#98 - Three Types of Crushes | Carina Cunningham

We've all experienced having crushes at some point in our lives. Having butterflies in our stomach or feeling nervous around that certain person we like. 

A "crush" is a term used to describe someone to whom we have a strong attraction to. It can be someone who helps us establish our standards for love or our ideal partner.  Crushing on someone may be both uncomfortable and exciting but it can reveal a lot about ourselves since they are a mix of our unspoken aspirations and desires.

In Episode 98, we are joined by Carina Cunningham, as she shares the three types of crushes, what they are, and the information they reveal about ourselves. She also discusses the value of having a strong foundation of love from parents and siblings, as well as the distinction between a crush and a healthy attraction. 

Because crushes are a reflection of ourselves, having admiration for someone can help us grow and understand ourselves better. The three types of crushes discussed in this episode will help you identify what feelings you may have for a person, and how to act and react properly, hopefully to also help you avoid any rash decisions you may regret. 

We all have someone in mind that we truly like, and investing our love and energy in that one person should be worth it. Listen to explore and learn about the concept of crushes and truly understand the essence of love in Episode 98!

  • What is self-awareness

  • The “band-aid crush”

  • The dangerous aspect of band-aid crushes

  • The “fantasy crush”

  • Selective hearing

  • A long-term fantasy crush

  • The “confused crush”

  • The developmental misinterpretation of love

  • Significance of establishing a solid foundation for all types of relationships

  • The difference between a crush and a healthy attraction

Episode Transcript:

Andrew Love  

Welcome back to Love, Life and Legacy, the podcast dedicated to helping you navigate these hypersexualized times of ours. And in today's episode, we have Carina. Our dear friend and sister, Carina Mendez Cunningham. And she is talking about crushes, three types of crushes. You see, we've had a similar conversation in the past, but she's gone deeper. And now, she's really deciphered three types of very distinct crushes that you all need to learn about. Because if you are single, you need to know about this. If you're married, you need to know about this. And if you're a parent, you need to know about this because each crush has a very distinct expression and outcome. And if you want to stay away from disasters like falling in love with somebody by accident, or falling in love with the wrong person, or letting your emotions just basically take over the whole scene of a relationship, then listen to this episode. It's really, really good. I really like these concepts a lot. We go in deep so that we can elaborate upon each single concept so that they're crystal clear. And if you can understand these concepts and implement them in your life, you'll shave off years of pain and suffering, and years and years worth of wasted time in fantasy land wishing that you were somebody else doing something else. And instead, you're going to just enjoy being yourself. Living life the way that you choose to live. So let's get into it. Without further ado, welcome Carina Mendez Cunningham.

Welcome back, everybody. So today, we have a special guest, a repeat guest. And she's not even a guest, she's a co-host, but she's still kind of a guest. Her name is Carina. You know her. Everybody knows her. If you don't know her, shame on you. Shame on you. Go to our website and just look up Carina. She's the second half of Robert or Roberts, the second half of her. I'm not sure which one. I don't know who's in the league, but they're each other's halves. And she's giving a presentation recently about crushes. I know we've already talked about that on this podcast. But she's had some deeper insights. God gave her a down low. Somebody did. Somewhere, somehow, she got a down low. And this is really for you to help clarify your understanding of crushes. I think this can really help us whether you're single, or whether you're already in a relationship. This can help avoid a lot of pain, potentially. Your focus on where you want to invest your energy and your love and your admiration and whatnot. So welcome back, Carina. It's been a while. 

Carina Cunningham  

Yes. Thank you, Andrew. Thank you. Yes, it's true. It's really nice to be back on the podcast. I love to be on the podcast. And I'm very excited for today to give you some context. Robert and I were running a new program called KNOWN. This program is basically for singles to understand their own sexuality. And it's very, very fun. So far, we are in week, almost ending at this point. But one of the topics was attraction. So I've been talking a lot about crushes and attraction. We did a podcast together, me and Andrew. But I felt that there was something else that can come up. Something else that can come through me about the topic. So I was praying and meditating. And this concept helped me go more deep about it. In the last podcast, we said that crushes are a sign of something. It's a sign of a need that we have, or connection. And those are general idea, which is great. But inspiration came out for me for these three type of crushes. And each one of us represents a need, or it tells us something about ourselves. Something that what is happening for us now, or things that are unfulfilled from the past. And it tells something about us. So it's like, this conversation about these three types of crushes is really helpful to understand what kind of information this crush is giving to me depending on what type of crush. Once we start to describe it, you're going to immediately realize which crush are you experiencing. Now, maybe you're experiencing one or maybe you're experiencing a mix of the three of them. But I think it's like a nice framework, hope you've known what information this crush has given to you. 

Andrew Love  

Yes. So everybody, self-awareness. I just had a call before this call with somebody who just was, they almost lost their way but they didn't. And they realized, they were wondering, did I slip or not? And it was a great conversation to have because he didn't slip but he still felt bad. And he's like, well, what is this slip? And I was like, well, it's a great question. It's really up to your standards. So your standards really guide you from where you're at to where you want to be. It's like the habits that allow you to get the things that you want. And so crushes are helping you to establish standards of love, basically. Understanding like, oh, maybe I'm getting a little bit too close to this person, or maybe I should communicate with them less, or change the way that I communicate with them, or whatever. But I really feel that this is a really important conversation for people to gain more self-awareness about the feelings that they have. And whether their intentions are pure, or whether they're looking for attention and this kind of stuff. So I'm really excited to unpack what you have in store for us, Carina. So are they in order of severity, these three types of crushes? Do we want to start with light, medium, and then super severe? Or how are they categorized? 

Carina Cunningham  

I don't have an idea. I will share from the virtue, orderly showed up to me. 

Andrew Love  

Okay, so what's number one? 

Carina Cunningham  

The easiest to recognize. So the easiest to recognize is the band-aid crush. So the band-aid, when you get hurt and you had to recover... How do you say it?

Andrew Love  

Boo boo, your cut, your scratch, your scrape. 

Carina Cunningham  

Exactly! And you cover your pain with something else. This is simple to recognize if we're thinking from the point of view of a married person or a married couple. For example, imagine that in my relationship with Robert, we start to struggle. And then I get detached, disconnected and feel lack of love. And then I go to other places like work or the gym, or other places that I socially interact, and easily attracted to a person, for example. And that attraction comes from a place of lack of love or needing that connection that is lacking in my relationship. And so I'm more susceptible to feeling the connection with this person in a romantic way. Of course, we can have connections with other people of the opposite gender. But in a romantic way, usually, when we are in a relationship is usually because something is happening in your relationship. 

So it's easy to recognize when you're in a relationship, because it's like, oh, yes, I have a spouse. So it's happening because I'm having a problem with my spouse. But it actually can apply with the same point of view to a single person, because no matter what, we're actually already in a relationship even if we're single, it's just that we don't know who that person is. And we're creating this relationship through our relationship with God when we're single. So when we are disconnected with God, when we're disconnected with ourselves, when we feel disconnected from this source of love, then we're more vulnerable to be attracted to other people, to feel like you want to have a crush, or get attracted to someone else, and move that need from the love that you have from real love that you have, or a place that you can find it easier and more. It's more of a fake, immediately, love. So it's just a cover, it's a crush that is trying to cover something. And the information that is given to you is that what needs are you trying to cover through that crush on that person. Or what is happening in you, what is not going well? How's your relationship with your spouse, with God, with your parents? What kind of relationship that this relationship is trying to move your attention from? So this is the first one. I don't know if you have any comment. You probably have great insight about it. 

Andrew Love  

That's a good one. It's more of an avoidance crush, an escape crush. So you're in pain and you want something to take away your pain, so it's like a drug. I didn't know that. For most of my life, I was addicted to being in love, this feeling of being in love, and because it's a wonderful feeling. But little do you know, it's just a bunch of chemicals rushing through your brain. And when those chemicals are gone and you see the real person, it's scary. So in a sense, there's like a void in your life and you want to fill it. Somebody like, aww, they take away your pain because they're so cool. But in many cases, honestly, they just embody something that you admire, something that you wish you had more of in your life. But you ascribe it to them and you want. You think that you want them but you just want what they represent in your life. So yes, it is like a drug because it's the feeling that you get that you really like. You don't really care about that person because in most cases, you know that person. It's just how they make you feel. It is like drug love. Puppy Love is like a little drug. I wouldn't say it's like heroin, but it's a pretty addictive drug to be in love, a little crush.

Carina Cunningham  

Yes. So to make it more personal, that happened to me. For example, in high school, there was this guy who have been crushing me, but I never pay attention to him. I was like, oh, this is so cute for him. But I never really had, feelings came off for me to him. But then, I start to struggle with the church, with my clients. And I start to have challenging feelings for myself on everything. I started to doubt everything and in my relationship with God, basically. And at that moment, I was distracting myself like, I actually like him. He's so cute, and I was generating feelings. But at the end of the day, it was just a distraction for me to not feel the pain that I was going through. And it's kind of fun. And at the same time, if the other person is already giving you attention, it's exciting. You feel loved, and you feel like, oh, this person cares about me. And yes, but at the end of the day, everything falls with time. You realize that it's not really what you think it is.

Andrew Love  

Yes, just like drugs. I was just listening to this guy. He's a musician. He's talking about being a drug addict. And it sounded miserable. The person who's interviewing them says, it sounds terrible. And it's like, yes, it is. But it's like, at the moment, it's not about feeling good, it's about avoiding feeling bad and you do anything to get away from that pain. And so a lot of the time, when you end up having a crush on somebody, you're completely ignoring some very important signs that you're doing something stupid, and you could be hurting other people, you could be hurting yourself, you could be destroying your friendship with that person, or you could be doing a lot of stupid stuff. But your desire to want to escape the pain is so much greater than your desire to want to face reality sometimes. That you're getting yourself into a whole world of pain. And if you can just stop and evaluate the situation a little bit more logically, you can see how silly the whole thing is. But when you're really possessed by that feeling, it's almost impossible to see how stupid you look.

Carina Cunningham  

Yes, and what's dangerous about this type of crush is that, usually, we tend to do it with someone that is already giving us attention. So we have answers when we're receiving that attention and since we are lacking, we feel more attracted. We want that attention again. So it can be dangerous, in a sense, because the other person is more reciprocate. The other person is actually giving to you. So if you give in on that and even take it, things can happen more quickly. While the second type of crush, which is the fantasy crush, you're mentioning that everyone thinks that it is a crush that if it happens more from our side than from the other person's side. And we create this image of a princess or incredible like Prince Charming that going to come and save our lives and make us have an incredible life, and we create an image of different characteristics this person has and everything, that character. 

And we put the character that we have in our mind, so we're a face. And maybe, we don't have so much interaction with this person when we put this fantasy on this person. So create all this emotion for that person. And usually, the formation of these fantasies comes from pain from the past. For example, if you have pain from your dad, he screams to you when he was upset, you want either something similar or the opposite. We get attracted to the same or the opposite, someone that treats us really nicely. Different things, different characteristics that can connect with traumas from the past of things that we want to avoid from the present as well as for people who really read a lot of books and romantic books, and movies. They get this idea of the romantic relationship that will help us. And they're going to make them happy. So all the fantasy, we put it on this person. And the reason you put these characteristics to this person, can be different ones. For example, in my case, it was just a great beginning of our relationship. Or you met someone in a special way and you're like, oh. Or just physically, it's similar to what you imagined, as well as in your fantasy so you connect them. It can be like, just he or her, she comes to you and says, hello. And then you're like, oh. You don't know this person so much but you put all this characteristics, fantasy characteristics on this person. I think it was you, Andrew, that in the non-session as well, we were saying about connecting emotion. So we're an image. So this fantasy crush is the same as connecting an image of a person, of a face of a person, with an emotion that we are looking for but we just rushed through it. And that's like a fantasy crush. It comes more from the part of the person who is experiencing that crush.

Andrew Love  

Yes, that's definitely, I would say truly of everybody. People do that with politicians or with celebrities where it takes a different shape than a crush, but it's like they put all their hopes into a person. It becomes an idol. I guess that's idol-worshipping. That type of crush is actually idol-worship because you're ascribing a ton of greatness to a person. That's really, really interesting. You want the feeling so you put the face of somebody else as somebody that would give you that feeling. It's completely in your head. And that's actually a really powerful tool if you use it the right way. But you got to put the right person and the right feeling together. I guess that's the point. If you put the wrong person and the wrong feeling together, then it's a disaster. But let's say you put admiration to a parent, great. Every time you think of that parent, it brings up a certain feeling. But every time you say, think about that crush, and then it makes you feel Lovey Dovey, then obviously, that it's not serving you in any way. You're looking for that feeling, but you just need to swap that face that's giving you that feeling. Maybe yourself, maybe somebody else, but not in a crush-y way. So I like that. 

So let me just recap. So far, you're talking about the band-aid, it's really stimulated by somebody else giving you attention. They notice you, and that stirs up some feelings like, oh, wow, they looked at me. Oh my gosh, I mean something. So it's really stemming from wanting to be noticed, wanting to be loved. Whereas fantasy is more about putting a face to emotion and completely writing the story of what that person's like without really knowing them, or anything real. You're just completely making up who that person is, and just putting their face on that feeling.

Carina Cunningham  

Yes, as you say, maybe you start to know that person, but nothing that the person is giving to you is actually that you're not reading, you're just wasting what you want. The person just smiles at you once, then you think like, oh my gosh. But maybe he's actually rejecting you or giving you all kinds of signs, but you just don't read those.

Andrew Love  

Yes, selective hearing. So that's the reticular activating system, it's the part of your brain that observes your biases. It confirms the things that you want to believe or that you care about. It's looking for confirmation of this. So in this case, if you're blinded by your crush, then you'll only look at the good stuff about that person. That's wild, because I'm sure everybody listening has experienced that attractive person who looks at you and smiles at you, and it just fills you up with this warmth. And like, oh my God. But you completely then... That's just one interaction, you have no idea. Maybe they just farted and they're smiling, and you have no idea. But you're like, Oh my God, they like me. You're making that mean something. It's just the thing that happened, but it's what you make it mean that either helps you or hurts you in the end. And the fact is that a lot of times people make somebody's life mean something that is not based on reality. And in that case, obviously, you're going to reach an ending to that, and it's not going to be pretty because you're going to just be slapped in the face with reality at some point.

Carina Cunningham  

And this kind of crush can last a long time too if you're not careful. If you grab it from the beginning, the more give and take you to have with this fantasy in your mind, the harder it is. And it can be really hard to get it and finish this cycle in your mind.

Andrew Love  

Yes, that's very true. When you work on a project and you invest your time and energy into something, the more that you labor over it, the more that you care about it because it's an investment. You're investing your energy, your time, your attention, sometimes your blood, sweat, and tears. And that's what a fantasy is. It's ultimately your vesting emotion in it, time, energy, and you're building this thing up. And the more energy and emotion that you invest into it, the stronger it becomes, the more valuable it becomes to you. And that's why some people can get completely obsessed. They won't even let you come close to their fantasy. If you test their fantasy, they will just hate you. And they'll say, get away, don't tell me. You can't tell me. And when you see somebody like this, it's really quite sad because you know that they're just delusional.

Carina Cunningham  

It's good. I don't want to make people feel guilty if they're experiencing this kind of crush. Remember always that this crush is giving you information, and that's why this categorization is good for you to have a framework, to understand what kind of information is giving this to you. So this kind of crush, and I will repeat, is giving you information about things that you like, but at the same time fears, traumas, core fears like things that are very inside yourself. So try to check what is inside this fantasy crush. What kind of information is given to you? What kind of pain are you trying to cover through it from your past? And why do you want this fantasy like, why do you think that this person has these characteristics that are impacting your spirit and your life? And why do you think all this is important for you? You're going to get a lot of important information about yourself, and that's the main point of all of these.

Andrew Love  

Yes. Information is very, very important. To know information about yourself, then you can tell other people about yourself. If you know about yourself, you can say, I'm like this. But I was just having this conversation today with somebody, that most people, don't have enough information about themselves to give to their potential spouse. And so they're both lacking a great deal of information. So to make an educated decision as to whether they're suitable for each other is actually nearly impossible unless they have sufficient information. So that information that you're talking about, learning about yourself, that's really, really important for yourself to understand yourself. But also, so that you can tell that person that ends up being in your life who you really are so that they can deal with that. Because otherwise, they're just dealing with their interpretation of you instead of the real you. But usually, that's all people have to work with because they don't know the real themselves.

Carina Cunningham  

Yes, exactly. I will move on to the last one, which is the confused crush. And this is the kind of crush that comes out from confusing the type of love that you have given and received. So there are four types of love. There's the parental love, there's the child love, there's the brother and sister love. I read that there's another word in English for this, but there is a couple's love or spouse love. And then there is the parent to child, parent to child love.  So child, siblings, couple, and parents. So these are the four types of love that they have. And you can have different levels of each other, but those are the main types of love. So sometimes, when we don't have a strong foundation, for example, receiving love from our parents, or we don't have a strong love from our parents so we didn't have the feeling of giving and taking from the love of our parents, we might confuse when someone loves us with parental love, we might confuse it with romantic love. Or when someone is loving us like an older brother and sister, or younger brother and sister, and they're loving us from that lens and we don't have a strong foundation of how that love actually feels, we confuse it with romantic love. So this kind of crush is giving you the information of what type of love you are actually lacking, or you haven't built a strong relationship. So for example, in my STF years, I have a crush on my commander, and I feel so terrible because he was married and have kids actually. But that crush didn't last so long. But that crush came from this type of crush, the confused crush where he was giving me parenting love, older brother love.  And since I never received that kind of love, I even knew how to receive it, and I get confused. I confuse it since I was vulnerable in my emotions with romantic love. So I don't know if it makes sense, but maybe you can explain, and then we'll call understand too.

Andrew Love  

No, that makes perfect sense. We're not to get kicked off the face of the planet. But what we learned about same-sex attraction and all this stuff, gender confusion, all this stuff really comes from a developmental misinterpretation of love that at some point, you didn't receive the love that you needed at that age. And then things just unraveled from there. And it can even be present tense like, you say you're married, let's say you even have kids, you have adult kids even, but you and your wife have been fighting for 30 years and you're not getting a certain type of love from them. You could confuse a friend who just wants to be your friend as having romantic feelings for you because you have this void in your life. Or maybe, think about the Quintessential University professor who has an affair with one of their students, they're completely confusing the parent-child dynamic. They both are in that scenario. The student is getting what is supposed to be parental guidance from a teacher, and the teacher is meant to be giving that paternal or maternal love but they mix it all up. It all gets jumbled up. And so you have these feelings, and without a channel, that's, I forget who said it. I think it was Sansha actually, and in one of her testimony, she said, love without a container wreaks havoc. 

So that container is knowing what relationship you're in and understanding what love is best for that relationship. And when love just runs willy-nilly and you just going by your feelings, and things are really confusing very quickly. So somebody likes you, you like them, then you hate each other and then you move on. And then you like somebody else, they like you. It's just like when I watch TV shows, I honestly just need to take a breather after and just vomit for a second just like watching little kids, I like you. I hate you. I like you. I hate you. But you watch those reality shows like The Kardashians and you're like, Oh my God. They're like little children. They don't understand anything about love. So I think most of the world exists in that confused love. Even many couples formed a family based on confused love. But when they say, I love you or I'm out of love with you, I fell out of love with you, a lot of times, it's just you didn't really understand the love that you did have that was actually brother and sister love and you turned it into romantic love. And then it got weird. 

You're not out of love with them. You just chose the wrong direction for that love. So yes, the container, I know people don't like to be put into boxes or anything. But it does help in this situation to understand that love gets confused if you don't understand which dynamic you are working in within a relationship. Because even within a relationship like you and Robert, you guys take turns. Sometimes you feel like Robert's mom, sometimes you feel like his sister, sometimes you feel like his lover. And even within a relationship, you have to know which hat to wear. If Robert's being a baby, then you got to take care of him like a baby. There are different energies for each dynamic within every relationship. But in terms of crushes, I could see that, unless you're really clear about what that relationship means, you'll end up having all sorts of feelings.

Carina Cunningham  

Yes, and the information is like, if you don't have a strong foundation on parental love and sibling's love, brother and sisters love then this can happen so easily. If you don't have sisters and you'd never develop a strong sister relationship, then every time our sister comes up to you and say hi, you will confuse it with romantic love, for example. And as you say, as well as same-sex attraction, I'm pretty sure this is connected with this like the rules, we confuse it. And so many things are happening in the world like pedophilia and a lot of stuff that is happening. I don't think nobody's doing it because they are bad people, but they just confuse love. They're confusing. They don't have a strong foundation, they don't have a strong real parent-child relationship, or real brother and sister relationship. So they don't know, they're ignorant. So if this is happening to you, it's really important to know what is usually that in your relationship with your parents, if it's happening with you with someone older than you? What is the relationship with your child if this is happening with someone younger than you, and all that? What is beyond or behind this confused love is there are some things that you can learn and you can work on. And it is an incredible process because you will find the real feeling behind that.

Andrew Love  

Yes, this is all really, really important. So you said that nobody does it because they're evil, and I definitely do agree that people create painful situations when they themselves are in pain. And we had a meeting yesterday, and I just heard Socrates really believe this idea that nobody's inherently evil. It's just ignorance. Evil stems from ignorance. And so just think about that. You're listening to this podcast, you're ingesting this information, all misery is caused by ignorance. That's a theory that I could buy into largely that we have equal opportunity to do bad and good. And if you do something wrong, then it's a lot of times just because you have no relationship with the good. So in terms of crushes, instead of going down that road and ending up feeling really crappy about yourself, then it's good to take that information that we just gave you and be self-aware about what is going on? What is really going on behind the emotion? What's happening right now? Why am I doing this? Why are we starting to, does this person really love me? So is there a future here? So I like it a lot. I can't wait for your book to come out. I keep on saying, Carina has got to write a book about this.

Carina Cunningham  

I want to end it with one last concept just to help people to understand the difference between a crush and a healthy attraction. I felt the attraction is a crush that usually happens to a person. You have a crush on a person, but attraction happens for an attribute of a person or an attribute. You are attracted to honesty, you are attracted to a certain type of expression, you're attracted to X, X, Y. So attraction, it is important to get information on what you are attracted about. So it's like saying, I like strawberries. It's like I'm attracted to honest people. It doesn't have to be connected with romantic feelings, it's just a thing that you are attracted naturally. And this is important to learn in life and get self-aware. To start a relationship, you actually don't need to be attracted to that person. Attraction grows with love. So there is an inner divine principle that is the core of a unification movement, ideology. It talks about the relationship between beauty which is beauty's basically attraction, beauty, and love. And love is in such a position and beauty is in the archer position. When you love something, when the archer reciprocates with your love, their response to that love is beauty, which is attraction. So when attraction can create love, because you are attracted to something and you can create love from that attraction, but if you create love from that attraction, you put in attraction as a subject and love as the object. And then whenever the beauty ends for any reason, or change it for any reason, then love breaks. 

But if you put love as a subject and beauty as the object, then that can be eternal, because you will find beauty in things that you didn't find beautiful before. So for example, the Wolfenbergers have a dog.  His name is Paco. He's the ugliest dog I've ever seen. The first time I saw it I was like, the first feeling that came out was disgust. What the hell is that? I was so shocked. It was like a combination of a rat and a dog and a cat. What is that? And then I was like, okay, I would love this dog. And I spent time with the dog and put love at the beginning as a subject. And the dog day by day is starting to be so cute for me. And the end of my time in Wolfenberger's house I was like, such a cutie dog. I love you, I will miss you so much. So that's a funny example. But it happens with relationships. I don't know. I'm just being almost three years married with Robert, and every day it's like, oh my gosh. Before I was turned off that he didn't have so much muscle and stuff, then now I'm like, I don't care if he doesn't have muscle or what. And I'm like, Oh my God, he's super handsome. And it's because love is the subject. So then the more I love him, the more the love grows, the more beauty I can receive from him.

So at the end of the day, I know that attraction is important to start a relationship. But it's like attraction, you're attracted to attributes. And that is very tangible. It can be the center of how you start a relationship. And we should make a podcast about that, just about that. But I wanted to end with that concept because that is important to understand that the crisis and information behind the crushes, but crushes and attraction, no matter what, it's not the best as the main point to start a relationship with someone. And I hope with this conversation, it is easier for you to understand what is the difference between a crush and a healthy attraction. And as I say, attraction, you're attracted to a certain attribute. And that's very simple like, I like blue. And that's it. It doesn't change your life. It's just something that is there, a piece of information about you.

Andrew Love  

I like it a lot. Yes, everybody, this is really good stuff to think about. It will help you. It will shave off years of how much time have you spent in fantasy. Obviously, people listen to our podcast, a lot of them have watched porn. What do you think that is? Why do you think, you know, it's so customizable? It's because you want a certain type of fantasy. And that, again, it's like you have two parts of you. You have the external form, and then this internal nature. So this external stuff, the result of like, oh, I want this, it's connected to an internal reason why. And if you can start to unravel that, then you'll get to know, oh, I'm seeking this kind of person. That means that I want this deep down inside. That gives you power. Then you are a powerful person who cannot be corrupted. But without understanding that part of you, you can easily fall into marketing traps. Just think about that. You can fall into so many traps. You can be bribed, you can just be corrupted. So if you want to be incorruptible, if you want to be really whole, just a fulfilled person, then it's really important to understand what drives your actions, what drives your crushes? So thank you, Carina, for stopping by and for shedding some wisdom with us. Any last words that you want to say before you go?

Carina Cunningham  

Oh, thank you everyone for listening to this point. And if you ever want to talk, I'm available as well. And we help create more podcast episodes like this.

Andrew Love  

Yes. Thank you, Carina. And thank you, universe, and we'll see you next time. 

Carina Cunningham  


Andrew Love  

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#99 - The Value of a New Habit


#95 - Death by 1,000 Cuts