#65 - The Theology of Sex | Dr. Tyler Hendricks

Marriage is the union of a man and a woman. It is a bond that's blessed by God and it is strongly connected through the power of love, compassion, and harmony. Marriage is a vehicle to bring us closer to god in the end.

In this episode, we have Dr. Tyler Hendricks who will be sharing to us his views and his experience with the Unification movement as it pertains to sex, and also his theories on a variety of very important topics like marriage, civil religion, the three family models, origin of marriage, and a host of vitality elements to provide us wisdom.

Dr. Tyler will also be sharing his personal experiences before he met his wife, lessons he learned from his father and his realizations after so many years. How trusting and faith in God affected his life and understanding more about the sexual relationship of the way God designed sex. Learn more valuable lessons by listening to this episode!

  • Seeing how God puts everything together despite all the anger, depression and struggles in your marital and relational journeys

  • The ownership of eternal love lies with the opposite sex

  • The universe functions according to the sexual union of male and female

  • How the general moral value is centered on the family, the Blessing at sexual purity, sexual abstinence before marriage, and absolute fidelity in marriage

  • If you're afraid to die, it means you're afraid to live.

Episode Transcript:

Andrew Love

Welcome back to Love, Life, and Legacy, the official podcast of heaven and earth and we just want to open up your minds and hearts a little bit by inviting a doctor. His name is Dr. Tyler Hendricks, and no, he's not a surgeon, but he will perform open spiritual heart surgery on you, and give you a bunch of vitality elements and give you a bunch of wisdom. We can do brain surgery, spiritual brain surgery, on you today. Sammy is interviewing him about his views and his experience with the unification movement as it pertains to sex, and also his views and theories on a variety of very important topics, so enjoy. Dr. Hendricks is always an entertaining guy, he's very much alive, if you ever meet him, you can ask him to do some yoga moves, and you will be very impressed because he's super flexible physically - he's spiritually and emotionally flexible. He's just an all-around cool dude. So please welcome Dr. Tyler Hendricks.

Sammy Uyama  

Hello, hello, hello. Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to our next episode of the Love, Life, and Legacy podcast and I'm here with an incredibly special guest. The one, the only in the entire universe - Dr. Tyler Hendricks.

Tyler Hendricks

Thank you. Good to be here.

Sammy Uyama  

And Dr. Hendricks, you have one of the most colorful backgrounds that I know of and you'll have to fill in the gaps because I know there's a lot I'm missing but from what I do know, starting as a rock star, you're an accomplished guitarist and then at some point, you're in America during the hippie wave, so you're really into yoga. You made your way to University, studying math, and somewhere along the road, you join the church, then your father sent you to get your doctorate you studied church history. Somewhere along the road, you became the President of the American Church Movement, and now you're teaching at both the University level and Graduate level or the Doctorate level at the seminary at some University. If you could fill us in between all the colorful experiences that you've had?

Tyler Hendricks 

Well, I realized that I maybe could have been a rock star, wasn't a star. But you know, we played in various clubs in the Bay Area, and I realized that all the rock stars that I liked their music, we’re all unhappy people and I thought, look if they've achieved this rock star status, but they're not happy, what's the point? And  I realized that rock music, the music industry is part of what we call it back at the military-industrial complex, just like everything else, it's just money and all kinds. I just realized it's a fallen world. I'm part of this fallen world, I don't like it. So I was looking at all kinds of places for alternatives and I met the one that is from God and that's us, that would be us. So, that was 1973. 

You asked about memories of True Parents because my colorful story kind of all connected with True Parents, where one was my various assignments. So, I guess the first was my matching, I mean, direct. Everything's indirectly connected to parents, that is direct. I was invited, send my photo to Korea. If maybe you'll get matched, send your photo. Back then 1978, I never heard of photo magic before. Anyway, I sent the photo and the story is, that a year later the father was holding my photo, looking at it and he's in a room full of Koreans, including Korean men and women, and he called up one, and he's looking at my photo, and he's looking at her and then, he said to her, are you sure you want to get matched today, at this time? She decided, no. The answer was no, and she left. At that point, my wife was way in the back, my future wife, and she was very uneasy about being there. She was there because her parents told her to be there. She wasn't very active in the church at all. Her parents joined. She's a Jacob child and so she saw this other sister walkout at father's direction and she said, oh, this would be a good time for me to walk out. So she got up and she's making her way out of the room and her father saw her and say, hey, you called her and you knew her. He knew her family. He knew her parents. So she because you asked me to her. 

Anyway, there's more to it than that, but okay. Second, is my father sending me on different missions. When I finished a Ph.D., I presented my dog dissertation to my father. Father signed it and is a celebration for a birthday jumped in his first birthday party, oh, you can sit down here. Sit down at a table with a bunch of other people, and then father says, oh, you did a great job. Thank you, thank you. You're the first one again, thank you. Okay, now you're the president of OSHA church.

Sammy Uyama  

Oh my goodness.

Tyler Hendricks 

Yeah, and give an acceptance speech. Okay, then four or five months later, I mean, I knew the reason Father sent me to use in the church wasn't to be the president of what, they didn't need a president but anyway, it was to go fishing, to get my brain out of the library and everything and just get out there and do some, be a man. So I went fishing, on one day I got my boat, caught two tuna on one day. That was amazing, nobody does that. The first one and father were there in the fleet, you would always take it when you caught a tuna. You hook it up to your boat, and you'd walk you go by new hope father's boat, offer to father and so we did that early in the morning, Father song great, he went back out again, because there's only like, 11 in the morning. We caught another one, and then we went back on his boat, and somebody called father to the dead and he was like, I've never seen father like that. Anyway, that was a good memory. 

Sammy Uyama  

And for some people, they may not understand the context we're talking about a tuna is like 1000 pound fish. 

Tyler Hendricks  

That's the biggest. Yeah, they were big. Ours were around 600 pounds or so. They're kind of small, 600 pounds. Anyway, that was more average. Then at the end of the summer, there's a leader’s meeting in the East garden and Father starts talking about going to Alaska, how great fishing is in Alaska. In fact, as a new frontier, we're going to go to Alaska, we're going to make fishing factories and we're going to all these visions of Alaska, and it's great Hendricks. You're ready to go to Alaska, you’re an ocean church leader, you're ready to go to Alaska. And I said, yeah, I'm ready, and I felt it from my heart. Earlier than that there’s a meeting, father called me up and said, give a testimony. I'm not good at testimonies, at all but on that day, I gave a good testimony. 

I was talking about I was getting the tuna spirit, father called it the tuna spirit and then I turned to Father, I was standing right next to him, I said, Father, how long should I talk? And he smiled, he says, you can talk forever. Oh, my goodness. I remember that. So he says, hey, are you ready to go to Alaska with me? Yes, I'm ready to go. He says, okay, you just graduated from ocean church. Now you're the national assistant national director of carp. So I went to various take the time but other steps, where father just kind of flip me around upside down, turn me over, spank me and sent me. It was great. 

In 1973 there was a 21 city speaking tour and I was on a team in Boston. So on the second, father and mother and their little party stayed in a house in the suburbs in Boston and I was on security. So there were two brothers there every night, you stayed up all night doing “security”, and on the second night, I was one of those two brothers. Father and mother came, everybody had a little meeting, they talked in the living room, about the newspaper articles and stuff, where everybody went upstairs. Suddenly, this really loud, loud noise came from upstairs and it was like a war movie. It was like bombs, machine guns, shots, and like this is just filling the whole house and I thought, well, obviously, True Parents are responsible that nobody else is going to turn on this blasting noise. True Parents went to bed. Why would they have this blasting noise filling the whole house after they went to bed?

Sammy Uyama  

Right before they're going to bed and relax? I wonder. 

Tyler Hendricks  

They're making noise, I just figured they must be making noise while living doing that makes a lot of noise brushing their teeth. I didn't go off the check. I don't remember this, but it's in my notes because I'm looking through my old journals, notebooks, and stuff and I found this probably said or even noticed in two-parent that are using some speech there. He said as a president, Hendricks you have people who don't understand convex-concave. You have to explain to everyone convex-concave, which means, of course, it's sex. Right? I came across those years later. Absolute sex. One time at East Garden, sometimes Father did this with other couples that he called up My Couple during Hoon Dok Hae. and he told me this, I have my wife, my wife and I said kiss. Yeah, I shouldn't do that once or twice. So I swirl their coffee dice while kissing and there was that. And another time at East garden, father said not directly to me, but to everyone who was there, I forgot the context but he said no more sex. Everybody should abstain from sex. Oh, guys, couples? abstain. I don't remember again, the reason for the context but he said that there were two different mornings when he said that. I felt like the Lord is. 

Sammy Uyama  

The time period? I guess you don't really know...

Tyler Hendricks  

It would have been the mid ...

Sammy Uyama  

or no, like how long they abstained for that’s what I mean. 

Tyler Hendricks 

It was probably around in the early 2000s is before they move back to Korea, because I sort of wonder who's gonna sign people's faith, that will be if they have children. So I'm sort of keeping that my mind and like, year or two later, some of the two children had children. So I figured somebody’s not following Father’s directions. Those are my direct experiences with True Parents related to sex. Why do we say before we started our family, I was at a meeting with Father with Ph.D. students. Four times he met with us, and he scarred and there was a kind of a break time and Father was just standing there, looking out the window and I went up to him, and I showed him a picture of my then fiance, thank you for matching me to this lady here. And Father said you're both too gentle., what are you going to do? I said we'll create a gentle race, as my answer. But still, my father made that comment. My wife seems gentle but she's a dragon. She was born in the Year of the Dragon, I was born in the year of the mouse, mouse, and dragon.

Sammy Uyama 

Wow. It’s just amazing that you have stories to pull from and even journals that you can look back on and all these personal experiences. That's so cool. Most of the people that listen to podcasts are under 30, if not under 25, maybe they don't even have memories of even seeing their parents, just people that they heard about. So it's cool, it's just nice to hear about. Also, your eyes are open, and this is your trust and your faith. Just go wherever to father led you and it created a very diverse life for yourself and your family, I'm sure.

Tyler Hendricks  

Yeah. My goal in life was never to be at one time I was a leader of the International Religious foundation and I got a direction during the GOP conference down in somewhere, Trinidad or something. Go to New York, father wants you to come to the leaders meeting in New York. It was right after the GOD conference was right around God's day at that time, January 1. So I went with all these professors and religious leaders that you know, there's a lot of work, but I was in New York. So I left took a taxi from the airport, I flew I took a taxi, got to the New Yorker, walked up the stairs to the second floor of the meeting. As I approached the door to that meeting room, I heard my name being boomed out by Dr. Boyd Bach, the translator, and a list of other names. I walked in, come to the front and he's like that and walked right up to the front. The only place to sit was right in front of father. Okay, you are now the Regional Coordinator of New England, and I was so like, I could feel my temperature going up in my face turning red and I was just so angry and Father, I mean, I have like two kids. 

Sammy Uyama 

We don't want people to think that you don't remember how many children you have. At the time.

Tyler Hendricks  

Then here's what happened and it's happened to me more than once, the same way. I was angry and then I just decided, just do it, and I do it. Being a Regional Coordinator, I was under a regional director in Korea, and so after the meeting where we took a break and I caught up with him. I found my regional director and I grabbed his briefcase, here, I’m your assistant and then everything left, I felt so good, so fine. Whenever you go through that anger or complaint or depression or whatever it is and just unite in the direction change your direction, 180 degrees, whatever. I did that many times, and God from my vantage by being 72 years old, you look back and I'm starting to write my memoir, and you look back, you see how God put everything together, and how once it's over, it looks like it was all predestined. So I call it post-destination because it's like, everything I did was so that I could be doing what I'm doing now, and if I hadn't done all that stuff, which God was telling me to do, but I didn't know where I was going one step at a time, you can't see very far ahead. I didn't, just really give yourself forget about yourself, you know.

Sammy Uyama 

Left yourself open, like you said, turn 180 degrees, and whatever father directed. You were always receptive, and even challenges of suddenly arriving in a taxi, and then suddenly, you have an entirely new mission and how hard that is to do just as an individual, just trying to orientate what your responsibilities are. Kind of like think about some direction in your life but you weren't just an individual, you had a wife and you had a family, they also respond to for just how remarkable it is to be able to do both of those things to care for your family and then to air for the entire providence. So I want to give a shout-out to them. Right? You have five children. And good friends with one of them. I and my wife are.

Tyler Hendricks  

Yeah, that's good. Thank you.

Sammy Uyama

And I would say you did a fairly good job raising them. I mean, my wife, we're willing to be friends with them. So we like them, and they turned out pretty good I think.

Tyler Hendricks  

Oh, they were so sorry when you left North Carolina.

Sammy Uyama  

Yeah. So I wanted to acknowledge that point of the challenge that you must have been faced with at a time of not just worried about what your father wants to view, but sort of what you need to do for your family as well.

Tyler Hendricks  

Yeah, I'm grateful to my wife for just being such a trooper, I could always depend on her having faith in her parents herself and then just knowing that the principle that God will take care of you. I mean, not in looking at it lazily, but that it'll work out you know, it'll work out.

Sammy Uyama  

Shout out to your wife again, not bad for someone who almost walked out of the matching room. 

Tyler Hendricks  

Yeah, well, now we're getting into the again, the sex issue, or calling or subject.

Sammy Uyama  

Yeah, so just with your experience, knowing your parents and your in-depth study of your parents’ words, that's something that I'd be eager to hear from you about. Like how your understanding of what your parents say about sex or just your understanding of your parents and how that's connecting that to sex. Your understanding of the sexual relationship of the way God designed sex, and so whatever you have to say about that.

Tyler Hendricks 

Well, I want to turn the listener’s attention to this speech here, In search of the origin of the universe.

Sammy Uyama  

We'll link that actually but for those just listening, then where's the best place for people to find that? 

Tyler Hendricks  

Well, it's on tparents.org.It’s in the Pyeonghwa Gyeong again and we publish this in the US back in the 90s. It's in here.

Sammy Uyama  

At True Family world peace. Alright.

Tyler Hendricks  

We did a good job. That was a time when True Parents, it was the 90s and True Parents were giving a lot of really, really amazing speeches back then, now, deep stuff. So this speech, father gave it at the founding of the Family Federation in Washington, DC 1996 and this was the closing banquet, and George HW Bush was there and Gerald Ford, ex-president, they were both ex-presidents at the time and Margaret Thatcher had said that congratulations video, a lot of big, big news in Washington, DC major people were there. I was not there, unfortunately.

Sammy Uyama  

you're catching tuna.

Tyler Hendricks 

I don't know where I was, I was involved. I was there in the venue. I was involved with the whole thing, but I don't know for some reason I wasn't at that banquet but I heard father just walked among the tables, all these people, and he's talking about the sex organs. He's just talking about the sex organs, the whole speeches about the sex organs and absolute sex are the first public speech and these were the term absolute sex came out and Peter Kim, his translator told me later he was just sweating bullets. You know, he didn't expect it. It was all extemporaneous. 

Sammy Uyama

And he's really off script, I imagine, are those the prepared speech and then that there was walking around the table? Are talking about

Tyler Hendricks  

The speech even there was nothing, was all extemporaneous. And there are lines like, how much do you like your sex organs? We suck into these bush and Barbara Bush, and we're all these people. Do you like your sex organ? So and I read it many times and the point he makes 1996, first of all, now we see 25 years later, how ahead of his time. By the way, sex that we are given is absolute, and it is not a matter of choice, this whole same-gender fluidity thing, Father, we have never heard of it back in ‘96. But now, it's destroying so many people's lives. I was born in a woman's body, a million ..... Father said very clearly, the sex that we are given is not a matter of choice, it's an absolute. We did not think we didn't want it but without knowing the cause, the result in the process. We're born a certain way and that's it. 

Okay, then fall. That's right at the beginning of his speech, and father talks about he brings up the first causal being, he says, Who is that causal being? Is it male? Is it female? Then he says, he doesn't answer. He says, you can call it God or whatever you want to call it, but it must exist. Then he says, oh, god possesses the dual characteristics of male and female. How did the universe begin? Then he says, Let us put aside our discussion of God and consider humankind, and then he starts talking about sex organs, and he never comes back to the nature of God it’s all about the sexual organs. And he ends up telling the people to go back to their countries, and you should publish in the media about absolute sex, and if you do, you will never perish. Please try to spread everyone's message to television or other media, you will never perish. 

I want you to center on that absolute sexual organ, unique sexual organ, unchanging sexual organ, eternal sexual origin. And the whole point, he didn't connect the dots, but I'm connecting the dots. The origin of the universe is the sexual organs, God's sexual organs, because another speech I found, I mean, 100k, he said, Does God have that thing dangling down between these legs? like men do? It doesn't answer doesn't answer. Does he get on a female sexual organ? Here's the thing, this dual characteristic, we think oh, dual characteristics, that's like hot and cold or high and low. Or, I mean, that's a certain kind, a divine bridge we'll call those the correlative dual characteristics. Most of us discuss the dual characteristics are not about that because he says here until now, you may have not thought it virtuous to value the sexual organs. He's telling you all these people standing next to George Bush, from now on, you have to value them. Well, there won't be like in the future, if it is a world that values the sexual organs? Absolutely will that world be good or bad? Will they prosper or perish? This is not a joke. When God has created human beings into which part did he invest the greatest creative effort, the eyes, the nose, the heart, the brain, all of these organs eventually die, do they not? Again, the father doesn't follow that, but if you follow the line of thought, it is God invested the greatest great creative effort in the sexual organs and they do not die. They do not die. What do you mean they don't die, they don't die because they contain the DNA. 

Human DNA is the logos is God's logos. Male has it female has it and it combines. It doesn't die, because it's in your kids. You are in your children, and you will be in your grandchildren and your great you are in your lineage. Your physical body dies, the rest of your physical body but your DNA doesn't die it’s there. You go to heaven, and you have a common base, you are still on the earth and you have a common base with your descendants centering on what their sexual organ in which you are living. Therefore you can have then when your children have blessed the marriage, your grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and blank printable page. 30 says the whole cosmos resonates with True manager woman united together, love extra love resonates, what does it mean? All of your ancestors, if they don't have anything else to do, they're resonating with that. And the angels, they're all resonating with it, with that love on the earth because physical love is the center of the cosmos, the young song, and the song and male and female. 

That means I'm I can live eternally. I can have sex with my great-great-grandchildren. So ownership of eternal love lies with the opposite sex. The universe will judge you as God will judge you as righteous or unrighteous according to this immutable law, that the ownership of eternal love lies with the opposite sex. That is the most basic criteria by which the universe functions. The universe functions according to the sexual union of males and females. Why there? Why did his sexual organs exist? for love? Do you remember the talk I gave in New Jersey, it's kind of unusual talk about one, one, and zero. And that's all this is all connected to that. The God is Trinity. There's Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother, and who unite who are distinct individual persons who have a perfect love sexual relationship, and when you and your wife have a perfect long sexual relationship, you become one, you're still two. But you're also one general goal is to become one. So Father said, The “Hwa”, the word is “Il-Hwa” is a chemistry term in chemistry, hydrogen two become one, and you don't have the two anymore, you just have this one that they became. But he said, in my Chinese character, to become one, the two still exist as clearly distinct define, and, and they become one. That one is what that one is a heavenly parent because when you and your wife become one, as one, you become a parent, when that one, this becomes a child, you don't become a parent until you have a child. 

The creation of the child is also the creation of that parent, and the parent is you and your wife as one. So it is a parent, singular. It's a singularity, you become one in a unique way, that time. That one is incarnated inborn as your child, God's child having a parent's child that has your DNA in a unique way. The interesting thing is that child is going to be either a male or a female, one or the other. Okay? The place where husband and wife become one through their sexual organs. God wants to appear and meet us. Anyway, there's history that emerges through marriage, and from marriage, nations appear, and an ideal world begins and this gets into the issue of governance because I think governance, the other idea of government is based on the family model. Marriage, where the man and woman have equal distinct, unique but equal complementary positions and functions and this is the thing about the ideal government also has the husband, Oregon, we use that you know, Oregon in terms of like a government organ, organ of government or something like that, and a feminine organ of government, you need to have both. In the following history following worlds, we have only one masculine government. And so it's all conflict struggle, hierarchy so we need a balance in government.

Sammy Uyama  

What is like a female government model look like?

Tyler Hendricks  

Okay, this is something that I'm aware of because of my involvement here... two mothers are talking about government to a few people referred to and they're trying to digest it and I'm trying to digest it. This is all going to be my take on what I heard. She referred to a physician in Korean traditional the Shin-Nyo, have you heard that word? Well, apparently, during a period of Korean history, and maybe in a long period, there was a position of a woman called the shinyo who was the adviser to the king. 

Sammy Uyama  

Yeah, I can the Shin is like, kind of God kind of character in Nyo feminine woman.

Tyler Hendricks  

She was like, the number one shaman is, you know, one of the like that the government should, that this is like mother referred to that and kind of a positive way. That's a characteristic of good governance of attending a book. Okay, that's where I stopped. I take it now, this me, that's the wife's branch organ of government. I work riff off of the Mormons. The Mormon hierarchy isn't priesthood is all men, that are the ones who run the church and mistakes and so forth to the highest level. It's all men, but they have the women's society he was founded. The female is the Relief Society. All the women belong to the Relief Society and the Relief Society is organized hierarchically to the world level, parallel to the church, to the man site, it's a relief society, and they have an entire building to themselves in Salt Lake City is the Relief Society World headquarters. and it happens to be the building that's closest to the temple. 

Interestingly, Christia-, whatever. So, to me, that's something like, okay. Then in the Catholic Church, we have, of course, the male monastic orders and the female monastic orders. So I think in the general government there should, it just as in a family, there's the husband, there's the wife, and it's to their harmony, they have different points of view, through harmonizing. When it comes to children come household, you know, the whole thing comes. So we need branches of government that have distinct operational responsibilities are related to the husband site, and those are going to be more like a husband. Generally, I guess, external, take care of making the money and bringing the food home and the more external side, and then the woman's more, take care of the children education, and fine-tuning everything. A joke by Larry Moffitt, he said, you know, when my wife and I got married, we decided that I would make all the big decisions, and she'd make all the small decisions and you know, what, in all the years we've been married, we've never had to make a big decision.

Sammy Uyama  

I assume that she's also responsible for deciding, which is a big decision.

Tyler Hendricks

Anyway, and so the female side would be more, I don't know, health, education, and welfare, stuff like that. I think moral values, I mean, Eve is the tree of knowledge of good and evil, Adam's tree of life, tree of knowledge of good and evil has a moral component to it from the get-go, good. She's the one who knows the difference, as the tree of life, he just wants to get his yayas out. But the the wife knows, is supposed to know that. So, I think the kind of father talked about absolute values, the moral foundation of the sciences, the moral foundation of the media, which would be more connected. I mean, of course, everything gives a take, but it would be women's voice is very, very important there.

Also, there's a position, this has been a wife, position of the grandparents, and the children, there are three generations, and they all have given this. So the government's a four-position foundation, and the four rounds of hearts, and the three object purpose, where everything is like, relating to everything else, harmoniously centered on God on true love. That's the way the government's supposed to work. And the fallen world, the government is hierarchical and it's an individual model. Even the Divine Principle says, our government should be based on the individual as a model, but it also gives the families a model. There's both in the principle, the individual model is mind-body. 

So you know, there's the mind the brain, and then there's all the stomach and the lungs, and the question, well, who gets to be the brain, everybody's fighting over who's the brain? Okay, so order the other people what to do. That's the individual model, as opposed to the family model, intergenerational. The cool thing also about the family, mothers, the children here, they're going to be parents someday and the parents are going to be grandparents, we all participate on every level. You know, it's very organic, right? The family's organic, so governments should be that way, too. So as I centered on love, which is sex all ready to get back to the sexual organs.

Sammy Uyama  

That's such a rabbit hole, we went down for just a minute, a question I was curious about based on your talking. Sorry, if that puts you on a tangent, from your main point, I appreciate you going deep into that.

Tyler Hendricks  

It's really in my heart right now because I think we're at the point your mother's at the point where we are in a position to work with governments, real-time, governments, small nations fine. We need to be effective. We can, at this point, implement and affect real governments that have sovereignty. And so we need to have a clear understanding of our own ideal, where they're not going to adopt our ideal overnight, we haven't even adopted our ideal, you know, but we can at least you need to start like somebody said, you start with the end in mind, right? You got to the end in mind is jungle look. If we don't know clearly what is jungle looks like, we've got to establish that then. And even and it should be so convincing and so clear and right that everybody has a yeah, that is the ideal. Yeah, I want to live there. Here's where we are now. So let's map out let's make a map to get there and I think this is the time to do them. You know, it's 2021 to 2137 on Mother's on the earth with us is a time to do that. I'm excited and I'm kind of motivated. So that I took off from that marriage is the root of the nation history from marriage nations appear. So not just my marriage, your marriage, individual families, but the marriage of the larger levels are married to each other. I mean, like, these are married relationships. It's not like political stuff that like politics, it's like

Sammy Uyama  

Even just simply trying to imagine if a nation were to marry another nation, what would that look like? And what would their child look like? Is like, you have a lot of interesting conversations based on that, I think.

Tyler Hendricks  

No, no, no.

Sammy Uyama  

I mean, this makes me think about with just North and South Korea right now, it's like, for me in South Korea, recognizes all North Korean citizens as South Koreans as citizens of the Republic of Korea, but, you know, for the rest of the world viewpoint, they're, they're separate countries, right? And, okay. I mean, even that, like, these two have been separate for such a long time and if they were to marry, so to speak, become one nation and that was one example of what made me think about.

Tyler Hendricks 

Well, the archetype there for me is Cain. Abel. 

Sammy Uyama  

That makes that makes sense. Yeah.

Tyler Hendricks  

A nation is like a family. So, one family doesn't. There's not like a wife, family, and a husband, family marrying each other. That's not the way this system would work. Within the nation, there's the marriage. And then, but still, it's good. creative thinking is good. 

Sammy Uyama  

Well, then. Yeah, then I guess it'd be like a form of governance, right, that that gets formulated, and marriage occurs in the nation and the people, the nation and the children and the fruits of that.

Tyler Hendricks  

Well, yeah, you would be, they wouldn't be civil what's called civil religion. It was an American scholar, Robert Bellah, who came up with this, that America, United States has a civil religion. There are Jews, Catholics, Protestants, Muslims, Buddhists, lots of but we all celebrate Fourth of July, we all celebrate Thanksgiving in some way. Memorial Day, we've got these, Christmas, Hanukkah. So what that is that we're all celebrating, even if we're Baptist, or Catholic, no matter our particular religion. That's the civil religion and that's what makes us a coherent nation. His book was about this civil religion is starting to fragment everybody on he was right, of course. So trying to cook from are the principle that we need to distill the civil religion, that is not oppressive on everybody, it has space for okay, you can go to the church you like or the mosque, or not go to any at all, it's okay. But still, there are these general moral values, and it's going to be centered on the family, and the blessing at sexual purity, sexual abstinence before marriage, and absolute fidelity in marriage. The parents try to impart it's exactly what school of life is about, and whether you're Buddhist, whatever religion you are, it's in your scriptures. These are the universal values, I wish UPF would come out and say, oh, by the way, everybody, here's what the values are, that we all share, right? Because everybody's original mind and conscience resonate with that and or at least, the vast majority and moral majority does. I mean, there will be naysayers, who look for all kinds of reasons, but not many. That's what you put in the public schools and that's what you put into the marriage, marriage laws. 

You know, there's the soft mechanisms through which the state coordinates, we like the tax laws, there are tax incentives for being married for having children. I think that children get pure love education. parents get pure love education. Yeah, and then it filters out into the institutions of the society, as you know, and as Andrew love, he's researched a lot about this. I know, everybody gets happier and happier and more successful and more wealthy and what's not to like, everybody's gonna love it. Well, this point about you, you're the owner of your spouse's sex organ. That's the opposite of this speech here. Your sex organ belongs to your spouse, your spouse belongs to you and that's the fundamental principle of the universe is that the ownership of eternal love lies with the opposite sex. 

So that's such a riddle in a riddle. Mine belongs to you and yours belongs to me, but they only they're designed to be one but if you don't like mine, or love, mine it’s just as complicated as civil formula there. Even just preparing for this podcast when I walked down the street sometimes, and I see people, and I realize everybody has a sexual organ and okay, I use the word when we say eternal, your sex organ is eternal. The DNA is eternal like that. Non-temporal, it exists outside of time and space. It's eternal, it's non-temporal, your sexual organ is non-temporal. Everything else in your body is temporal but something deep, there is eternal is non-temporal and that's true for everybody. Everybody's walking around with God in their underpants. Right, holy of holies, you're connected to God, through your sexual organs, that you're walking around with there between your legs, every human being and every human being knows in spirit world knows more than we do, that every male and female’s sexual organ, billions of days are designed to become one then. 

So who do you become one with you know, that's incredible, you become one with the one you become one with his God becomes God, you and that person become God, become a heavenly parent because you're modeling what God did? To create the universe, you are modeling the origin of the universe, you're creating a child in whom the whole universe is recreated in your child, just like, recreate it in meet yourself. So you are God-centered on your sex organs. That's why Satan, Lucifer wanted to own the sex organs because he knew if I own the sex organs, I'm good, I'm taking over from God, and because if I can do it, based on the willingness of Adam and Eve to participate with me, then God can't say anything because God is a God of love. They did it based on love, a degraded form of love, but that's all there is okay, so God wants to own love. God wants to own love, which means God wants to own my sex organ, which means I have to give ownership of my sex organ to God, we, of course, I give my life to God, I go fundraising,  I do what God wants to do, give my life to God. But ultimately, what you have to give God is your sex organ. When you give your sexual organ to God, then it becomes available to your spouse, you can give it to your spouse, by the same but the mirror images, you get ownership of your spouse's you receive ownership of your spouse's sex organ from God. So it depends on your spouse's relationship with God first your spouse has to give her in my case her sexual organ to God, then God and she can give it to me. I should support her relationship with God that's just something I'm just realizing now after many years of marriage I should support sincerely deeply my wife's relationship with God. Yeah, the closer she gets to God the closer and the closer I get to God the closer we get to each other. I heard that from one pill Kim very father's first disciple from the north came down to, Kim said exactly that so I can try and go, and here's me and here's my wife The closer we get to God, the closer we get to each other so that's your frontline his relationship with God. Yeah. And so you support your wife's my wife, I support my wife so these are children you know, I prefer me. Why should they stick to God and for God to work in her life? And if he can use me so much better you know.

Sammy Uyama  

What an incredible deep dive into that last point about marriage? I really in its role and God it's a vehicle for us to become closer with God in the end.

Tyler Hendricks  

Yeah. Oh, yeah. Because God is married yeah, God is yours in a marriage Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother, and then having children we completely become the mirror image of God we become the incarnate God each one of us where that's why we're the owner supposed to be on .... like a couple of our family the owner ...., not me, you know, but our yeah, it all becomes in a way so simple. God is not complicated. God is a husband and wife together and love and that's why that's what every husband or wife should do. And that's it. We don’t need to go into his inner young song and other young song get out or bid.

Sammy Uyama  

It's like the laid out the theology of sex for us and everything you will down that's what it comes down to even the

Tyler Hendricks  

Father said, Where's the who's God? He talks about the sex organs that are so radical.

Sammy Uyama  

Yeah. I think if you had just your enthusiasm for, I know 30-year-olds who are already they feel crusty and like they've learned everything they need to, they're ever going to learn, right? And you're 72. You said here, it's 72. And you're just rediscovering new things again and again and again and what a way to live?

Tyler Hendricks  

Yeah, yeah. It takes time. But my wife started a condition to read the device. For the first time in her life, she said, I can read it three times through, by the end of the year, by whatever Sunday, she read the first time and she's going, this is like, okay, I don't understand what it's about. But as she's on the second time, cause she knew and I reinforced, you got to read it many times. The more you read it, the more you get it. Now she's reading it the second time, but she's getting, she's getting it more.

Sammy Uyama  

Yes. So Dr. Hendricks is there I have for people listening in, they want to stay connected, whatever you're working on, or they want to hear more from you. And I know you've got a bunch of stuff out there on the internet that is sourced to you. So like, where would you point people to know more about the work that you're doing? Or if you'd want to let anyone know about whatever it is that you're working on now?

Tyler Hendricks  Well, in terms of the internet, it's True Parents way. And it is now being hosted on the international family Federation site. But you can just Google trueparentsway.com and it's under construction. I should invest more in that. But I mean, I'm not the webmaster, but holding pattern right now. But it's at least it's online. There's a lot of good stuff and it's like four or five years old but there's really good stuff cause I go there sometimes and I just check it out. I'm like, wow. There's a whole Divine Principle series, 40-15 minute-ish lectures to go through the whole Divine Principle. A lot of people use that to educate their guests, spiritual children, it's called the Path to Happiness. It's on that website

Sammy Uyama  

You're in the process of writing a memoir, he said, so people can look forward to that at some point. 

Tyler Hendricks  

Yeah. But I did I finally got it because I've been thinking I should remember, I shouldn't do that. But finally, I got the kickstart was this, I want to tell my kids, and so I made a little group chat, and two grandkids are on it, too, with those my children, and two grandchildren. Every day, I send them a little, I write a little segment, and I send it to them, you know, I want my children to know what God did in my life. So someday it will come out, self-published. But it's cool, again, you're young, your listeners are young. It does change when you get old you know, in some ways, you're still learning, lifelong learning, and everything's fresh and that's great. 

That's way to be the same time, you get a lot of perspectives and you want to make sure you don't get just kind of I do want to make sure I don't get trapped by my memories. I don't want to be trapped by my memories but I want to honor God. This came from Augustine, he wrote, he was the first person to write his autobiography, his confessions, and is like for the glory of God, this is for God, not about me. It's about what God did. I want you for me, if you can learn about God, that's why I'm writing. So I want to experience it’s a process of appreciating God more even you know what God did 50 years ago or whatever, more, and learning more about God, getting closer to God now through that process. 

Another thing in this book is understanding life and death, that's another speech while they gave. Is God happier when we are born into this earthly world, or when we're born in the spirit world? He's happier when we're born in His sight, what an amazing speech moment of our second, we experienced the joy of living the finite realm of love, to enter the infinite realm of love. It's a moment of our second birth, the realm of the infinite expansion of love. And if you're afraid to die, you don't know it means you're afraid to live. Afraid of your own life, you don't realize what it's about and so this stuff beyond our leader in America's morning devotions every day is about just giving and giving. Just giving, giving. It's true.

Sammy Uyama  

Right, thank you, Dr. Hendrix.

Tyler Hendricks  

Yeah, thank you, you shared with us. Thank you, Sammy. So we'll see you next time. Okay.

Andrew Love  

I hope you found that episode enjoyable. And before we go, I wanted to challenge you to take your life on to take your life to the next level. And if you're struggling in any way with pornography, with masturbation with issues of sexuality that just are not helping you at all. If you want to reclaim your life, Reclaim Your eyes and ears, your time, your energy, then take our free 15 Day-Challenge. If you go to highnoon.org, you can find our 15 Day Challenge right there on the front page, take it, it's free, no strings attached. We've designed it to help you gain some level of momentum in your journey of sexual integrity so that you can take the next step, whatever that may be, it could be to go to our deeper ascend program, which is a 90-day program we have it could be to reach out to that accountability partner it could be to just take the whatever steps you need to take in your journey to build the life of heavenly sexuality that you deserve. So go to high noon.org right now, if you want to break up with porn, and start to get engaged with the life of your dreams and eventually marry. It doesn't it sound nice? So go to highnoon.org to find all of those resources and more. It's been a slice.

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