Support Group for Japanese Men | 日本人男性グループミーティング
The Japanese Brother's Group, organized by Mamoru Uyama and Luke Higuchi, meets online via Zoom every Saturday evening at 8:00 PM (EST). They have been meeting regularly since October 2019.The members of the group are extending a warm invitation to any Japanese brothers to join their weekly meetings.
Accountability is this spectacular and almost magical process that allows for us to be exposed to the best and worst attributes we embody.
Dallas Holds High Noon Summit
High Noon completed its fourth sub-regional event this year in Dallas, Texas on Saturday, October 26, 2019! This particular High Noon Summit was the place to be to experience love, connection, and honesty. The Dallas community is full of larger-than-life families who open up their homes so entirely that guests experience authentic Southern love and hospitality that is unmatched anywhere else in the country. Subregional Director Rev. John Jackson and his family lead the way for the community to experience open sharing and vulnerability.
The Integrity Muscle
It is important to understand integrity, first as a concept, then more specifically practically, so you can apply it in a very basic way to your life. As life fragments into more complex segments, you can continue with the established integrity that you already have. If you lack the basics of integrity, your life will become increasingly more difficult.
Get Yours FREE | 5 Steps to Heavenly Intimacy
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174 Participants Join High Noon Summit in New Jersey
We just experienced a life-changing High Noon Summit in Clifton, New Jersey on September 28, 2019. We had 174 participants attend the event from New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Canada, and as far as Ohio and California. The day was filled with possibility and connection as families, parents, children, aunts, uncles, and siblings gathered together to experience honest sharing and authentic dialogue.
Learning to Trust Yourself
A very important aspect in developing integrity is the process of rebuilding faith and trust in yourself. When you are out of integrity, when you can't keep promises, when you can't make good on your word—it’s very easy to start to feel increasingly smaller and lose the power we once had.
[Testimony] Control Your Destiny Through Sexual Integrity Training
We received this testimony from a young man named Atdhe Zyhranaj from Kosovo who attended a few of High Noon's events. It's always inspiring to hear from men and women who are making a difference in their lives through living a High Noon life of sexual integrity.
Love Resuscitation: How to Make It Through the Tough Times
Fighting is a little like exfoliating our skin. (Full disclosure—I have real-life experience in spas, and I’m secure in admitting that). For anyone that is unfamiliar with the process of exfoliation, it advertised as a gentle process of cleansing the outer layer of your skin in order to remove all the dirt and grime so that you face radiates with newness and youthful beauty. At least that’s the idea. But in reality, it is like sandpaper scraping off a layer of your skin so that your new skin underneath can have its turn to shine.
How to Cope With the Effects of a Partner's Porn Habit
Spouses of porn addicts need recovery support, too. It’s understandable that you would feel upset, even hurt, when you first discover the problem. However, in any relationship, overly emotional reactions can make a problem worse.
Shame vs. Justification
In a society that is becoming increasingly intolerant to anything that reminds people of rules or authority, you will only ever find relativism and justification. It makes sense. NOBODY wants to feel bad, so why not say that nothing is bad? Anyone can have sex with anything?
You Can't Give What You Don't Have
Idealists are wonderful people. Huge hearts, great visions of grandeur, and usually amazing huggers as well. I should know, I’m a HUGE idealist.
Germany Welcomes Back High Noon
Last week, Andrew Love traveled to Bad Camberg, Germany to speak with HARP and CARP leaders, as well as several others who were in positions of leadership from all around Europe.
Don't Give Up! Josh's Honest Journey to Gain Sexual Integrity
This is the story of my struggle against pornography and it is a tough story for me to share. My problem with porn didn’t exactly start with porn itself. This story is to show that the struggle of sexual sin is a problem that does not start with just pre-teens to adulthood, it impacts little kids too.
Your Heart Follows Your Attention
The power of our words and thoughts is enormous because that is where we put our emotional attention. The more you repeat a thought in your mind, the more you start to feel the accompanying emotions and the more it becomes true to you.
Gain Spiritual Support to Help a Spouse With a Porn Habit
Between husband and wife, or an engaged couple, it’s best not to focus on your partner’s “problems” or “undesirable habits.” Although you don’t need to sweep those things under the rug, taking a positive approach will be more helpful for both of you.