Society Is Set Up for Us to Lose Our Sense of Purity

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Purity 2.0 is a state of being, a daily exercise of mind, heart, and spirit. A pure mind sees possibilities, a pure heart is grateful, and a pure spirit serves others with love. This contrasts with a world filled with skepticism, judgment, and distraction, leading us to lose our sense of purity.

One of the worst distractions is pornography, which distorts our understanding of sex and creates emotional distance. Prioritizing a pure mind, heart, and spirit helps us build a culture of connection and fulfillment, counteracting these negative influences. This is High Noon Culture. Join us in creating a pure water culture, connecting us all and ushering in a new era of love and integrity.


#237 - High Noon's Impact In Latin America


#236 - High Noon's Expansion In Europe