#86 - Why Accountability is AMAZING | Jorge & Hideaki

Gaining back your sexual integrity isn’t as easy you thought it would be. It takes courage, discipline, and willingness to change your habits and avoid temptations around you. More often than not, we need someone who will push us or even inspire us, so we could handle the pressure that comes and goes. 

It goes to show that having an accountability partner is a great way to start this journey. They are the people who are willing to help you stay committed to your goals and motivate you to reach them. This person could be someone who is going through the same thing you are struggling with. When you're in it together and helping each other, you're both much stronger because you're rooting for each other.

In episode 86, we have an amazing duo here with us today, Jorge and Hideaki. They’re here to share with us how an accountability partner can help withstand the test of time and become better, happier, and healthier men.

They will be discussing all accountability partners, its benefit, why it is helpful, and their personal experiences on how they trusted each other and had the freedom, to be honest, and share their struggle in relation to gaining their sexual integrity. The two will also share what solidified their relationship as accountability partners, what an accountability partner gets in return, and what they learned about sexual integrity and self-awareness or accountability.

Remember to always be positive and make sure to take full responsibility for your life. Check out the High Noon Ascent Course here and download the High Noon International app to your desktop or phone to help you find your accountability partner to overcome porn and develop your sexual integrity with a supportive community.

  • Seeking accountability

  • Developing the energy of giving love

  • ‘Care’ is the start point to everything

  • Identifying your struggle

  • Having the ability to reach out

  • Being an accountability partner is a big responsibility

  • Benefits of having an accountability partner

  • The opposite of addiction is connection

  • Real connection gives you power

  • Overcoming things together with your accountability partner

Episode Transcript:

Andrew Love  

Welcome back to Love, Life and Legacy, a podcast dedicated to helping you navigate these hypersexualized times. And in today's episode, I'm interviewing two people, very special people, Hideaki and Jorge. These two guys are on the opposite ends of the accountability partner spectrum. One is the accountability partner and the other one is receiving accountability from the other. It's a really inspiring story about how two people with completely different backgrounds and age group demographics have forged a bond and a connection that will last eternity. It will withstand the test of time. Not only that, but it's really helping both of them to become better, happier, healthier men. So let's get into it. 

Welcome back, everybody. We're here today. We're going to talk about accountability partners. I've tried to sell you guys on it before. I think Sammy has at some point in time, but it was just us talking about it, and it was somewhat hypothetical. Some of you jumped in and got an accountability partner because you got it, but a lot of you didn't because it wasn't fleshed out in three dimensions. But we have human beings here, legitimate bonafide human beings. I've certified them as being non-Cyborg. They are totally human in every way, shape or form, and they've created this bond, the accountability partner and the accountable person. I guess we don't have a good name for the person who's accountable. Coming from two completely different places, but thanks to this age, they've connected to the internet, formed a relationship that seems to have had a really amazing impact on both of their lives. So let's get into it. I have two people here, and they're Jorge or George. Do you prefer Jorge or do you prefer George? 

Jorge Mendez

Jorge is fine. 

Andrew Love  

Jorge, where are you from?

Jorge Mendez

I'm from Uruguay, South America. It's a little country in the south between Argentina and Brazil. And I met Hideaki in the Ocean Challenge Program in Kodiak, Alaska in 2019. So we spent the program together. He is a professional photographer, is an amazing guy and he feels something like his insight within the relationship. So even though we have a cultural gap, he can be my son. We're not the same age and we're not in the same culture, but still we have this amazing relationship as an accountability partner.

Andrew Love  

Yes. And if you can't tell everybody who is listening, this man, he's got the gift of the gab. He's a good speaker. That's why his last name is Mendez, exactly like Carina. That's her dad. They're both very amazing people. And so who else do we have on the call? What is your name and where are you from?

Hideaki Nomura

My name is Hideaki Nomura. I'm from Chicago, Illinois. 

Andrew Love  

Nice. And so were you in High Noon at all, or do you have any relationship with High Noon before you went to Kodiak, Alaska, and I met Jorge?

Hideaki Nomura 

One time, High Noon to Chicago, and then I did some of the video work for that. But other than that, no, I met uncle Jorge at Kodiak.

Andrew Love  

That's amazing. So we were in your space. We came, all the whole team came to Chicago. I was sweating, I was working so hard trying to make things happen. I remember, you helped to record the event. You're right there in the thick of it. But still, it wasn't enough to convince you to get accountability. So what was it, if you could think about meeting this man on a boat in Alaska that pushed you towards seeking accountability?

Hideaki Nomura

When I first met Uncle Jorge, he was someone who ran off the bat. I fully respect and trust and that he's someone that I can be honest to and open up to. I remember one of our first conversations was, do I struggle with pornography?

Andrew Love  

You got Uncle David's spirit clearly.

Hideaki Nomura 

Yes, so I was just like, whoa, he's going right into that topic. So I talked to him about that. And Uncle Jorge, he also is looking out for us, younger guys, because our goal is to get blessed and marry for the future, and we got to really prepare for that. I feel like, during that time in 2019, I didn't have any accountability partner or anything. I didn't do any hygiene programs or anything during that time. Very on and off, sometimes I'd be good, sometimes not. So do you want me to talk about why I chose Uncle Jorge?

Andrew Love  

Well, it's interesting. I'm sure there's plenty of people in your life who ask you deep questions and it doesn't always seem like your information is safe with them or whatever. What about him in particular, and his approach allowed you the freedom to be honest?

Hideaki Nomura 

I just had the vibe. I just sent something from Uncle Jorge that he really wants the best for me. Honestly, he's not the type of person that will make fun of me. We joke around, but not mess around with me or make fun of me or tend to put me down. But he really wants to uplift me or uplift other people, and that's the feeling and the interaction that I have with him is, he really wants to uplift people so that's the vibe that I got from him. He's someone that I really respect and trust so I can open up to him.

Andrew Love  

There's some intuition there where you just felt like I can trust this guy. And then from your end, Uncle Jorge, because I would love for this to be relevant to both men who want to be an accountability partner, and also those seeking accountability. Is this something you do often? Do you just open up conversations? Like, hey do you struggle with porn often or did you feel that there's something special about Hideaki that you could ask them these questions? Do you have some rapport?

Jorge Mendez  

The relationship with everybody is different. Some people, you have this feeling and especially with him is so perfect, so nice. And if you're right to some age, and then you ask: Okay, are you ready to imagine this? They started to escape to the answer, and you know what happened. How much are you in love of pornography, and your own self-satisfaction is simple as that, this is simple math. But everybody's different.

Andrew Love  

But you felt that he was pretty clear in his mind, in his heart. He just seemed like a clear guy.

Jorge Mendez  

This amazing person is so amazing, and we develop this energy of giving love, especially this sexual [inaudible], it's the right moment and then you have to feel it. And then if you don't have this sensation, there's something wrong or something happened. That energy is being thrown away in some way.

Andrew Love  

Okay, so from your end, I'm just trying to contextualize this. From your end, Uncle Jorge, you felt like he was just clear, and that he could give simple answers to simple questions. And from your end, Hideaki, you felt that you could trust this guy because he had good intentions. There's some level of intuition that guided you to feel like you'd be safe to tell him the truth. 

Hideaki Nomura  


Andrew Love  

Okay. These are important elements. We're trying to piece this together because when we ask people to seek accountability, a lot of people are too afraid to talk to their parents. They don't really know who they can trust. So it's good that there's no clear-cut answer necessarily, but there's some invisible intuition involved in this where at some point you have to trust somebody. For you, is the fact that he was asking questions about you and seemed to listen to you and seemed to care about you and that kind of thing.

Jorge Mendez  

That's the keyword: care. Care is the start point to everything. You can be the very best, smart guy, the very articulate. I don't even speak very good English. I'm not smart, and I'm not a very sensitive person but I care about him. I care about others [inaudible] like this is not the exclusive relationship. So people understand if I give some advice or I listen to them because I care about them.

Andrew Love  

Yes, that makes sense. Thank you. I think care is basic 101, but a lot of people skip that. Okay, so then you're on a boat, he asked you this question, and then are you just going straight into like a deep sharing on a boat in the middle of the ocean? What happened?

Hideaki Nomura 

I think we did some detox after we came back from the boat. And then after dinner time, then after we close the day, everyone's doing their own thing then that's when Me and Uncle Jorge have conversations here and there.

Andrew Love  

He planted the seeds on the boat, and then you guys talked about it after you ate the fish that you just caught, basically. 

Hideaki Nomura  

Yes, pretty much.

Jorge Mendez 

After a year and a half, something opened up and put our relationship on the next level. That point in 2019, after several months without connection, he called me: How are you Uncle Jorge? How is the weather over there? And I said, okay what's going on? What's with you? What happened? And then it took us to a very high, different level of our relationship.

Andrew Love  

So after that talk, you just had a heart-to-heart, and then you parted ways. You went back to Chicago, you went back to Uruguay, and then you didn't talk for about a year and a half.

Hideaki Nomura  

Yes, pretty much. What happened was after we met in 2019, a whole year and a half went by and it was two months ago April 2021. I was just going through some stuff in my life and I just needed some answers or clarity, and literally, the first person that came to my mind that I should reach out to to get some advice was Uncle Jorge. It was really random and out of the blue. I just messaged Uncle Jorge: Hey Uncle Jorge, are you busy? Can I call you right now? And he was just always available. To start, availability and that sense of like someone is there, and Uncle Jorge is that person. For me, that's like he is there for me so that I was able to call him. We talked for a while, just told him what I was going through. He just gave me a lot of great advice and gave me a lot of clarity. And that he planted a little bit more speed, he's like: Hey, you should look into the High Noon Ascent Course. I looked into it, and then I decided to do it.

Andrew Love  

See, if you could identify the need that you had at that point in time. You were struggling with stuff inside and you needed help to sort through it? Or you just needed somebody to share it with? Or what do you think drove you to make that call, and to ask him about the weather in Uruguay?

Hideaki Nomura 

What I was going through was, Uncle Jorge wants the best for us and especially for me. The next chapter in my life is getting married, getting blessed, and bringing a beautiful family. But I was going through some stuff in my life, and I truly thought and believed that Uncle Jorge was the person that I could truly be honest to and be open up fully, and that's why I called Uncle Jorge.

Andrew Love  

Yes, that's simple. I like it. It's just like, I needed to talk to somebody and you called somebody. That's honestly one of the greatest, most important survival skills that most people don't have. They haven't developed the ability to reach out. They're just trying to figure it all out by themselves, and that's not how you do it.

Hideaki Nomura 

I was struggling for two to three days. I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep properly. During that time, I was all in my thoughts, trying to figure it out myself but then out of the blue, something just told me to reach out to Uncle Jorge. And that's what I did, I just reached out to Uncle Jorge, and it just went a lot better from there.

Andrew Love  

Okay, so what happened at that point? You guys had a conversation? You said a long conversation, and then he made a recommendation to check out Ascent, but at what point did you guys solidify your relationship as accountability partners?

Hideaki Nomura 

I think a week after that initial call, I didn't like to do it right away. I think it was like a week after that call, that's when I decided to actually like, okay I'm going to do it. I was 100% committed that I'm doing this course. And to be honest, it wasn't for pornography or masturbation, but it is something I still needed in my life, sexual integrity. It's not just the physical act, but spiritually, like if I have thoughts and thinking about sexual thoughts in my mind. I'm still not pure in my heart, in my mind, so that's still something that I truly need to work on as well. That's why I thought the Ascent Course is still a good course for me to take. One of those videos where it asks you to find an accountability partner, that's where I was like, can Uncle Jorge be my accountability partner? So I asked him, can you be my accountability partner? And then he said, of course. And then that's what happened.

Andrew Love  

Nice. How did that feel to be asked if you could be his accountability partner?

Jorge Mendez 

It's a big responsibility. Since that call, originally, we were doing something like that, like how are you? So I was reaching out to him? How are you? How do you feel? Did you talk to your parents? Did you do this and that? So I was checking on him where he was, so he said that he started the Ascent Course and that he was in a self class. And he said, they asked me for an official accountability partner, and we are doing this already. So let's do it officially, and the same, we started from that. 

Being asked to do this is very nice. It's a big responsibility but at the same time, we need to listen to the person who will read. You need to listen, you need to make him think where he is, or what he wants to be. I didn't do something miraculous, I just say, let the guy talk because he has a message every day at the same time. Once in a while, we were talking, so we had a conversation. So he was very clear, and he got us in court for like 100% there. He really takes serious of the program. And for that reason, he takes so much advantage for that.

Andrew Love  

So that was two months ago? 

Hideaki Nomura

Yes, towards the end of April. 

Andrew Love  

How has it been, your son-in-law, Uncle Jorge is the one that got so excited about having this podcast because he's so inspired by the rapport that you guys were creating. So I'm inspired to hear that but I'd love more details about what you have been getting out of this relationship? Why is accountability worth it as a participant? Why is it worth reaching out to somebody and telling somebody what you're going through? And as an accountability partner, why is it worth your time to do this? I'd love to hear that. What have you been getting out of it?

Hideaki Nomura

I feel like the benefit of having an accountability partner, like a really good accountability partner, is this confidence within yourself that you can and you will overcome any struggle or any challenge. Because before I met Uncle Jorge or back in the day when I was struggling with pornography and masturbation, it was more like out of my own will. Like I don't need porn and then like, try to overcome it myself. Sometimes it would be okay, sometimes it wouldn't. When I slip up, I don't really tell anybody even though people have told me before to get an accountability partner. It just slips right through my mind, and so I never really acted upon that, that I should get one. But it was more out of my own will, my own power to overcome my struggles, and I didn't really go anywhere. 

I think if anything, I got worse with my struggle. And then once I officially reached out to Uncle Jorge about being my accountability partner, that's when my confidence in myself just went up like I can overcome it, I have overcome it. Every day when I report to them, it's my 100% honest report, and I'm taking it very seriously. On a scale of 0 to 10, I'm one today. I'm two today. Whatever I was feeling that day, I was just being very honest, like this is what I was thinking of or that some thoughts popped up. Since I took the course seriously, it was telling me to create good habits, be careful or be aware of your environment. I was telling Uncle Jorge, I was in this environment, and it led me to this, but I was able to do one of my good behaviors, good habits, and I was able to feel a lot better. So that consistent reporting to Uncle Jorge every single day just really helped a lot, so I have a pure mind.

Andrew Love  

Yes, I know very well. We used to be called Pure Mind Online. I don't know if you know, back in the day. Do you know why we stopped? Well, first of all, High Noon was a better name. But do you know what the initials are for Pure Mind Online? 

Hideaki Nomura


Andrew Love  


Hideaki Nomura

What is that?

Andrew Love 

Means porn, masturbation, orgasm. It's the exact opposite of what we will do. So anyway, we changed it. So it incentivizes you to see yourself every day and take stock of your thoughts because you're going to be reporting it. To me, it sounds like you had somebody together with you instead of doing it by yourself. That was the main advantage. And what about you, Uncle Jorge, what was it like as an accountability partner?

Jorge Mendez

First of all, I want to say that because he said April. We did this 90-day course, Ascent Course in 40 days. So we make a 40-days condition because it doesn't make sense. It was from April to now, not 90 days. So we make a 40-day condition. Most of the time, he will do classes, and he will report in the morning after he did a class, and at night, how he was feeling. It was amazing. And on the weekend, he was doing three, so he caught up in the 40 days. Forty days was a very nice number. And inside that,  he made a 3-day fasting. He takes it seriously, he takes us and calls to a whole new level. Before, I had to push myself because the essence was right inside of him. He has just covered some details, small details. In total it was big, but that little detail in the 40 days that he was called. So he has a very high standard, I had to push myself to be clear. And then maybe, sometimes the house was on fire but I have to be focused on this report. I have to be focused on this, and it was not a big amount of time. It was a very short time, but it has to be meaningful and really careful, and I said: Congratulations, go ahead, let's find a good gift like a guru. Awesome and keep working. But I had to work on myself too. I cannot say that nothing is impossible to continue with the bad habit yourself if he was getting all the benefits of the course [inaudible], and I was the same idiot. So I had to push myself to be very good.

Andrew Love  

So you were receiving his reports, but your main role was to give him some light support, and then to take care of your own sexual integrity?

Jorge Mendez  

Yes, my own life. The standard is not only about sexual integrity, it's about how I relate with my family, how I relate with my parents, and how I use my energy all the time. So it's something that you have to keep working on that, and integrity in the whole level of the meaning. Take note, not just sexual integrity which is very important, but it's amazing in so many ways. 

Andrew Love  

That's really cool. And so on those 40 days, what was the biggest thing that you learned about yourself Hideaki, or learned about sexual integrity or learned about self-awareness or accountability? What were some of the biggest takeaways that you got? Going after it, because you went after it. I've never heard about that before. I'm about to start a boot camp and really push people to take 90 days more seriously, but I'd never heard of somebody doing 90 days in 40 days. So what did you get out of this experience pushing yourself so hard?

Hideaki Nomura 

What did I gain out of this? My biggest takeaway I would say is that sexual integrity is possible if you really truly want it, then you have to invest 100% into it. While I was watching through the courses, and then when they're talking about that you have to be aware of yourself, be aware of your environment, I took that very seriously. I wrote down all the things that might give me slight triggers or urges in my thoughts too, even though I don't struggle with it physically, like watching porn or masturbating. But still, in my thoughts, I still struggle with it like sometimes fantasizing and things like that, or seeing people on the streets, looking at them inappropriately, things like that. I still struggled with that, and so that's when I literally took it seriously. I wrote down all the things that might have caused those triggers like food, TV, or social media, things like that. I took all that down, I tried to eliminate all of that during this whole 40-day condition. I deleted Instagram, I stopped watching certain TV shows, I stopped using my phone in certain places, I stopped eating suga just because it gives me that urge sometimes and the thoughts like sugary snacks, treats, all that stuff, ice cream. I just eliminated it. And yes,  I learned that I can do this if I'm willing to invest 100% and also, report to my accountability partner how I'm doing. And just being able to see the progress that I've made.

Andrew Love  

Nice. And how connected did you feel to his process, Uncle Jorge? Did you feel like you're right there with him that you're growing when he's growing? 

Jorge Mendez

As soon as he called me, I felt like a program to take this guy to the blessing. We did it because in 10 days starting the program from Ocean Challenge in Korea, we are going to be together. So I was thinking okay, he did this in 40 days, after which he can prepare to be a matching candidate. During the Ocean Challenge program, we can talk about matching profile, a profile of some girls. And then I will talk after the program with the parents of the hierarchy and then give some advice or some names like this girl could be a very good fit for him. And then I saw the whole thing, it was very easy for me. Call me crazy, but he's doing this very clearly. You can see if somebody's not having ice cream, so he's taking it so seriously. I feel I don't worthy, it's too perfect for me. But now his matching profile is finished, so we are going to be there together. We are going to talk about profiles, who is going to be the best compliment for him. And then when we figure it out, I will talk with his parents. So it was a starting point, I mean, it's his life. I knock only for him. I didn't do this to see if he fasted, but he did. I have my coffee, he doesn't have a coffee, he didn't buy it as a bonus. But I tried to advise on some level, and if I asked him like 40 and he would give me 70. He's [inaudible].

Andrew Love  

Think about that as a general attitude in preparation for another human being, you'd want to be in your best state, you'd want to be offering your best. A lot of people just have this, hey give me my wife- kind of attitude. They think that they just deserve somebody without really being ready to handle somebody else. That's very impressive. Do you guys have any more insights about this process or about this dynamic that you'd like to share before we part ways? Is there anything else about this story that we left out that you think is important?

Hideaki Nomura  

Connection? I remember in one of the courses, the opposite of addiction is connection. I just feel like I have that connection with Uncle Jorge. It just helps with that process of overcoming and your struggle is a strong connection. And also for myself, I have my reasons. My why become the best version of myself for my future spouse and future family. Just like what you said, I have to be the best version so that's why this is one of the first steps for me to take to allow me to be that best version of myself. Uncle Jorge suggested [inaudible] and talked to me. So I'm truly grateful for the past 40 days that I did, and even after the 40-day condition that I did, after I finished the condition I still report to Uncle Jorge every day, 6 pm Central Standard Time, how I'm doing and things like that. It's not only during the 40-day conditioning that I was doing, I was reporting to Uncle Jorge because I value this relationship, I'm still committed to my growth, so that's why I still report every day.

Andrew Love  

Because you still want that connection?

Hideaki Nomura


Andrew Love  

We do say that a lot. The opposite of addiction is connection. I just said it today in a call prior to this, but defining that what that connection means is really important and what you're getting out of that, because it's like the place where you want to be, that feeling of oneness, the place where there's something more than you and you feel bonded to that. And that for you it's like, I guess like a parental love or uncle love, elder brother love, something like that, that is obviously a powerful force that you need at this stage in your life. That's really important. Just for anybody who is listening, identify what you need to be connected to at this time? Not all this waste of time and energy, most of us connect to fantasy, to avoidance, to all this negative stuff that doesn't give us that power. But real connection gives you power. It gives you the power to get through a 3-day fast. It gives you the power to stop eating sugar and coffee, it seems like you're just subsisting off of air for 40-days or something. So yes, that's where you get that power. That's a really good point. Anything from yourself, Uncle Jorge, about this process?

Jorge Mendez 

You mentioned about care, and I will be spraying a little bit because it's something like running from my beans regularly. It's part of my blog. I used to work in a company and then the company will say the customer doesn't care what you know until they know you care about them. So either need to come up with some machico solution for the customer or talk about like quantic scenes. It is not about that, it's about I care about you genuinely. Your happiness is part of my life, become part of my life. So once you reach that level, and then [inaudible] So many staff, they really cared about the person, the person is not a number, it's a son or daughter of God which deserves happiness. And as for some situations of their life, they have been through some struggles. That's not original, that's not what God wishes for them. And care genuinely for them is like the most value since you can give to them together with their time. You have a limited time of living, and that is a most precious scene. The first one is sexual integrity, without sexual integrity, it's impossible for you to have a relationship with God. But the second is, you have a limited time on the earth for physical value. And then you give it to some person is the most pure and nice present you can give. And then care, genuine care, about the person is really doing God's job. So it's not taking too much, and they can really feel that they can open up.

Yes, you are doing God's job. I love it. It's very true. Substantially, people are able to feel grace and respect and honor, all the stuff that we should be giving. Wonderful. So you guys have anything else? Anything else, any words of wisdom? Let's say there's somebody out there on both sides, the one who's like, I want to be an accountability partner. I don't know if I have the time. Or there's somebody on the opposite end of the spectrum who is like, I know I need somebody but I don't know how to do it. Do you guys have any advice for those people?

A relationship with an accountability partner is not a matching or blessing. You can try with a person if you're going to receive their answer that you can't change. It's not a match. You're not going to be stuck with this guy for 90 days. You're going to answer the message that said, so it's very simple. But if it worked and if you get the benefit, if you feel that this guy's trying hard to listen to me. You don't really need to be smart. I was not either, I'm not a smart person and I don't even talk very well. Sometimes I have to explain three times because of my poor English. You don't need to be a scientist or a psychologist to be an accountability partner. Just wish and care for the person.

Hideaki Nomura

Yes, like what Uncle Jorge mentioned, a lot of care, even though he had to explain certain things a couple of times. I was like, I understand. I understand where he's coming from just because he truly cares about me. I feel like from my perspective, for someone that might have been in my or was in my position, if someone that truly cares about you, or if you know someone that you can honestly be open to and they won't spread it around gossip, then I feel like you can reach out to them. But of course, they have to be willing to help you out as well. I feel like that person would be a great accountability partner. And also might be strong with it, I know you guys can grow together, or overcome it together. And sooner the better because for me, I should have done this maybe five years ago, maybe a lot. But I'm 25 now and is like, I could have done it a lot sooner, saved a lot of time. So just sooner, the better. And put your arrogance aside, because I was pretty arrogant like I could do it myself. But even though I don't struggle with it that much or whatever. It doesn't matter if you struggle with it a little, even a little, still have an accountability partner because you never know what the relationship might turn into. Me and Uncle Jorge, if we don't only just talk about sexual integrity, porn, masturbation, whatever, but we joke around certain things like cool friendship, relationship, uncle, nephew, type of relationship, stuff like that.

Andrew Love  

Yes, I like that. That's really valuable. I think we could have all shaved a lot of suffering off of our lives if we just stopped trying to do everything ourselves. But yes, that's great advice. I hope everybody who is listening, the majority of people within the High Noon sphere don't have an accountability partner. So it's time to look at why that is. Everybody should have an accountability partner for every aspect of your life that you really care about, even if you're an extremely capable person, you still have blind spots, you still have things about you that you can't see. That's why we have wives that tell us when we're walking out of the house with peanut butter on our face, and stuff like that, they just let us be decent. We need people to show us ourselves that we can't see because all that we can see is we're limited to what our eyes can see. So I really really recommend everybody, every single person who's listening to get an accountability partner. Take it from these guys. It's been a great relationship so far, and this is just the beginning. Hideaki, when you do get blessed when you do get married, it doesn't end there. It's good to have accountability to be an amazing husband, to not get lazy, and all that. So everything in our life that we care about, get an accountability partner. I just want to say thank you guys so much for joining us today, but also for forging this conversation. This is the first time we've interviewed this kind of dynamic and I think it's really valuable so thank you. And why don't you guys just say goodbye in your own special way to these fine folks who are listening.

Jorge Mendez 

Thank you for the opportunity for sharing. Maybe we inspired other people. It's not only about masturbation and pornography is a bad habit, sometimes it's a pool, sometimes it's video games. So we are using in Latin America to High Noon Ascent Course to help people quit smoking. It's a tool for very different people. Everybody the show doesn't give a pain and your food in the same location. Some people live to feed, and some in the bath, so it can feed everybody because it's a good habit that you have to put in your life. And yes, like Hideaki says, sometimes you've tried to be doing by yourself and be arrogant and overconfident. Open up with a person about what's the secret. It's you racing yourself and then you figure it out inside what is your trigger, what's your problem, what's your situation. It's just when you share with a person, you listen to yourself, and then you say okay, what they say doesn't make any sense. So if you have insight, insight, insight it's the same like the frog. Like putting a frog in the boiling pan, and if it's boiling then a frog jumps around, but if it's cold in the water, they will die because it is the silence of yourself that will kill you.

Andrew Love  

Yes, thank you. Hideaki, anything else?

Hideaki Nomura 

I just want to say thank you for this opportunity. I'm truly grateful and humbled to share my experience with the Ascent Course and also the accountability partner, just looking back and reflecting on my journey. Definitely, I couldn't have done it myself. I'm really grateful for Uncle Jorge for supporting me in my journey. He's very wise. He gives me what I need, in terms of growth and overcoming certain things. So take it seriously, invest into yourself, your health, spiritual health, integrity. Yes, just being able to overcome things together is a lot better than trying to struggle by yourself and thinking that you can do it yourself. Even if you don't struggle with it that much, it still helps.

Andrew Love  

Yes, absolutely. Thank you, guys. Thank you so much for your words, and for your testimonies which are invaluable. Thank you guys, for listening. Please get an accountability partner. If you need help, you can always ask us. We're trying to build out a system so that you can find your own accountability partner within our new app, which just launched today, which is June 22, but you're gonna listen to this later. Get our app, you can find it in the App Store under High Noon International. And we're trying to create a database for accountability partners to list themselves, and you can find your own accountability partner. Or if you would like to find your own, we have a course on our website that you can send to them to learn about how to be an effective accountability partner. So we're making it as easy as possible, just do it, just do it. Okay, so thank you guys so much for your time and I'll see you next time. 

Jorge Mendez 

Thank you. God bless.

Hideaki Nomura 

Have a good one. 

Andrew Love  

Hey, Andrew Love here, and I wanted to plant a seed in your mind before you go. You see, a lot of people when they start to consume our content, they listen to our podcast, they watch our videos, they read our blogs, they start to believe in the idea of freedom as a possibility for them in their lives, and it is. You can break free from porn, you can build amazing eternal relationships but it requires you to make the jump. It requires you to commit to transformation, and that only happens when you invite other people into your journey. You see, a lot of people think that because I got into porn by myself, I can get out of it by myself, and that's the wrong thinking. It's not about simply removing a negative force from your life, it's about creating fulfillment and connection and intimacy with other people. So we really recommend, first and foremost, that you build a team of accountability partners, facilitators, group members, and we can do that. We have all that waiting for you, but you need to first reach out to us. If you already have people in your life that you think can help you, we have online courses that will teach you both how to create a dynamic that works in terms of accountability. But if you don't have an accountability partner, we already have volunteers who are waiting for somebody to help. We have groups that are waiting for somebody like you. But your role and your job is to merely reach out to us and we can work together with you to create a powerhouse team so that you can build the life of your dreams. We look forward to hearing from you.

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#87 - The Secret Sauce to Sexual Integrity Success


Signs of a Pornified View of Sex