#180 - Consistency vs New

If you follow your routines while immersing yourself in an unfamiliar environment, you might be surprised at how this can change you.

This episode opens up with an intriguing discussion on the duality of consistency versus the new.

Putting a wrench in known patterns gives us a unique chance to look at ourselves and decide what is really working in our lives and what needs to be changed.

By breaking free from routines, seeking external perspectives, and embracing discomfort, we pave the way for personal growth and development.

With this way of thinking, you can filter out old parts of yourself and make room for the new you to come out.

Listen to Episode 180 to learn more!

  • Embracing the unfamiliar

  • Breaking free from routines

  • Traveling as a wrench in life

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#181 -How Fatherhood Shapes the World with Patrick Erlandson


#179 - Assimilating in High Noon Culture with Andi Pock