
#153 - The Addiction Cycle Explained

In this episode, Andrew and Benjy mapped out the stages of the addiction cycle and drilled down to its root cause. As important as knowing the reason why addiction happens is to understand that there is a pattern to it. Knowing your addiction pattern and what triggers it are helpful in breaking that destructive cycle.

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#149 - God's Sexuality with Dr. Sandra & John Lowen

In this episode, we are joined by Dr. Sandra and John Lowen, a powerhouse couple that represents heaven and earth. They share with us the nature of God's sexuality as well as how sexuality manifests itself across the creation. Dr. Sandra and John Lowen also discuss the most significant challenge that the current generation faces in terms of romantic relationships, the actions that a single person can take to get ready for a loving sexual relationship, and the significance of spending time by ourselves to learn more about who we are rather than engaging in unhealthy habits such as pornography.

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#144 - Meta Connected Sex with M.G. Tomasini, MD

In this episode, we are joined by M.G. Tomasini, MD, author of Meta-Connected Sex: The Moral Case For the Power of the Brain's Chemistry and Connectivity for Sex. She devoted her life to understanding more about the science of human love, relationships, talents, creativity, and sexuality as they relate to worldwide success, happiness, fulfillment, and freedom.

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#143 - Bringing Children Into The World

In this episode, Andrew and Benjy talk about the role that a husband plays in the birth of his child, as well as the support that he provides to his wife during her most difficult times, such as giving birth. They also discuss how important it is to deal with our emotions and deal with our sexual integrity while we are single.

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#140 - Intolerant vs Allergic to Porn

In this episode, Andrew and Benjy talk about the difference between being intolerant of porn and being allergic to it, the reasons why less porn leads to more porn, as well as how our small decisions can have a big impact on our lives. They also discuss the High Noon programs that can help us with our struggles, such as porn addiction to porn.

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