#128 - Letting Your Old Self Die
In this episode, Andrew and Benjy talk about why it's important to let go of our old selves and the benefits of doing so in terms of restoring and seeing a different version of ourselves. They also discuss why we shouldn't be afraid to face our biggest fears, especially if we do it with a community that can help us with our identity transformation, such as the High Noon community.
#117 -The Wisdom of Trauma with Carina Cunningham
In Episode 117, we are joined by Carina Cunningham, as she shares the explanation of addiction, according to Gabor Maté, how it is connected with trauma, as well as, the process of understanding the wisdom of trauma. She also talks about the difference between healthy attachment and unhealthy attachment among children and what is healthy attachment among adults.
#104 - Why 2022 HAS TO BE the Best Year Ever!
In this week’s episode, Andrew highlights the importance of transforming oneself first in order to achieve one’s goals. He talks about how the North Star goal can help you figure out what type of person you want to become.