Protect Your Family With Covenant Eyes

No child is safe from the aggressive pursuit of internet porn. If your neighbor was trying to get your child's attention for inappropriate activities you'd report it to the police. Unfortunately, it's much harder to catch online predators, and they're much closer to home than your neighbor.

Don't Wait Until It's Too Late

In the past, children were taught about "Stranger Danger", but that's not enough anymore. The internet is probably less safe than your neighborhood, and it's in your home and your pocket all the time. The porn industry is a predator, and it's a business. It uses freebies to hook future customers while they're young and don't know any better.

You can't control what happens on the school playground or when your child visit's a friend's house, but you can teach them how to respond. By setting a clear standard at the home of what's a good use of the internet and what's not, you help your children develop a moral conscience. You can teach your kids to rise above porn's tactics.

Covenant Eyes Software Helps Protect Family Values

CE software monitors your family's internet use with settings you control per person. Parents receive reports so they can have conversations with their kids about their internet habits and what they experience online.

“ Your online values should match your offline ones.” - Covenant Eyes

Through this process, you can teach your children that not everything online is healthy, or a reflection of what's true and good. The optional Filter, which uses age-based content ratings, provides an extra level of protection for young children. it on all your devices for one price. It can be used with Windows, Mac, iPhone®, Android™, and Kindle Fire HD, and Covenant Eyes has great tech support.CE also offers free educational materials to help your family live safely online. Go to:

Other Parent Resources:


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