Boundaries Help You Create a Standard for Yourself

Let's face it—the people you spend time with have an impact on your life. It's important to set boundaries because anyone can be influenced, no matter how independent you are.

Research shows obesity, infidelity, divorce and other behaviors are contagious. People attract and hang out with others who have a common base. It's easy to think, "everybody does this", because you subtly avoided those who don't!

What Are Your Friends Into?

Look honestly at your friends and associates. Do some of them encourage porn-viewing, masturbation and a casual attitude towards sex in general? Would they support your efforts to change? If not, you need to distance yourself as much as you can.

That might be very difficult because you like your friends. You don't want them to feel hurt and you don't want to judge them. But there's a time in our lives when we all have to make hard choices. If you were a recovering alcoholic, would you hang out at a bar?

Choose Your Standard and Take Action

And remember, boundaries you're not willing to enforce aren't boundaries. Unless you can speak up and take action to let people know what you will, and wont accept, then you have no real standard. Without a standard you're at the mercy of what everyone else chooses to do.

Anyone who wants to make a positive change in their life will face some opposition. That opposition comes from two places; within yourself and from others. It's hard enough to deal with the opposing forces inside yourself without adding external temptation. You're trying to train yourself to think differently and feel differently, so why put yourself in situations or with people who will cause you to regress?

New Friends, New Life

So, if you're really ready to create the life that you want to live - then start choosing to hang out with people who support the path you really want to be on. Your future happiness and success depend on the choices you make in the present.

You can still join "Ascend" - High Noon's Porn Recovery Program, today!

Benefits of Joining Ascend:

  • More tools for avoiding and dealing with triggers

  • More resources

  • Built-in support with groups, buddies and Accountability Partners provided


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