#36 - The Human Trafficking Within | Patrick Erlandson
In this episode, Andrew is joined by Patrick Erlandson, who tackled the dangers of human trafficking and pornography. Sadly, this is still an issue that is rampantly plaguing our world, which gives us all the more reason and why it's crucial to shed some light on, spread awareness about, and stand up against it.
#35 - Harmonized Sexuality | Philip Schanker
Our guest speaker, Philip David Schanker, guides us to better understand the concept of human sexuality and sexual orientation.
#34 - The Condition of Your Condition
In this episode, Andrew and Sammy tackle the importance of having the right approach in making conditions in life. Aiming for success requires discipline, perseverance, hard work, courage, and faith.
#23 - How to Have A Great Sex Life | Sunny & Sunmarie Burns
This all-star episode introduces Sunny and Sunmarie Burns: two people who have an amazing love story that leans toward the realistic without losing the romantic.
#11 - Don't Be Owned By the Internet | Strategy Session II
Andrew and Sammy kick off the second Strategy Sessions episode with practical tips about how to take control over your time on the internet.
#26 - Neuroplasticity
This episode introduces the concepts of neuroplasticity and epigenetics and how we as humans have the capacity to shape our brains, our thoughts, and thought processes in order to also curb our behavior and output. In short, you can shape your brain so that you can shape yourself.
#12 - Fill the Void - Say No to Escapism | Strategy Series III
In the third episode of this Strategy Series, Andrew and Sammy talk about the importance of real connections and how High Noon is about more than just recovering from addiction.
#16 - Showing Up For The Test
Sammy Uyama discusses how to prepare well for your big day so you can stand before your spouse when the time is right with clarity and confidence that your future is going to be amazing!!
#13 - The Power of an Accountability Partner | Strategy Series IV
Sammy and Andrew wrap up the final episode of the Strategy Series with the importance of an accountability partner.
#5 - Why Quit Porn and Masturbation?
In this episode, Andrew and Sammy tune in from Toronto, Canada, and Seoul, Korea to jump into the deeper reasons for giving up porn and masturbation. Although the choice of quitting may result in a brighter better day, it may demand a dark night of the soul to be able to awaken and walk into the light of sexual integrity.
#8 - Reaction To Pornhub Stats from 2019
Join Andrew and Sammy as they share their reactions going over these stats and how they interpret current porn trends and what they mean.
#2 - Thoughts on Pornography
Join Andrew and Sammy, two people who have given porn A LOT of thought and who have quit it for good reasons, as they share about porn’s effects on their lives and what it’s like being porn-free.
#24 - Women Struggle Too | Mai Thurston
In this episode, we hear from Mai Thurston, a brave and passionate young woman who has battled with porn and masturbation issues since she was young.
#22 - Manufactured Attraction
In this episode, Andrew and Sammy tackle a much-debated topic not just among couples, but especially among married ones—attraction. But in their discussion, they dig deeper into how most people’s experience of attraction is manufactured by outside influences, especially by porn.
#14 - What is Sexual Integrity?
Sexual Integrity — what is it (and isn't), what's the purpose of sexuality, and what are some practical tips to create a proper sexual mindset?
#17 - Keeping Sex Simple | Seijin Tranberg
What would you give up for the love of your life? Would you give up your bad habits? Would you even give up your cell phone?
Well, we discuss matters of the heart and mind with our great guest Seijin.
#19 - Why Do Good People Do Bad Things? | John Williams
John and Sammy discuss why good people fall into bad habits, the struggle to gain self-love, and how we can start building true relationships with others.
#15 - Are Your Eyes Safe? | Sam Black from Covenant Eyes
Covenant Eyes has helped thousands of men and women of all ages quit pornography through their patented accountability software. Sam Black was led to be a part of the Covenant Eyes team many years ago, and in this episode, we discuss both his evolution and that of Covenant Eyes.
#18 - Playing the Long Game
It’s another solo-cast with Andrew Love, as he talks about the path he took to getting married, his victories and struggles in his marriage, and his recommendations for how you can overcome your own struggles!
#6 - The Five Virtues of High Noon
The Five Virtues of High Noon can virtually break anyone free from lacking integrity and other unwanted realities that stand in the way of being our true selves.