#4 - The Founders of High Noon | David & Mitsue Wolfenberger
David and Mitsue Wolfenberger share how their Divinely-inspired passion to see couples have fulfilled marriages through integral sexual relationships, which has led to the creation of the one-of-its-kind High Noon program.
#7 - Creating a High Noon Marriage | Robert & Carina
Robert and Carina share about their involvement and process with the High Noon program first as individuals dealing with sexual integrity, and how it has impacted their marriage in such a positive and meaningful way.
#1 - Masturbation
Join Andrew Love and Sammy Uyama as they discuss the “touchy” topic of mast-urba-tion from varying perspectives. They discuss influences, triggers and motivations behind the act as well as alternative ways of thinking as a means to focus one’s energy and attention on living better lives without it.