High Noon Concludes 24-Hour Global Summit

On April 25-26, an incredible 24-hour Global High Noon Summit took place online for Unificationists from around the globe. It was made possible by the many knowledgeable guest speakers and willing volunteers, and of course by our encouraging viewers. There were 117 guest speakers involved in 29 unique sessions. The live show was shared on Facebook 517 times, bringing in over 26,500 unique viewers. As we reflected back on this Summit, we can only offer gratitude and praise for the clear hand of our Heavenly Parent and True Parents in making these results possible.

The best part of the Summit was that there was something for everyone, whatever their stage of life may be. Whether you were a parent, a newly Blessed couple, a young individual, a person struggling with pornography, or a supporter for a friend or family member in need, there was much to be gained and learned from the diverse topics and testimonies delivered by our guest speakers. Recordings of each session can be viewed here.

We are still moved by how many people joined in the beginning and ended up staying for most of the program, including several who participated for the entire 24 hours!

The impact of this summit can be seen through the many testimonies we have received from those who participated, even days later. Here are some of them:

“The heavyweight of shame was lifted from me during this summit. Hearing the honest and vulnerable testimonies of my brothers and sisters, I no longer felt alone. I may have shadows, but I have to bring them into the light in order for God to work with me. The dream of God's ideal is for everyone, no matter how damaged or imperfect we might feel. We are all family and here to help each other. I'm so deeply grateful to everyone who made this summit possible. Thank you!”

"Thank you so much for organizing this and bringing such incredible speakers. My husband and I (we were Blessed in 2018) really enjoyed listening to the testimonies of the couples, the men's and women's discussions, and about heavenly intimacy. We were actually so inspired that we decided to take a break and make love!"

“One thing that was so fun to see was that through Facebook, I could see which of my friends were coming in to watch, and I was so pleasantly surprised to see so many of them joining in, especially from Brazil and South America! The Summit really did reach around the world. What a blessing in disguise for quarantine time!!"

"My absolute favorite session was the one about the Root of Unwanted Sexual Attraction. The whole lecture was so moving and I learned so much, I can't wait to learn more!! I'd love to see the three of them discussing for 2 or 3 straight hours, teaching and answering questions. The emotional struggles are so real, and I could connect the content with my own experiences so easily. Rev. Kevin Thompson also gave a similarly inspirational presentation. I also really loved the sessions with the 2nd gen couples, especially from the Blessed Marriage Project and the School of Love. I gained so many resources that I will definitely look over in the future.”

“Every session had me inspired and motivated to be better and create even deeper and more beautiful intimacy in my relationship, and I loved how accessible this summit was for everyone all over the world!! Ever since that workshop in London I've been desperate to get more high noon content because of how amazing I think this work is!

And what inspires me the most is the hope that when my future kids grow up they will have the tools, advice, guidance, education, and support to help them through their lives of sexual integrity, and healthy sexual lives in their marriages.”

If you weren’t able to tune into the Summit, don’t worry! The whole event was recorded and can be easily accessed on our website:


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24-Hour Global Summit Testimony | Sarah Rendel


Global Summit Playbacks