I’m a Woman Struggling With Porn/Masturbation & Sexual Integrity
According to our surveys, 48% of young women have watched porn in the last 6 months. The days of “it’s a guy problem” are over, and Mai and Carina are stepping up to share their story and HELP women who are struggling in silence. Benjy Uyama is a group facilitator for men’s groups.
High Noon HDH Book Now Available!
This Hoon Dok Hwe study book is the first of its kind. It is based on the words of True Father and True Mother. Each chapter explores a theme True Father spoke about with great passion. His clear explanations about God’s design and purpose for sexual love inspired us to have open, thought-provoking discussions in this book. Without his courage and leadership in life, this book could not have been written.
High Noon Summit Brings Sexual Integrity Discussion to the Washington Times Building
On September 10 and 11, High Noon held a regional Summit for ACLC pastors and local Blessed Families. Around 80 participated in the weekend.
Helping a Child Cultivate Sexual Integrity & Overcome Porn
The High Noon team shares some insights and experience in helping children and young people develop sexual integrity and overcome porn addiction.
How to Get Out of a Porn Relapse Ditch
Benjy Uyama shares 4 effective ways to bounce back after a porn addiction relapse and get yourself out of a ditch.
Signs of a Pornified View of Sex
When porn is the primary sexual reference in a person’s life, it wreaks massive havoc. Countless studies have indicated that the imprinting from our first experiences of sex lays the foundation for our entire sexual arousal template.
Am I Addicted to Porn?
It's a question almost everyone with a porn habit asks themselves at some point: Do I have a porn addiction? Benjy Uyama offers a unique and honest perspective on how to honestly answer the question of whether or not your porn addiction is worth addressing.