How To Talk To Someone About Their Porn Habit

Anyone supporting another through recovery should strive to take the role of an encourager. You can acknowledge that change is difficult, but express confidence in the person’s ability to begin again.

You can also support their effort to take the necessary steps toward self-mastery. The most important thing to remember is to refrain from judgment; all of us have bad habits we haven’t overcome yet.

9 Ways To Be a Supportive Accountability Partner

Read the topics below to learn more about supporting recovery.1. Set aside time to talk2. Listen first3. Work at their speed4. Praise small progress5. Ask your friend how you can support them.6. Plan preventative steps7. Tap the power of positive motivations8. Tap the power of negative motivations9. Know your limits


The Clue Inside the Craving


Fight Against Porn for the Children