#190 - How to be Confident in my Recovery

Get ready to be electrified with our latest, supercharged episode of "Love Life and Legacy!" Our dynamic duo, Andrew and Benjy, are set to take you on a thrilling exploration of confidence – that secret sauce that can turbocharge your journey to recovery.

They're not just going to talk about it in some abstract, highfalutin way. No, siree! They're going to bust those pesky myths that have been holding you back, highlight the life-changing magic of self-belief, and dish out some seriously practical tips to help you build rock-solid confidence.

Embarking on a self-betterment journey? Struggling with addiction? Or simply itching to rouse your untapped potential? This episode is a shining beacon of inspiration. Brace yourself to acquire the tools that will enable you to master the art of confidence and truly bloom in your distinct journey. So, are you game for a deep dive into the extraordinary? Let's set this adventure ablaze!

Here are some of the topics that we’ve discussed:

  • How understanding our beliefs can lead to transformation

  • Unlocking the power of investment: From uniquely terrible to uniquely beautiful

  • Shattering beliefs: Discovering the untold success stories of porn recovery

  • The process of changing beliefs about God and the challenging conversations that ensued

  • Tools like hypnotism to work on the subconscious mind and boost confidence

  • Exploring the impact of core beliefs on self-perception and what is possible in life

  • The importance of curiosity and seeking guidance from mentors in letting go of limiting beliefs

  • The power of investing in oneself and the potential for both positive and negative outcomes

  • Overcoming the belief that recovery from addiction is impossible through sharing success stories

  • The journey of self-discovery and the profound impact it can have on confidence and recovery

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We’re NOT the P@rn People.


High Noon at Sun Moon (pretending to be smart)