The Little Things Matter Too

If I could identify High Noon as having one superpower that has taken us this far as an organization, my money would be on the fact that we have conversations about anything and everything.

It took us a couple years to really get into the groove, but eventually we started prioritizing. having difficult conversations - you know the ones that might not end so well, and that we tend to avoid…

When we started to lean into the discomfort that might arise from such conversations, we immediately started reaping the rewards of our bravery.

This has been our standard for years now. And it is served us endlessly as well as well as helped us to avoid potential catastrophes… many of them.

One thing that I’ve come to realize recently is that when dealing with big and intimidating topics, it’s actually quite easy to get so lost in the grandeur of slaying big demons that we can lose sight of the importance the small things as well.

It is vital for families and communities to talk about the pain as well as the joys - the highs and the lows - that is a certainty. But there is also a huge amount of ‘in between’ that need addressing too.

I was speaking with someone yesterday and remind him of the importance of staying in touch with me throughout the week in order to not let emotions fester.

My example to him was one that anyone who has been married longer than a month can relate to. You know that feeling of being annoyed at your spouse for no particular reason? They didn’t clearly do or say anything ‘wrong’ and yet they clearly bother you with their very existence?

Yeah. Well, that can actually be the result of not dealing with small irksome events in your life that compound into a state of being…irked.

Talking about your days is a form of processing all the stimuli that you’ve experience in order to be able to handle more. This is true for individuals, families, organizations, and all groups of people.

So yes, jump into difficult conversations, but don’t forget to also talk about the small things too.


#188 - Why Selfishness and Entitlement are Enemies of Sexual Integrity


#187 - The Sex Advice I got from True Father with Larry Moffitt