors without borders. The doctors without borders, they go to the scariest places. They are politically unstable. Why do they do it? They keep going back. I just sense the need, and I know what's really vital, and I guess I always wanted to be a revolutionary. I don't know, I went to school at UC Berkeley. I'm from California. Revolutionary.

Sammy Uyama  

Yes. During, in the 70s or so?

Steve Pierce  

Yes, '75.

Sammy Uyama  

The hippie revolution going on?

Steve Pierce  

I can show you my driver's license, '75. My daughter has it.  Therefore, for all those reasons, personal reasons and sensing the vital importance of what's going on, it was not hard to accept that I'll be a facilitator. So that's how that happened. 

Sammy Uyama  

You talked about it, so a matter of fact. But in actuality,I just want to highlight the depth of your heart and you're thinking of that. First of, your innate desire for goodness and to do the right thing, and to be a certain level of husband for your wife and then for a father, I'm sure. But bigger than that, even just as a member of this world, in an area that so many people struggle with, you recognize the importance of getting that area right, of getting the area of sex right. Then you wanted to, first of all, model that with the vision that you want to be able to help other people. Then when the opportunity comes, it's a very natural step for you.

Steve Pierce  

That's how the facilitation came upon me. Like I said, I just want to do more. This year, I have some brand new members and some new calls, a new territory.

Sammy Uyama  

Some context for listeners, you're still with your original group going on for two and a half, three years or so now?

Steve Pierce  

Yes, I am.

Sammy Uyama  

Fantastic. Currently, you're facilitating two groups. One for young husbands or fathers, young fathers, and then one for 50 plus demographic. And previously, any other kinds of groups that you facilitated?

Steve Pierce  

One was a mixed young second generation single, and with one young father. So, mixed young but it's more clarified now with the young father group.

Sammy Uyama  

Then maybe that dozen or so people you've worked with as a facilitator, what have you recognized that they've gotten from the experience of participating in a group? 

Steve Pierce  

What have they gotten? Actually, I asked them.

Sammy Uyama  

That's a really good way to find out.

Steve Pierce  

People, one of them said, let's see. He got, I'm just looking at my notes here. Community, consistency and accountability. And the person that said that is actually in a good place right now. Typically, what we'll find out and what we know firsthand, secondhand and any hand, we'll find out depending on the situation. This particular endeavor to free ourselves and restore this takes time. It really takes time, it could take years, several years, who knows? Quite a few people have experiences where they felt they needed help before and they accessed a group called SA, Sexaholics Anonymous. So many, they didn't want to continue because it just seemed endless. They wanted something more. I really think that the High Noon program has somehow a mixture of just the bonding and the camaraderie that we need with, really inspiration and revelation behind what recovery means those two together. I'm really finding a lot of success with High Noon for people but it does take time. I know definitely what I want to acknowledge them for. I want to tell you. One is following their conscience. I want to acknowledge each and every person that I've worked with before. It's tough to follow your conscience, but they do. How beautiful.  I want to acknowledge another thing. Their filial heart towards you, towards their spouse. Yes, I should be a good husband or wife. I talked to husbands, the male category. Being filial to spouse and towards children. I want to be a good parent, or if they're single, I want to be a good child. I don't want to disappoint parents and then rob them of their joy and even the filial towards God. So, filial heart they still have inside, I think that's fantastic.  I commend everyone for not giving up and not giving in and for just being tough and to keep going. I also knowledge, every participant that I've worked with, for pioneering, we are pioneering something, and it's like a revolution. But it's a very special revolution, it's the final revolution, maybe. A really critical revolution for humanity, we got to overcome this. On the other side of this, there's a really good, really good life. Good world. This is blocking everything. The struggles people have. The walls people have in their relationship. People go to the spirit world with unresolved issues, so everyone's a pioneer.  Yes, I just respect every person, whatever their situation. Whatever they've been through, I definitely need to say that.

Sammy Uyama  

What have you gotten out of being a facilitator? You're giving of yourself tremendously to these people and what does it return for you?

Steve Pierce  

Yes. I know what I'm receiving. Learning to love people. What's our best life? What's my best life? That's learning to love people, this relationship, obviously. That's why their group calls are just awesome. That's what it's all about really. My activity and all my work has bolstered my own hopes, my own personal hope, for sure. Facilitating has bolstered it.  I'm feeling hope to win over the greatest challenge in my personal success of my life. The greatest challenge there, I think there is no greater challenge, honestly speaking, than this. Because of that, I have hope for other people, for a lot of other people going through a lot of tough things. I can look them in the eye and I can have hope. If they look at me, I hope they'll pick that up and they'll sense that. They'll sense, "God, somehow this guy has so much hope."  Also, I do want to say that only through so much effort, can we really hope to eradicate something so difficult from my one individual life but for the sake of humanity, historically too. It's been impossible basically for humanity to overcome this. We can. So High Noon has really bolstered my hope for that, personally and collectively. It has, it really has.   Facilitating by the way, takes personal growth and development and recovery to a new level. Absolutely facilitating does just that. Since we're talking about that here, that's what I'm getting out of it. There's so many things. Like I said, learning to create. Creating a better life, my best life, my better life, step by step, not overnight.  Real love cutting off from imitation love. Exactly that same point over and over again. I think people talk to anyone about me like family members or people I know, the local community, or people I work with. I have a feeling, I have a strong feeling, they'll say, "Sometimes, Steve has a lot of energy or excitement." Maybe, sometimes I'm hyper, because of something good. It is contagious for those listening. If you can't hear it, and Uncle Steve's voice, I can attest that the sparkle in his eye. That's very contagious.

Sammy Uyama  

Alright, Uncle Steve, what about your relationship with your wife? How has that changed or developed over the past three years?

Steve Pierce  

That's deep. That's a big important question. Yes, it has actually. The more progress I make, what can I say, the walls are being brought down. And there are. Of course, there are. After a lifetime of being imperfect, and even not overcoming, like I said, not finishing the business of what I needed to do. Just to see the hope that trust can be regained. It's just been only good, especially particularly like being a facilitator. Like I said, I really jumped on it. I thought, this is my best shot, my best chance to really make progress. I mean really. And then to finish this thing, finish it.  We really need to do that too, honestly speaking. It's been just, you can ask her. That's been actually, the way you said of what I got out of facilitating? Yes, that too. I forgot to mention that. Look at my relationship with my wife, so nice. So it's getting so nice now. I couldn't say it if it wasn't true. 

Sammy Uyama  

I think that really gives hope to a lot of people just to know that it's possible to rekindle something or to regain trust and hope within a marriage. There is no such thing as too late or too old.

Steve Pierce  

Yes. I know a lot of people. I know so many people think this is almost impossible. Rebuilding trust, that's tough. How long exactly is it gonna take? Half a forever or really overcoming this. What if I don't. I want to attest to something different.  By the way, Sammy, I don't know if everyone sees Sammy, but he definitely has a sparkle in his eyes all the time.

Sammy Uyama  

That's just good lighting. That's what I've got. Just to wrap up. People are listening in, a lot of the people that tune into episodes, they're wondering, they're interested because they want to overcome porn masturbation, and regain their integrity within themselves. So they're wondering if is it possible? What's it gonna take? There's also a group of people that like yourself, they just have this heart to help others.  People listening from these two sides. So what would you have to say to both of these groups? The people, they're on the edge, they're like, "Should I join a group? Could this really help me?" Then those others, they're like, "Yes, I really have this heart to help. I'm considering being a facilitator. Should I do it?" What would you like to say to both of those different kinds of people?

Steve Pierce  

Okay, the first thought that comes to me is to take the plunge. Yes, follow your gut feeling. Follow your conscience. Our conscience guides us. Don't let the conscience go away. Protect that conscience, follow it. It never says do something. There's a possibility where it gets dulled later, so do it. Act now. Be here now. I just want to say take charge, be decisive. Be strong. Be courageous. What can I say? All those things to that group. Free your heart, free our heart. Free God's heart. When we free our heart, we're freeing God's heart and everybody else's at the same time. When people see us free, how do they feel? When I compromise before my co-workers, they don't like it. They go, "Steve, you just had a vacation and you came back, you still look stressed. Are you okay?" They know. I don't say anything, putting out my best face, and they know spiritually. I want to say to everyone considering that, "should I really make an effort or can I do this or should I?" Yes. Do it for freedom.  Second group of potential facilitators, I do have things to say that too, honestly. I will say though, right now. We got to realize if you're thinking about it, that we don't do it alone. Just like recovery, we're not doing it alone. We're doing it as a team. Yes, then when we facilitate, we are team facilitators. And look at this, luckily, High Noon has facilitator group care and facilitator group development . Therefore, it's all there. There's no stone left unturned. It's all covered. You're joining a team, really nice to join a team. That probably is not so nice to have, to help you by yourself doing something like that. I do want to say to potential facilitators, the classic True Parents teaching, for those who follow True Parents, the thing I've heard for so long is the more people we love, the bigger our heaven is. Potential facilitators, the question is, do we want a bigger heaven? I do. I want it, I need it. I really need it. It's good for me. Big heavens.  Maybe lastly, for facilitators, I want to say very much, we're needed. You're needed. The world needs more people doing that. Then also, just logically, here's some logic here, thinking about business. Would you want to be on the first floor of a burgeoning global enterprise? "Yes, I would. Yes, please. I'll take that." High Noon is the first floor of a burgeoning global revolution leading to heaven on earth. So, hey, being on the ground floor, everyone, you're not gonna regret it.

Sammy Uyama  

Those are fantastic points. There's just so much to be gained. Joining a group, facilitating a group.  Best point, I think, is that there's no doing it alone. Whatever way you come into High Noon, you're with the team. The coolest team ever, and hard work for sure. You have to face yourself in some areas. But overall, it's such a fantastic and fun experience even.

Steve Pierce  

It is. Come back for more. I'm coming back for more. You can finish your potential facilitators. Like to have that famous world war two picture and slogan. Uncle Sam wants you. Well, Sammy wants you.

Sammy Uyama  

Yes, please. Send me a message. Send me an email. I'd love to have you.

Steve Pierce  

Want the poster. 

Sammy Uyama  

Yes. Uncle Steve, thank you so much for sharing your heart, your soul with us. It's really hope and freedom that I think it's just what there is to be gained from your experience, your story from people.

Steve Pierce  

Thank you for asking, because asking another person, another human being to do things, good things, that's what love is. Love is when we want to try, we ask them. Can you do this? Can you help me? Let's be free to ask. Thank you for asking me to share some things this evening.

Sammy Uyama  

All right, so for you all listening, hope you had so much fun as I did. And we'll see you guys next time. Thank you.

Andrew Love  

I hope you found that episode enjoyable. Before we go, I wanted to challenge you to take your life on, to take your life to the next level. If you're struggling in any way with pornography, with masturbation, with issues of sexuality that just are not helping you at all, if you want to reclaim your life, reclaim your eyes and ears, your time, your energy, then take our free 15-Day Challenge. If you go to highnoon.org, you can find our 15-Day Challenge right there on the front page. Take it. It's absolutely free, no strings attached. We've designed it to help you gain some level of momentum in your journey of sexual integrity so that you can take the next step, whatever that may be. It could be to go to our deeper ascend program, which is a 90-Day program we have. It could be to reach out to that accountability partner. It could be to just take whatever steps you need to take in your journey to build the life of heavenly sexuality that you deserve. Go to highnoon.org right now if you want to break up with porn and start to get engaged with the life of your dreams and eventually get married. Doesn't it sound nice? So go to highnoon.org to find all of those resources and more. It's been a slice.

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