#138 - How I Quit Porn So That I Can Have More Focus & Energy
In this episode, Benjy talks about the most significant things we can impart to our children, his own personal journey to overcome porn and how he was able to mend his sexual relationship with his wife. He shares to us the growth equation, which enabled him to let go of beliefs that were detrimental to his growth, as well as how we can optimize the growth equation in our own lives to overcome our personal struggles such as porn addiction.
#133 - Your Relationship With Your Sexual Organ
In this episode, we are joined by our special guest, Carina Cunningham, as we talk about the value of our sexual organs, the importance of building a healthy relationship with our sexual organs, as well as the habits we should avoid that can devalue our sexuality. We also discuss sensuality, which comes from the book Unwanted: How Sexual Brokenness Reveals Our Way to Healing By Jay Stringer.
#128 - Letting Your Old Self Die
In this episode, Andrew and Benjy talk about why it's important to let go of our old selves and the benefits of doing so in terms of restoring and seeing a different version of ourselves. They also discuss why we shouldn't be afraid to face our biggest fears, especially if we do it with a community that can help us with our identity transformation, such as the High Noon community.