#186 - A Small Act of Courage
We disregard the greatest technology in the galaxy, the human body, operating on autopilot, neglecting to feed it the right thoughts and choices, but we are the miracle, and as we connect with each other, even through a simple hug, our hearts send a powerful message of wonder and love.
The Importance of Shifting Your Identity
I wanted to chat with you about something that's close to my heart - the daunting, yet transformative journey of changing our identities in life. Sometimes we find ourselves entangled in behaviors or substances that become more than just habits; they become part of who we think we are.
Sharing is Winning
In our quest for sexual integrity, it's essential to recognize that we are not meant to go through life alone. The achievements we celebrate are often the result of the support and guidance we receive from others, but those get conveniently left out of the stories we tell about the legends we revere.