#28 - Simple Sex vs. Complex Sex

The key to a happy and healthy marriage, aside from love, is intimacy. In today's episode of Love Life Legacy Podcast, Andrew and Sammy talked about different insights on marriage and sex, which go hand in hand. They also tackled the advantages and disadvantages of simple and complex sex and having fixations of a sexual nature.

  • Andrew and Sammy tune in from Bali and Korea to discuss sex in simple yet complex ways.

  • Why does sex need to be complex?

  • How does Sammy experience the greatest love from his wife?

  • Has it always been simple for Sammy to experience love from his wife?

  • What´s Andrew´s take on simplicity?

  • What is complex sex?

  • Golden nuggets from Andrew´s perspective on love

  • How did cellulite and plastic surgery become such a thing?

  • Some advice on using your mouth

  • What does forcing your spouse to be someone else for your own happiness?

  • How does dignity relate to self-care and making your spouse happy?

  • Sammy´s sex complexity/simplicity

  • What is Andrew´s take on a 14 out of 10 experience?

  • Why simplicity trumps complexity

Episode Transcript:

Sammy Uyama: Welcome, welcome, ladies and gentlemen, we're here for another episode. It's so good to be back with you. It is your wonderful hosts, I am Mr. Sammy Uyama together with...

Andrew Love: Sammy's other Uyama, Andrew, Love Yama.

Sammy Uyama: Andrew Love Yama, a special guest here with us today. Where are you tuning in from?

Andrew Love: I'm still in Bali, man. The airport's still closed. I'm happy about that. I've never, I've, I could probably binge watch a lot of trapped on island shows and movies and really relate. I'm just gonna watch Castaway but this is much better than that because they, they have really nice restaurants and they accept credit cards and have bank machines and I don't have to befriend a ball.

Sammy Uyama: Yeah, you, you've not gotten insane and growing your beard out to your belly button. And...

Andrew Love: Well, truth be told I might have. I'm, maybe I'm totally alone and I just think I'm with my family and it's like the Shining, but on an island, the Shiniland, yeah so, hopefully this is all really reality. And if it is, I'm having the time of my life and if not, I'm crazy and having the time in my mind.

Sammy Uyama  01:15

I hope so as well because that has a lot of implications for me and everyone else listening in and what that means for us. If we were, if we really exist, and we're just a figment of your imagination. 

Andrew Love: This is a, you guys are like three layers deep of my inception. Okay?

Sammy Uyama: You need one of the spinny tops, they'll solve all your problems.

Andrew Love: Yeah, I, somebody gave me one of those once and I lost it. So, I don't know where that went.

Sammy Uyama: I hope not. Very useful in this scenario is that...

Andrew Love: Where are you, sir? Where are you?

Sammy Uyama: I am in Korea, a different city. Chungju for all of you, Korea, aficioyado, aficionados, what's the word? All the people actually know what I'm talking about. I'm at a different city, completely and part of the country. It's like I went from New York City to Mobile, Alabama that's what you guys can imagine what's going on right now?

Andrew Love: I don't know if that's a fair comparison, I would say you went from like New York City to Albany. There's still, it's still like the same restaurants, it's just made out of more authentic ingre- ingredients in the countryside.

Sammy Uyama: Yeah, it's true. You can't, I mean, as it takes you probably about five hours to drive end to end from the country, so you can't go too far away.

Andrew Love: Yeah, come on. You like upstate New York?

Sammy Uyama: Yeah.

Andrew Love: You guys are waiting for a package right? Something that cannot be delivered by Amazon.

Sammy Uyama: Yeah, the stork. That's, that's what brings that one in. So we're waiting for the stork to arrive. I need, next three weeks sometime, it'll be a little blue package will be coming in.

Andrew Love: Hopefully not blue. An intervention, Sammy that to break the news to you, that it's not a stork. It's a penis in a vagina and the penis coughs into the vagina and the vagina gets a virus known as a baby.

Sammy Uyama: Wow, I wish I'd known that sooner if only there were a podcast that was actually talking about those things and I get…

Andrew Love: Yeah, you're just hearing, I just heard it in the locker room. So that's how I know.

Sammy Uyama: Well, that's, well, welcome to the show everybody that's it as, as smooth as marbles on a rock on, on your uncle, Fernando's rugged beard face that you can...

Andrew Love: Today, guys, we're gonna talk about something, okay? We're going to talk about simple versus complicated, and that's great, because the simple way to introduce the show is like, "Hey, welcome to the show. And this is what we're going to talk about." We went...

Sammy Uyama: Yeah.

Andrew Love: ...complicated and we got lost and that's fine.

Sammy Uyama: Isn't it interesting, Andrew, because it's, it's pretty universal. It's like all, all truly good things tend to be simple. And when they are complex and convoluted, that's when you start heading just down the spiral and the quality deteriorates is equally.

Andrew Love: Yeah, and it's unnecessary. There's like, there's sometimes a need to be complicated for the sake of status, right? If you think about status, complicated discourse, right? Like when people use fancy vernacular language, a lot of times is just to sound a certain way. It's, it's the nomenclature, right? It's like,

Sammy Uyama: Yeah.

Andrew Love: I'm gonna use this word to fit into a certain group.

Sammy Uyama: Yeah.

Andrew Love: But the thing is true art is like, when an artist really evolves, they go from being simple to complicated back to simple when they've really mastered their art form. It's like, as a painter. They use less lines. They don't make more lines, the better they get. It's like how much can I express in fewer lines, and there's, there's a mastery in the simplicity. And so perhaps there's a need to kind of touch on complicated but for simplicity is where God dwells it seems.

Sammy Uyama: Another example would be people who use words like vernacular and nomenclature to describe what they're talking about.

Andrew Love: That's what we want to talk about in terms of love and in terms of sexuality is that we're living in a, in an way too convoluted, you know, version of what love could be and in my opinion should be in same with sex and because of that we, it's almost unsustainable. I mean, it is basically unsustainable and we're seeing the results of having too complex a system in something that should never be like that. So, let's get into it. Okay? Let's talk about love like, Sammy, in the, in the areas that you and Yi Gyu, your wife. Feel and express love. Do you feel like, like, love is best when it's like crazy, complicated and you have to read into it or like how do you receive love the most? Like in what way do you feel love and know that, "Oh, my wife loves me." Is it, is it a simple transaction or is it a complicated, like she has to jump on one foot and spin around and...

Sammy Uyama: Wearing yellow ribbons, right?

Andrew Love: Yeah.

Sammy Uyama: Yeah, it's, it sounds cheesy, whatever you want, but like, you know when, for me, in my relationship with my wife when she's, when she listens to me and is really affirming what I say and like, what I'm sharing with her, she treats as important, and even if she's not interested in the topic, but because I care about it, she wants to, to listen, to be the receptacle, right? For my enthusiasm. I feel, I feel a lot of appreciation for her in those instances. And then, just when she'll, like talking to her right? It's another thing, I just feel a lot of love for her and yeah, I think it is really, these really simple expressions of love that are the most meaningful. Well, here's a follow up question is, was it always simple to understand what you needed, to feel loved? Or was that a process? Because you guys have been married for quite some time, right? There was a, like a, kind of like, all your feelings were complicated in the beginning, but now that you've worked them out, they become more simple. So she can know, "Oh, I need to listen to Sammy so that he feels loved." And then you say, "I want to be listened to so I can feel loved," and it's, the transactions, is it simpler now? Because you've worked on it? I guess that's my question. That's a great, that's a great question. I think it's simpler because I don't have, working on making it simpler or just understanding ea- one another and understanding ourselves better, simplifies it, maybe that's more accurate. Like, yeah, there was, there was a time when we, when we would argue about that, like, "Oh, you don't appreciate me" and, and then we'd always make it so, that's it, I think it's another sign comp- like arguing, arguments are about complication, right? When you get so, when you get really into the, the specifics of like, you know when you said this, then you look that, you know, I didn't like the way you looked or the way the tone of your; and when you focus on those things, all those complications and that's how our arguments would be or our spats, we want to call them, you're not appreciating me, it's when, you know I would, you know that she's like, "What do you want?" and then we'd also get into so details about our demands from one another about like, if you do this and under this some circumstances and then you're able to listen to me and appreciate me then. And then if you, everything lines up perfectly, then I'll know that you love me and that you appreciate me.

Andrew Love: Well, it's funny because it seems like we don't want to be simple, even the word simple, as when, when describing a person is an insult right? You're always simple meaning stupid, right?

Sammy Uyama: Right.

Andrew Love: But in fact, you know, it's when you have any type of coach or therapist or mentor, who can break down what you're experiencing at any given time. It's actually quite simple as like, "Oh, you're frustrated, because you're feeling misunderstood." And you're like, "No, well, yes, no, it's more complicated that," it's like, no, it's not more complicated than that. You have some basic unmet emotions that you're not able to understand because your mind is racing around and all sorts of like, weird jumpy loop de loops.

Sammy Uyama: It's never actually about the situation or the situation, it's just, that thing that situa-, and then it's like underneath that, like, everything, all the connotations to do with it, which could be that.

Andrew Love: Yeah, just like, base core elements of what you need are very simple. It's peppered like, like alchemy, right? Alchemy is like the extraction of gold and getting rid of all the nonsense and that nonsense makes the gold less pure, and in many cases unusable. People don't even recognize that there's gold in places that alchemists do. Right? So alchemists can make gold out of things that other people think is just dirt or rocks or whatever, right? And they find the gold and the gold, in its purest form, is very, quite simple. It's just one metallic element. And I guess that's, that's like a good mentor or coach or therapist can do that too, is just pointing out the fact that you have a bunch of unnecessarily complicated junk that's making the gold that's in your like, separated and unattached, and when they can just sort out all the garbage and just leave the gold, then you, it's very simple, right? For lack of a better analogy, like that's, that's essential, we have gold in us and the stuff that prevents us from being that gold and feel that gold is just distracted minds. It's wrong concepts. It's the stuff that we've inherited through genealogy, through our lineage, or through our environment, through, to people. And then it's really just a matter of - in cultures like in the East here, where you and I are, where the elderly are celebrated for their wisdom rather than tucked away in, you know, shelters to be avoided because they're gross and old. It seems like the wiser you are, the simpler your life is, you're just happy just, just to sit down. You're just happy to look at the sky. You don't need an Xbox. And like, I was talking to one guy last week, and he's like, he can't even play video games. He has to play video games while having his, he checks his phone for this thing. And he has another tab open for that thing, it's like holy crap. He realized when he was saying how complicated his joy, his process of deriving joy from many different women, how many factors are involved. Right? Whereas at our, at our crew, at our, like, most base form, it's, you know, like, the more evolved we are, I think the more you can just find joy just in the fact that you are alive. That's the starting point. Anything else is just, you know, gravy on top.

Sammy Uyama: Yeah, it's, so, that's the, hopefully, we've convinced you of that simple, outweighs complex and just about any area of life. And we want to talk about this specifically with love, which we did on sex. That's such an important area to bring this concept to and to look at, what is simple sex look like versus you know, complex sex. I think what, we'll talk about a little bit, but everyone will recognize it for it, it's kind of like the way people think of sex now, that's it's very complicated, but let's get, we'll get lost in that complexity, Andrew, and what is complex sex look like? Let's start with that.

Andrew Love: Fetishes, kinks, they're all taught to us, this is not you know, it's not something that we're born, born with. It's like a desire for SNM or like, stuff like that, you know, it's a, it's like, you know, stuff that we've accumulated over time. And what that does is it prevents you from just simply enjoy, again, like the analogy of being an old person. Just sitting on a chair, looking out into the world with nothing but gratitude. Versus, you know, the person who has to have, you know, a cell phone, a laptop, they need, you know, all these things in line for them to experience joy. If you, if you put that in the realm of sex, it's like well, just being with your spouse, and just loving them for who they are and celebrating them in their entirety and not needing anything of them and just wanting to give, you're just grateful and it's and sex becomes the highest form of an exchange of gratitude. Okay? That's simply put, imagine that sex is just the exchange of gratitude from one person to the other. And you don't need anything versus: Can you wear this? Can you look like this? Can you act like this? Can you be like this and that's all shrinking them and shriveling them down to fit into a very narrow path of what you believe to be sexy or, or to fit your needs, right? And that becomes complicated because there are all these twists and turns and jumps that people have to then jump through, to satisfy their needs.

Sammy Uyama: You know, you only experience satisfaction or appreciation when every, all these circumstances line up perfectly, right? Like you're, you're, the guy you're talking about with the video game now, he can't just play video games. He got to have this thing open and be listening to that. And the same way and only under all those elements are there, then he's like, "Okay, I'm enjoying this." And it's the same thing, the more niche and the more like narrowed down and it's, you're gonna experience that a lot less. That's what this one effect, I think.

Andrew Love: And also like, the density of the joy that you experience. So imagine like, the little hits of dopamine that you're getting along the way, that's what porn teaches you is, it's like a breadcrumb trail of dopamine spikes where you get a little bit excited, and then it goes away. So, you go to the next and get a little bit excited and it's leading you off a cliff, essentially, versus the surge, the kind of tsunami of joy and connection that you experience. When things are simple that you're not even aware of. When you're just in a, like on the hunting mindset. You have adapt a hunting mindset of going after these little spikes of, "Okay, I need you to be like this and like this". It's all to satisfy your immediate needs. Whereas, you're avoiding the deep need to connect with another person's soul. And when that occurs, it's something that is beyond the body. It's like you know, your soul is being satisfied. You're having something that's richer than, them bodily sex, right? And you simply can't because your mind is too preoccupied when you're trying to just satisfy the body. Like your, your mind is just like, it's, it's constantly looking for the next hit, like a, like a drug addict, right? It's just like, totally becomes consumed in the, in the hunting mindset of satisfying this need. Right? And then you, you're totally avoiding all this other stuff. So, the nuance of, of like, in my case like my wife like of letting her know how beautiful she is, right? And how much more receptive she'll be in loving she'll be if she really feels beautiful in my presence, but she won't feel beautiful. If I'm telling her that she needs to look like this or act like this because then she's just putting on an act, and she can't feel beautiful if she has to be somebody else for me. Yeah. And so this is what we have to do in society, usually at large is we feel the need to play a role or act to make other people like us 'cause we're afraid of being ourselves. But definitely, definitely that should never be in a marriage and definitely, definitely, definitely, definitely should not be in the bedroom in a marriage where you have to put on an act, because he can't love freely you're loving you pretend in a pretend way, or very in a limited way. Does that make sense? Absolutely. It's another thing to it. That is, fundamental definition of something that's conditional, right? Is that like, all you know, you check all these boxes, so I love you or I want to have sex with you, right? Yeah. And that's, that's a really tough thing. I mean, I just saw a video of a lady talking about the advent of cellulite. The cellulite industry happened in the 70s. Whereas before that, cellulite wasn't, wasn't really a thing like peep- woman had it, especially men and women get it right? But women weren't so conditioned to believe that it's this evil that needs to be you know, eliminated from their bodies, it was just a part of life, right? And ever since Vogue magazine and all that started really accentuating the need to get rid of this thing. It caused the woman to really have this mental, continuous tormenting of I need to get rid of cellulite in order to be attractive, right? And then the more that men reiterate that point, the more that women don't feel beautiful, just the way they are, right? So it takes a great feat of effort to simplify stuff; is to really again, I like that definition. And I came up with it, but it's not mine, I would say it came to me not from me that, that true sex is just the exchange of gratitude from one person to the other. And that means even as you age that you celebrate the other person's body, because there's that thing from the principle that says that what you love becomes beautiful, right? And so and what you criticize, conversely, would also become ugly to you. Because all you are seeing are the faults, you're focusing on the faults. But the more that you are simply celebrating the other person and loving them, then they become more beautiful to you and to themselves. Right? But that's like a huge departure from everything that we're conditioned to from a very young age. Right? And you live in Korea, where I remember talking to a girl who said that, the main high school graduation gift for her and all of her friends was a nose job.

Sammy Uyama: Right.

Andrew Love: Is that, is that true?

Sammy Uyama: Yeah, Korea is quite a few Asian countries actually. They're very into plastic surgery. It's a, it's not even. I mean in America they always used to try to, like hide it, right? It's like, "Did you get some work done?" You're like, "Nah". But now here, they're very, they're very casual about it, and it's very, very normal.

Andrew Love: So that, that, that whole thing is like, imagine how simple that is where, where if sex could just be you, you're together with your soulmate. And you just show them appreciation with your mouth, with your words. You know, through touch, through all of your senses, your five senses are focused on showing gratitude to the other. And love making is the exchange of two people saying thank you, I love you. You're the greatest. How beautiful that is? And then, that nothing else matters what you wear, what you look like, it doesn't, it's all, it's all thank you for everything. Versus again, you know, I don't know, the lighting has to be like this. We need this kind of music. It'll go...

Sammy Uyama: We're gonna use this position.

Andrew Love: Yeah, you gotta be like this. And then the person, especially if they're not comfortable or even if they really love the other person or just trying to make them happy. They're not being loved because they're, they're giving love but they're not, they're not being loved. Because it's not based on them. It's based on them playing a role to fit that person's fantasy.

Sammy Uyama: I love everything that you just said. I'm just, I'm stuck on one thing. Can you, can you reiterate how to use your mouth to express love for your spouse? I'm not sure what you mean by that.

Andrew Love: There are, there are single people here. I meant it to say words, but yes, of course, it's part of living. So if you're married, if you're blessed, figure it out. But that's, that's the point is that, and what we want to express is that, you know, I see people, we've helped a lot of people, you know, go from, you know, being pornified, to just simplifying things and loving their spouse and it just brings you such richer and deeper and more lasting joy, when you can just be yourself and you can just celebrate the person that you've chosen to be with. And the more that you try to force somebody to be, like, say your spouse, the more they try to force your spouse to be somebody else, the more that you're both going to end up miserable. Because that's the most unnatural thing that somebody can do and be is, change who they are for your sake, for your benefit. You'll never be able to sustain happiness.

Sammy Uyama: Yeah, but also even on both ways, right? The more, the more you feel like you need to be something else that will just deteriorate your potential, your satisfaction that you can have. And so even on your own self work on how can I simplify my own view of myself or my, how I perceive, how I perceive myself or how I relate to other people. And just...

Andrew Love: Yeah.

Sammy Uyama: Yeah.

Andrew Love: And there's, I think there's a big difference there between the standards that are imposed upon us. So, you have to look like this because this model or whatever looks, looks that way versus the standards that you impose for yourself, because I'm out here and I'm surrounded by farmers most of which, like, you know, to be honest, a lot of these older farmers, they don't have all their teeth and, but they're the happiest people you've ever seen. So I'm in, I'm in, I'm in an island in the South Pacific, right? And, and it causes me to not feel so self-conscious. Like, when I lived in LA, you're always self-conscious, because you're on all these, you know, crazy good-looking people into like, "Oh, what do I look like in contrast to them," but out here; But at the same time, my wife and I are doing yoga every night because we want to stay in shape, not for anybody else, but for ourselves. So there's like, I just want to clarify that too. That doesn't mean that you just let yourself go and stop caring about what you look like. But it stops being something that is comparison based, where you're comparing yourself to other people and more. Just setting your standards for the ideal person that you'd like to embody. That's a very different energy there. It's a very different energy.

Sammy Uyama: Absolutely, I think that specifics is tied to, to dignity. I think it's, that's for my, how it makes sense for me, just something you know, letting yourself go and eating junk food all the time. It really lowers your, your, the dignity that you have for yourself, right? Versus treating yourself as, "I'm someone that's worth taking care of. And it's worth for me to take care of myself and to eat healthy and to you know, shave and to take a shower and all that stuff."

Andrew Love: Yeah, yeah. And that's, that's important too. Because, you know, as, as you age, you do want to still take care of yourself, but you also, it's like how much do you just want to age  the way that you age? And how much do you want to be forever 21. Because I used to, I had a mall business, right? The Portalance's, I followed them and I hate malls, but I ended up being in a mall for months, right next to a Forever21 and I would see all these women in their 50s going into this ironically named store. And it was, it was sad because a lot of them were dressing like they were teenagers and I was like who, who's, if it's just for them great, whatever, I don't want to judge them, but if they really felt the need to forever be, you're not forever 21 you're 50 and that's okay. It's not a disease, age is not a disease, you know? It's okay to dress the way a 50 year old dresses, whatever that means, right? So that's, that's really important because it gets into people's heads and you have to come to decide, I, you know, because that, the reason I bring it up is, it comes into the bedroom, for sure, and it comes into how you interact with your spouse and how comfortable you are with your aging, you know, and even say in our church culture, Sammy, you know, I talked to people who are in their 30s who feel bad that they're not married yet. Because typically, people in our church culture get blessed and married at an early age, right? And some other people don't and so, all this stuff, it factors into your, to your simple versus complex and the first step I guess would be to get to know yourself and your own standards versus the standards that you feel are imposed upon you. And looking at that, because that's, that's really important because fitting into other people's standards isn't forever losing battle, you can never win that game.

Sammy Uyama: Hear! Hear! Sounds pretty simple.

Andrew Love: Yeah. Yeah, well, what else that, I mean, just... You haven't really spoken on your view on complexity within sex like what, what is that? How does that show up for you, like, and, and you growing up? Learning all the things you did from porn versus getting married and like what concepts did porn make overly complicated and what did being married to somebody who loves you and that you love? How did, how did that skit simplified over the, overtime.

Sammy Uyama: For the most part, we've covered a lot, what I've mentioned, little things we've talked about things, like kinks and things like that, that those, you know, just melt away. One other thing would be, porn they, the way they glamorize sex is the variety of it, right and the, all these different positions and all these different types of people. And whereas what I enjoy about sex with my wife is it's very, like literally very simple. It's just like me and her right? And it's more like investing in mastering the process of having sex with her and making her, making the best possible for her. Right?

Andrew Love: Yeah.

Sammy Uyama: Rather than just like, done and go on to the next thing and... right? I think it's how amateurs they, they treat things. They have little ADD when it comes to the process, right? Whereas a master really hones their craft.

Andrew Love: Sure.

Sammy Uyama: But also for us like positions, I've found, there's not a need or a demand for the Kama Sutra of sexual position. And then the need to try every different variation that, just once you hi- when to, you know, you master a few basic poses and, and they serve different purposes. So, it's not just for variety, but just like, the way that feels different. And so it's just, in that sense, it's enough. And so we're happy with that. And even within that, we're still hitting new milestones, like, we use a 1 to 10 rating system. And in other times when we out, it's my wife, it's not what I've experienced is like, you know, ask her how was it and we've hit some twelves and some, we hit a you know, we've hit a 14 before out of a 1-10

Andrew Love: Out of ten.

Sammy Uyama: Out of a one to 10 scale that, you know what I'm saying, so even, it's possible that really profound, amazing sexual experiences within this simplified bubble of just me, you, like myself, my wife, just two people who become very familiar with each other, just a handful of positions and just really intimately knowing each other. So in all senses, like spiritually, emotionally, just feeling a lot of trust and connection, physically, even just knowing what each one likes. And I think that's a relationship worth investing in for a lifetime.

Andrew Love: To me, 14 out of 10 would mean that you both open your eyes when it's all said and done. And, and the walls that like, in the building that you were in now, are they're no longer there. But somehow, broken the stratosphere, you're in a different plane of existence. But that is, that is very true because like, the more that you disassociate your mind and your, your heart and spirit from the the physical act of sex, the more that you need kink, right? You need novelty. Whereas, like, what type of position do you need in order to connect spiritually? There's no such thing. And artistically through your hearts, there's no such thing. It's just how does, how do you, how do you express love in the purest way for your couple? That's, that's very beautiful and it's like a vessel, right? You just plugging in, plugging into each other. They're loading, downloading.

Sammy Uyama: She, we are the receptacles of God. I'm the receptacle of God. She's the receptacle of Sammy. I really like that definition. It's seems, I've been, I've been mulling it over since you first mentioned it and checks off all the boxes for me. I think it's a really good understanding of real heavenly intimacy.

Andrew Love: Yeah. Yeah. And it's a, it's just unique to that couple and however they express gratitude and like, there's love languages and all that right? So, there's, it, it can be very simple. So, we just wanted to make this episode because you know, this bleeds into, to all areas of our life but it really starts with, with our sexuality, like everything. It's like all roads lead back to sex. You know, to say something, somewhat controversial, but if you've been listening this far, you know the type of hater that's gonna try to assassinate me for saying it, but it also goes into sexual orientation. Right? And we know people, we've had people on this podcast that have changed their sexual orientation based on a clear desire for a simply expressed vision for their life, right? And they realize that if they were to follow their genitals in terms of sex, that it would lead to a vastly and endlessly complicated mess. Whereas, they were following their heart and their spirit and things all of a sudden got much more simple, right? So, that's really important too, because you know, the, "Oh, I need, I need tattooed redheads and all this stuff." That's all nonsense. It's all made up. It's all cultural inheritance that can be shed with time.

Sammy Uyama: Hear! Hear! So, ladies and gentlemen, look at, in your life where things are getting complicated, you know? How can you simplify them? And we strongly, just looking at all different areas of life. We're really convinced that simple, in all, in all ways is the best, especially in sex.

Andrew Love: Absolutely. Yeah, and think about that, that it's a process to. And I do believe that, you know, it goes from simple to complex back to simple and that, that's the joy of life is, you know? I'm sure wherever you're at, you've inherited a bunch of complex stuff. And the joy is the process of simplifying things. And the more that you can make things simple, the more that you can just be there and enjoy them. And it seems like honestly, spirituality, self-help. Just everything's gearing towards joy is experienced when you can be fully present and you cannot be fully present anywhere, if your mind is all over the place, if your heart is all over the place, if your spirit is being impacted by all sorts of environmental stuff, so complexity is the enemy of simplicity and simplicity is the home of God. That's, that's my view.

Sammy Uyama: Here is your Instagram quote of the day ladies and gentlemen So, thank you very much. We hope you enjoyed this episode. And we'll tune in with you guys next time.

Andrew Love: And you will tune into us next time, hopefully.

Sammy Uyama: Yes, I'll get it one day. I'll get it right. All right. Take care.

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