High Noon Winter Program
Take on the winter with a powerful vision, supportive group, and empowering discussions!
Nov. 30 to Jan. 11
Weekly Topic Recordings
Week 1: "Creating a Clear Vision" by Andrew Love
Week 2: "Courage & Trust" by Sammy Uyama
Week 3: "Honesty & Self-Awareness" by Robert Cunningham
Week 4: "The Key to Experiencing Grace" by Benjy Uyama
Week 5: "Power of Accountability" by Benjy Uyama
Week 6: "Building the Integrity Muscle" by Mai Thurston
Daily Readings
Read one chapter daily of Core of the Universe and do the reflection questions at the end of each chapter. The most important thing is to reflect on the questions, so make sure you prioritize doing the discussion portion every day.
If you have someone to read and discuss with, we recommend doing that.
If you fall behind with the reading, you can find your place using the timeline below.
Week 1 (12/1 – 12/7)
01 Core of the Universe
02 Original Palace of Love
03 Original Palace of Life
04 Original Palace of Lineage
05 God's Purpose for the Sexual Organs
06 Chemistry of Love
07 You can take a break from reading on Wednesday if you wish.
Week 2 (12/8 – 12/14)
08 Chemistry of First Love
09 First Night
10 God's Wedding
11 Guardians of the Universe
12 Sexual Purity in Mind & Body
13 Why Do We Marry?
14 You can take a break from reading on Wednesday if you wish.
Week 3 (12/15 – 12/21)
15 The Sacred Value of Sex
16 Heaven's Gift Exchange
17 Two Become One
18 Fidelity in Marriage
19 True Love is Blind
20 Make Love a Verb, Not a Noun
21 You can take a break from reading on Wednesday if you wish.
Week 4 (12/22 – 12/28)
22 Spirit World & Conjugal Love
23 What Is Absolute Sex?
24 Absolute Sexual Purity
25 Absolute Sexual Ethics in the Family
26 Absolute Sexual Ethics in the World
27 The Root
28 You can take a break from reading on Wednesday if you wish.
Week 5 (12/29 – 1/4)
29 Crossroads of Heaven or Hell
30 The Odyssey
31 Immorality & Youth
32 Immorality in the Family and World
33 Learning About Sex From Our Parents
34 You can take a break from reading on Wednesday if you wish.
Week 6 (1/5 – 1/11)
35 Why Does the Messiah Come?
36 Midway Position
37 Ending Shame
38 Life Without Shadows
39 The Pure Love Movement
40 You can take a break from reading on Wednesday if you wish.
Six Impactful Weeks
We want to help you make your vision for healthy, vibrant sexuality real.
Shame and isolation are huge obstacles in this journey, so we want to give you the knowledge and support to free yourself of shadows, establish meaningful connections, and live your vision now!
What to expect:
Weekly 1-hour Masterclass calls
Small group breakouts by gender of 3-4 participants
Weekly reflections
Daily reading of Core of the Universe
WhatsApp group chat for announcements and connection
Six lessons with engaging discussions (see topics below)
Every Wednesday at 8:30 PM (Eastern Time) – Starts Nov. 30
Nov. 30 | Dec. 7 | Dec. 14 | Dec. 21 | (Skip Dec. 28) | Jan. 4 | Jan. 11
Testimonies from previous participants…
“Through discussion I have come to realize where my concepts of sexuality come from, and what caused me to struggle in expressing things to my family/parents. I have deepened my understanding of the Principled explanation of sexuality and deepened my conviction in the Blessing as an ideal to strive for. Exploring what it means that sexuality comes from God. How to live differently with that understanding, questioning, ‘What can sexuality inspire me to do as a single person?’“
"The weekly calls have been phenomenal for me so far, and I intend to stay involved with them for a long time. What made all the difference is knowing that I’m not alone on the path of recovery. I see now that I was never going to master the addiction by myself; I was using porn as an escape from isolation, but what I really needed was connection."
“My group experience overall was amazing! It really helped me jump start my journey towards sexual integrity with it all starting with fixing my sleep schedule. This drastically improved my morning routine and everything else seemed to follow through after I took that step to fix my sleep schedule. So, I'm very grateful for this group for helping me fix that. Overall, I felt the love and support from my fellow brothers. I just love having the space to be open and honest and share how I am doing every week. It really is a game changer.”
Have a question?
Set up a meeting with a staff member below.