High Noon HDH Book Now Available!
This Hoon Dok Hwe study book is the first of its kind. It is based on the words of True Father and True Mother. Each chapter explores a theme True Father spoke about with great passion. His clear explanations about God’s design and purpose for sexual love inspired us to have open, thought-provoking discussions in this book. Without his courage and leadership in life, this book could not have been written.
High Noon Summit Brings Sexual Integrity Discussion to the Washington Times Building
On September 10 and 11, High Noon held a regional Summit for ACLC pastors and local Blessed Families. Around 80 participated in the weekend.
Signs of a Pornified View of Sex
When porn is the primary sexual reference in a person’s life, it wreaks massive havoc. Countless studies have indicated that the imprinting from our first experiences of sex lays the foundation for our entire sexual arousal template.
The Paradox of Marriage: Conflict of Love and Desire
We know the importance of maintaining our marriage, so we schedule date nights and even time for sex. These need to turn out really good though because otherwise that time could be better spent somewhere else.
Signs of a Pornified Relationship
Porn implants itself deep into our psyche and filters how we view sex in ways we are not even aware of. It creates a template in our minds for what to expect from sex and what we think good sex is. It takes the possibility of something unique and creative and turns it into something predictable and trite. That’s especially sad because sex is great, but it takes something to make sex great. Porn is an easy distraction that makes great sex harder.
High Noon HDH Book Now Available!
We're holding an official Book Launch of the High Noon HDH Book on Saturday, May 1 at 2:00 PM (EST)!
Parent Check-In with School of Love
Technology is all around us- we can’t escape it! How do we protect our kids and teach them self monitoring skills? With media, our kids can easily be exposed to content that is not age-appropriate. From violence to sexualized media, pornography to cyberbullying, and more.
Sexual Integrity in the Words of C.S. Lewis | Great Quotes Series #1
We understand that many of you feel that the fight to build your sexual integrity is a solo battle.
Sex & Liberation
During these difficult times, so much nuance can be lost in the chaotic shouts of frustration. In the midst of our cultural melee, many are making a request that simply can’t be granted.
Sexual Northstar
It seems that in this modern era, children are being raised in a culture that has no Northstar guiding their sexual lives because there's no clear destination. There are no clear standards to keep people moving forward in such a situation because after all, what is forward if you don't have a destination?
First Look at NEW High Noon HDH Book
What do True Parents say about sex, love, and intimacy? We're announcing a new project that our team is working hard on—a Hoon Dok Hwe book containing speeches from True Parents about love and intimacy!
Marjorie Buessing’s Heartfelt Recommendation to Parents
I was blessed to be asked to be one of the speakers at the High Noon Global Summit. I was on the panel for Parents. Due to the amazing amount of information packed into the 24-hour straight program, I wanted to write parents this follow-up letter to cover a few very important points I didn’t have time to cover completely.
High Noon Concludes 24-Hour Global Summit
On April 25-26, the High Noon team hosted an incredible 24-hour Online Global Summit. It was made possible by the many knowledgeable guest speakers and willing volunteers, and of course by our encouraging viewers. There were 117 guest speakers involved in 29 unique sessions. The live show was shared on Facebook 517 times, bringing in 26,500 total viewers. As we reflected back on this Summit, we can only offer gratitude and praise for the clear hand of our Heavenly Parent and True Parents in making these results possible.
Steve Pierce's Path to High Noon & Freedom
Yes, it takes time, it is a gradual process, it takes too long, there are setbacks, there are false starts, but should those realities cause anyone to disavow the path? Did those same qualities: taking so much time and enduring setbacks cause God to disavow the path of restoration?
This Virus Thing…
The reason that the fear is so gripping and crippling is that humanity has never gone through such large scale sickness, alongside social media tallying. We've never had scorecards for the number of people sickened or killed by this disease on a minute-by-minute basis.
Fortify: The Fighter's Guide to Overcoming Pornography Addiction
Fight the New Drug is a non-profit pornography awareness and recovery organization. They published a book called Fortify, which offers many practical and powerful methods to help stabilize a porn habit.
Playing the Long Game
Playing the long game in all aspects of your life will help you get out of the fight or flight mode of every single decision you make because our impulses are wired to expect immediate gratification at all times.
Committed Sex
The hippies did a masterful job of divorcing responsibility from pretty much every aspect of life. The crowning jewel of the peace & love movement was the total denigration of commitment itself, reducing it to a hollow, feeble version of itself. Commitment fell from a virtue to uphold down to an annoying inconvenience to avoid.
Sexual Wealth: Are You Sexually Rich or Poor?
Religiously, sex has been long understood to be a mysterious and dangerous force that has the power to enrapture people eternally, enslaving them to their carnal urges.
But in this era, it’s simply not enough to fear the unknown.