#101 – The ‘Sex’ People

Sex is more than just a physical act; it's a romantic expression of love and a vehicle for married couples to grow mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually together. Absolute sex means that their hearts and minds align and complement one another. It’s about treating your partner with respect and dignity. Looking from a healthy and God-centered perspective, sex is a blessing for married couples to create a strong connection between spouses and build the foundation of their relationship.

Since marriage is a lifetime commitment, the couple should be able to figure out their relationship's purpose and navigate the obstacles that come along with it. As with singles, to find an accountability partner, you must first learn to love yourself and follow the right path to self-improvement. How we understand sexuality has a significant impact on establishing a healthy connection with other people. 

In this week’s episode, Andrew and Benjy talk about who the ‘sex’ people are and how they can help married or single people in finding an accountable partner and maintain a healthy relationship in their lives. They discuss how High Noon can help people change their misconceptions about sexuality, overcome porn addiction, and live objectively, peacefully, and intimately with their partners and spouses, even in an over-sexualized culture which is often one of the largest roadblocks in a person’s spiritual journey. 

Learn more about High Noon, the role of sex in marriage, and how to develop a healthy perspective about sexuality when you listen to Episode 101!

  • The ‘sex’ people

  • How porn can influence a person

  • How High Noon can help to overcome porn addiction

  • Sexless marriage - a symptom of much deeper problems

  • Sexuality throughout the history of America

  • What is ‘sex’ really all about?

  • The goal of the ‘sex’ movement

  • How porn can negatively impact your relationship with other people

Episode Transcript:

Andrew Love 

Welcome back to Love, Life and Legacy, a podcast dedicated to helping you navigate these hypersexualized times of ours. And in today's episode, Benjy and I are unpacking the topic of what does it mean to be the sex people? Because we want to become the owners of sex. If you want to be the owner of your future, you have to live with intentionality, that means in all aspects of your life. And the one area where most people are very reactionary and don't have much control is that of sex. And this gets them into a great deal of trouble. So we want to help you build a life of intentionality so that you can become the owner of your sexuality. So let's get into it now.

Welcome back, everybody, Andrew and Benjy in the house. How do you do?

Benjy Uyama 

We're good. We're enjoying our tea and water, and having a good chat.

Andrew Love 

I really tried for a solid three weeks to like tea to say that I'm a man that likes tea so I can be sophisticated, I don't. I force it every single time. It just feels like diet soda, I don't drink soda, but something that should be good but isn't. It's like they've extracted all the goodness out of it. I like coffee.

Benjy Uyama 

I feel you. I gave up tea when I was about six or five years old. Tried to once but it wasn't for me.

Andrew Love 

Your mama had you suckling at tea.

Benjy Uyama 


Andrew Love 

Alright, so today, we wanted to talk about, Benjy was hot on this topic about who we are, apparently. And he wants us to be the sex people. And so, what does that mean? We're going to get into that because we talk incessantly about sexuality. But I feel like we talk about it almost medically sometimes. We talk about it so much, ad nauseum. It's like we're detached from the fact that we're talking about sex for a living. It's not some mechanical thing, it's like the spice of life. So when you say stuff like that, to me, Benjy Uyama, I wonder what it is that you're talking about. So what is it, if you could see the High Noon people or you could see Family Federation people as the sex people like, what are you talking about?

Benjy Uyama 

Yes, I will just say it really quick. Just upfront and I think this has been my driving force for the last eight years that I've been doing this kind of work with headquarters, BFM Family Fed, and High Noon is that I think we should go in the direction of becoming the sex movement. We should be the people of sex, of absolute sex, true sex, whatever you want to call it. We're still figuring it out. We're still figuring it out. I don't have all the answers. But I think that this is truly at the core of where we are. If you read the book, Core of the Universe, the core of what I've been doing like I've been blessed for 11 years now. And it's been a journey, for sure, of figuring out what this blessing thing is, what marriage is all about, how to navigate the ups and downs, the difficulties, and I've shared about that a bit here. And also, helping people go to The Blessing prepared for marriage. Also, helping people overcome one of the largest roadblocks in people's journey to having a fulfilling relationship is their sexuality, is their addiction to porn, is the oversexualized culture, or their inability to look at themselves or other people from a healthy sexual perspective but more in a selfish sexual perspective.

So I've learned over time, and I've seen that this is really, to me, this is not official. This is really like Benjy's anecdotal thoughts. And my personal mission, I think that approaching and leading with sexuality is really good. And mainly, because if you think about what the blessing is. The blessing is essential with the reversal of self-centered sexuality. Father talked about sex a lot. More times than probably we were comfortable with. I remember being in some of two fathers, Father Moon's speeches, and him talking about sex and changing the subject to talk about sex all the time, and then the translators being really uncomfortable.

One translator, interpreter, in particular, wouldn't translate some things that he was saying. And I could understand it because I speak Korean. He's talking about sexual organs, and he wouldn't translate it. And Father was getting upset at him on stage because the guy would not, he would refuse to translate something that was probably a little more graphic than people are comfortable with. So my point is like, this is such a big thing. It's obviously the center of what the blessing is supposed to be, which is the reversal of spouse-centered sexuality throughout all history. Not just from the beginning of time, from Adam and Eve, but from all of history. It's been, for the most part, a misuse of our sexuality to serve ourselves as opposed to serving God and others and our spouse.

Andrew Love 

Okay. Let me hold you. There's some stuff to unpack here because again, we talk about similar things repeatedly. And so we can be caught in the trap of speaking in platitudes or speaking in slogans, or these big grand statements without really having the connection that merits such as them. So you're talking about sex being a self-centered act, and that having some negative impact on history. I want you to unpack that for real. Because if you've received lectures like we have many times, then you are desensitized to such a statement because you've heard statements like that many times. If you've never heard that, there's a lot of blank space in that statement. So I want you to really, what does that look like? Okay, let's say humanity got off on the wrong foot. When we started being sentient beings then we could decide, we became self-aware which at some point we did. Whether you're religious or not, there's clearly a distinction between self-aware humans who are sentient beings and animals. At some point, we took our self-awareness and use it to be a bunch of weenies, and kill each other and murder each other. But how in God's name, I guess literally, how in the heck does sex have anything to do with that? And I'm not doubting you. I just tried to play the devil's advocate so that you can iron this out because I want this to be really crystal clear.

Benjy Uyama 

For me, it's pretty clear. I think as a movement, we are unpacking it for sure. It's definitely not something that's an easy solution. Pretty recently, we're organizing a big rally for the Family Federation. And some of the organizers came to me and they were asking for a little bit of advice about how we should promote this rally. And I said, make it a sex rally. Just call it the sex rally and see what happens. See how it plays out, and have real testimonies of people, such as couples and individuals in High Noon, where we've seen transformation through getting their sexuality in check. So I'm saying is, we're figuring it out. I'm figuring it out. And people have asked me this exact question too, is what is absolute sex, actually? But I'm curious to know. You think too, Andrew because I'm also trying to figure it out. As you know, it could go in a lot of directions. And there are infinite holes to be poked in this ideology, obviously. Yes, so what do you think?

Andrew Love 

In order for this to mean anything at all beyond, I think if somebody were to hear what you just said, they would instantly either accept it or reject it but wouldn't process it. You either are already in this same worldview, if you're in the minority like us, or you're in the majority, who would you be like that's a bunch of gobbledygook. So in order for that to really make sense, I'm not saying what you're saying isn't true or doesn't make sense, I just think that it's really high level. And for that to really make an impact in people's lives, they have to bring it down to the ground, to the earth. And you have to process something like that. To really see how sex plays out in your life and how it impacts you, you have to really go deep within yourself. I'm talking to a guy right now. I counsel, I'm mentoring a guy, a bunch of guys but one guy, in particular, I've dealt with him in the past. And I've seen him go round and round in circles. And this time around, he's looking for an accountability partner. I said, yes, I'll step up. I'll do it if you follow these guidelines. And he's doing it. He's following the Northstar Goal. He's getting clear about what it is that he wants in his life, really crystal clear, and he wants solid relationships, rewarding giving relationships. That's all he wants. Just with their friends and family, he wants to gather a community around him with supportive amazing people. And what he's realized, since starting this time with me is that he's already surrounded by amazing people. He just wasn't engaging with them. He wasn't connecting with them because he's being very transactional, because porn taught him to be transactional with people. That people are there to give you what you want, and then you leave. And he was realizing how much porn impacted how he interacts with his business partners, his neighbors, the postman, whatever. It's all two-dimensional. And so, that's a very practical way in which porn has muted his ability to connect with the world around him because it's painted in this very black and white transactional scenario. And that's very self-centered.

Everybody's there to serve me in that scenario. And so, he actually hasn't changed his circumstances very much at all. He's just changed how he interacts with the world around him. And it's like night and day. He's like, all of a sudden, really appreciative of his life and the small things and the people in his life. So that is just one example of probably an infinite amount of examples of how somehow sexuality, well, if you've got it wrong, negatively impacts so many different aspects of your life. But it's really, honestly, hard to make that connection. Especially if you're struggling with porn, if you're still in the thick of it, it's hard to see like, what are you talking about? Because things are really cloudy when you've got compulsion or addiction. You can't see the forest from the trees. You're just stuck in it. Does that make sense?

Benjy Uyama 

What you just shared is exactly why I think High Noon is the solution. And the answer is because High Noon has a unique approach that is more than just an intellectual, theological or religious perspective on what is right and wrong. It's personal stories, personal experience. There are a lot of organizations dealing with sexuality, porn, attraction, all of that. There are so many, but we have seen a lot of them. We followed a lot of them. I follow a lot of YouTubers, actually, who are going into the area of sexuality. None of them talk from the personal experience that we do. None of them have the actual feet on the ground conversation every single day in every week with groups that were leading, were hearing these testimonies and this is no more apparent than a recent experience I had. We ran a program called Love and Integrity. In Love and Integrity, we had 40 men and 40 women, which is 40 couples coming together for six weeks to read and study God's Vision for Sex, the Core of the Universe every day and meet together with groups of four or five individuals in a group of men and women separated. And we meet every other week for a big masterclass webinar. Okay, so that's the premise, the format of it.

What's interesting is the couples that were attracted to this program really blew my mind. I did not expect that we would have couples who have not been sexually active for more than 20 years. That might be a shock for some of you, guys, but it's not shocking. It's actually inspiring to hear that this couple, actually a number of couples, who haven't been sexually active for years joined our program, decided, and were inspired to take action and do something about it. And there is a good amount. We did a survey after. There are a good amount of couples that reignited their sexual relationship because of this program because they took up the mantle and decided to do something about it. That's inspiring. If there's anything we can do is get couples to not just say, oh, you know, screw up, we're just going to be sexless for our entire lives. But actually, take them and have them decide to do something about it after 20 years of suffering. To me, that's a miracle. That's a miracle beyond miracles. And that's something you can only experience when you just have conversations and start doing something about it.

Andrew Love 

Yes, but I'm going to insert a big old but here. Again, I know a lot of times we talk about sex in a certain way. And in this circumstance that you just mentioned, where this couple had a sexless marriage for 20 years to then start to say re-engaging in sex and that marriage is where, I feel like a lot of those Youtubers are at, that you're talking about. A lot of the responses are, hey, are you struggling with porn? I'll help you stop. I thought the people have a budget, they have nice commercials, they have YouTube ads and stuff like that. They're making a real business out of it. And they make these bold promises like, I will help you break free from porn. And I think that, to them, that's a big solution. Whereas, to me, that's all symptomatic. The fact that you're not having sex in your marriage, that's a symptom of much deeper problems. And sexlessness is like a clog in the flow of the relationship. It's a big problem, but that start having said the wrong kind of sex could even make it worse. You need to then start having the right kind of sex which is when your hearts are aligned, when your minds are, you know, when complimentary, let's say. That's all like a celebration of each other and you cannot do one without the other. You can't have real sex without respect and dignity and celebrating the other person, but you also can't fully celebrate your spouse that you commit to without the act of sex. So it's one in the same and you can't uncouple sex and a whole lot of other meanings. But that's, I think, part of the problem is a lot of deep people that I know discount sex as just this physical act, and they don't see it as a vehicle for the transmutation of so much other stuff. It's allowing the best of you to flow to the other person and to create this synchronicity, this beautiful moment, that can only happen when you're physically naked but also spiritually, mentally and emotionally naked before each other.

I know that's a difficult concept of being naked before God. Not because God cares about seeing our weenies or our boobies, that's like just a bunch of cells but more just the idea of like, what's the real you? And as a couple, you're always growing and changing. So to have sex is like, almost to check in with where you're at mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually. And if you're both growing in tandem, then it is natural, the act of sex. But if there's one person that's really falling behind, whereas going on a completely different path becomes much more obvious because the act of sex becomes much more complicated and difficult. Does that make sense?

Benjy Uyama 


Andrew Love 

And so the reason I’m talking about that is just that, again, a lot of people are like, oh, we're not having sex. We need to have sex. No, that's not the problem. The problem is, you're out of sync. And sex is the symptom of that. Coughing is not a disease. It's the emergence of the symptom of the actual underlying problem.

Benjy Uyama 

Yes, I agree 100%. As someone who literally spent eight years of my marriage having sex about five times in eight years, I get it. And I get that quality is more important than quantity. It was really interesting is because we surveyed and we made, of course, we asked about the frequency of sex and that kind of stuff because it's a good metric to know. But we really did focus more on the quality of communication and quality of their sexual relationship. Even if they weren't having sex like those couples that weren't having sex for years, the more important question is, how's your relationship? How's your communication about sexuality? And 85% of them said that their communication about sex has improved. That's probably due because they constantly give and take what they're having about it.

Andrew Love 

Yes, dude. I just talked to a group of guys. Husbands, their husbands, their young husbands, and one of them was experiencing a bit of a dry spell. And I was like, well, what about the idea of talking about sex with your wife? And they all, every guy goes like, whoa, wait, whoa, you can do that? And I was like, yes, you should do that. And like, make sure that it doesn't lead to sex because then they'll start to associate, oh, he wants to talk, which is code to have sex but be engaging. And what you brought up, just sparked something in me very deeply. That makes so much sense on a macro level which is, we've just come out of a very Puritan history in America which was a lot of married people who stay married but have very dry sexless marriages. Or sex was really problematic in America, just because religion and sex didn't really mix well over the years. And now we're leaving that and we're entering an all sex without the meaning era, which is the Tinder era, which is the hookup era where people are oversexed but they're more isolated than ever.

So you have isolation because you're in a marriage, but it's dry. You're also experiencing isolation. As a single person having a ton of heartless sex with a bunch of random people, it's like the same conclusion. And what we're trying to do is bridge these two worlds of a lot of wonderful sex but meaningful sex together in a relationship that actually bears fruit and gives something to this world. Those are two things that seem like they haven't really coexisted, at least in the West. I know the Indian tradition, there's like Tantra and all that, so there was spirituality and sexuality. I don't really know the history of that nearly as well. But here in the West, we're definitely coming out of that kind of Puritan sex, like a weird relationship with sex. And now, we're oversexed, and neither one works well.

Benjy Uyama 

Yes, I think this whole conversation about absolute sex is possibly a solution. Obviously, your fathers, your parents believe with all their heart that it is the solution. And I think it's up to us to figure out what that means. Unpack it. Someone asked me really frankly recently like, well, Benjy, what does it actually mean? How do you explain that to someone? So we're figuring that out. I think we'd like to know what our listeners think about it too.

Andrew Love 

So then, what would it look like? These guys, earlier in this conversation, you had some people coming up to you saying, hey, we're going to have this rally, Benjy. What's your idea? And you're like, let's have a sex rally. When most people hear that, that's a freak show. That's going to be a disaster. There's no way that that's going to turn out in a non-gross way.

Benjy Uyama 

So it's definitely going to be controversial for sure.

Andrew Love 

Sure, but how could you do that in a way that doesn't end up in scandal and dysfunction? How could you actually have a healthy assembly about sex that is congruent with long-term love and stuff like that?

Benjy Uyama 

It was the PR department, communication department. I had a meeting with them, and we were talking about this and were throwing out ideas. I said, let's make it a sex rally and just call it that. See what happens. What do we talk about? Testimonies. It's not a lecture. It's not telling people the theology of Adam and Eve and the fall of man, and all of history or anything like that. It's testimony about what is it like to live a life that is of absolute sex, of selfless sex instead of selfish. Testimonies of people from High Noon, or knee-deep in a porn addiction, finding a way to reconcile their relationship with their spouse, with their wife and their husband, and actually come to thrive in the relationship. I think that's inspiring. You can't argue with people who are really living a quality life. People like me and you, Andrew, decided to commit to this blessing, to this thing, to this eternal commitment of marriage and having to go through a lot of challenges along the way and figuring out how to grow in the end. It's really controversial because most people would not choose this kind of lifestyle. But why?

Andrew Love 

Yes, I don't think a lot of people believe it's possible. Or there's a lot of spinning of the truth, and a lot of naysaying just like love doesn't last, marriage is a prison and all this stuff. Even really smart people are saying it. And a lot of scare tactics because they're scared because they've seen it, experienced it firsthand through a divorce, or they've looked at it in their friends or their family. I get it, but it's also, the idea of marriage doesn't work for them so marriage needs to be thrown out. No. Maybe they just weren't good at marriage, or maybe they didn't understand it or whatever. But the blessing goes out much further. So yes, I don't know. I think to have a rally, I think we would really have to workshop that idea so it doesn't turn into chaos.

Benjy Uyama 

For sure.

Andrew Love 

You have something like that in Las Vegas. Look out. Look what happens.

Benjy Uyama 

Yes, but here's the thing, we are a movement. As a movement, talking about our faith to mother has made statements that we need to bless every single person in the world. That is a big goal, that is a big statement. For most people, when they hear that they think, oh, no, it's not possible. Logistically, it's pretty impossible because most people in the world are children, so how do we figure out how to do this? If that happens, if this proclamation, prophecy comes true, it'll have to be something very radical. It'll have to be something very unique and very different. And I don't think that just talking about theology and talking about the theology of it is going to make an impact and make a difference in people's hearts. I think we have to do something that's a little bit controversial, but put a spin on it. And that's a hook to get people in the door. And when you have enough people who are on fire about this concept, then a movement starts, then something changes. And then people are able to share their testimony. That's why at High Noon, we do focus more on what is my own personal journey first, before I can help someone else, I got to help myself. Before I can bless somebody, I've got to be blessed and feel blessed myself.

Andrew Love 

Yes, there's a lot of details.

Benjy Uyama 

Yes. That's fine.

Andrew Love 

To be the sex people, you really have to stand strong in results. I think there are so many ideas flying around, I went deep down the other night. If you watch YouTube's algorithms, they constantly suggest stuff. But somehow, Facebook is a lot more disgusting and it goes dark, a lot faster. If you follow the algorithm of Facebook video, it will take you to the worst of humanity pretty quickly. So a lot of violence, a lot of fighting videos, but also borderline almost rape-y videos and crazy stuff that is just thrown at you. You're not even looking for it,  it's thrown at you. So looking at a lot of the ideas that are out there at the lowest part of the web, there's a lot of people making a lot of strong statements about sexuality. Clearly, they don't really have a lot to back it up in terms of historical data, in terms of societal present data, and also just in their life. And so that's been one huge issue that we're all, people of different faiths, have to reconcile is like, your life better be a reflection of these high virtues that you hold. Otherwise, it's just another idea. And guess what, there's a ton of ideas out there. If somebody doesn't like your idea in the next few years, they're like, yes, cool. But I can fly over here in this metaverse, so have fun with your ideas.

In terms of sex, it's such a tough sell, because it's not sexy in the way that people are used to. It's like selling somebody on a food that's healthy and has a very subtle beautiful taste, versus an American hamburger that's super salty and just bludgeons your senses. After you eat a hamburger, and you've had a hamburger every day for a year, have something with subtle flavor that just doesn't quite do it because you can't even taste it because your tongue has been numbed by all the salt. That's people's dopamine. When you're trying to tell them that there's a better way but it requires a little bit of fortitude and stoicism, and holding your breath a little bit and chilling out a little bit and focusing your energy a little bit, it's a tough sell. So we have to figure out a way if we're going to be the sex people to make it sexy.

Benjy Uyama 

There's an organization that's doing this in some parallel format is NoFap. I think NoFap has created a very unique way of making not watching porn and masturbating, appealing at a broader level than just not doing it for any religious or spiritual reasons. There's an entire movement of literally millions of people. We just finished, no not November. November, where millions of people are participating and not jerking off, and not watching porn in order to have more focus, clarity, confidence drive in their lives in order to direct that energy to productive things. And they're not people that are talking about spiritual things, religious things. It's just like, there is a societal personal family benefit to you doing this thing that we're seeing, and they've wrapped it up and packaged it really well. It's pretty cool.

Andrew Love 

Yes, we got a lot of work-shopping to do, Benjy. We gotta get back in the laboratory. Start figuring out the beakers and the flasks, and we need some smoke and stuff like that to figure this out. Because we're going to need to create some Frankenstein that will help people understand what they're missing out on. It's really hard to understand somebody who's out of control like, what it is like to be in control? Because when you're out of control, any semblance of control is just hard work in anything. Let's say, all you eat is junk food all day, to say put down that doughnut and have some broccoli is a really tough sell. Because there's very little upside in the beginning. All you can see is the downside that you're losing this precious, delicious thing. Some crappy thing that looks like a mini tree. But over time, you can clearly see how you feel, how you look, how you smell. Everything changes if you just stick with it. The same thing with sex. Being the sex people is like playing the long game with sex. I think that's where it's at is like, where does your sex lead you in the next 10 years? Because everybody loves the idea of porn so they're like, bro, we just ran ads on Facebook. I don't know if you saw the comments. They were overwhelmingly trollee. There are so many trolling comments, I was looking at them. A lot of them were middle-aged white men who, by all means, were defending porn. They were saying, what's wrong with porn and all this stuff? And it's like, you guys if you don't have kids, at that age, many of you probably have daughters. The fact that you don't see that your attitude leads to longer-lasting issues, even in your own family is bananas because there's no vision there. It's just like a reaction to, oh, you're trying to take away my porn. Okay, let's stop for a second. What about the next 10-20 years? Do you want to be an 87-year-old alone in your retirement center watching porn, really? Is that where you want to be? Or do you want to be in the warm embrace of somebody who's dedicated to love you more than anybody in the world? Which sounds more appealing at a very basic level?

Benjy Uyama 

That's definitely a symptom, for sure. Something bigger. People think like that. Yes, I think we're definitely figuring it out. We're figuring it out, and we have a long way to go. But I definitely think it's okay to take a swing and it's okay to take a little bit of risk.

Andrew Love 

Here's my pitch. If I could pitch you one more thing right now, it's all in a poster. An elderly couple in their mid-80s on a bench making out and say, do you want this? They've been making out for 40 years. Or do you want this, and somebody's like, on their phone like this... Which one do you want?

Benjy Uyama 

You should see Andrew's face, guys.

Andrew Love 

It's not even for a second comparable. It's just the trajectories leaning one way or another. Which one do you want? And then if they click on the right one, will help you out. If they click on the other one, we would just send them straight to the dumpster.

Benjy Uyama 

Here's the thing. We are, like you said, like the Puritan spirit, this is a very new thing. What we're dealing with right now, the internet, phones, social media consumption, it's a new thing for us. We don't know how to respond to it. We don't, biologically, so we're trying to figure it out. And I think we're at an important point in history where if we can get enough people excited about us, I'm trying to get people excited about this idea. Just throw it. Just like, guys, do the sex rally. Let's do it. High Noon will provide the testimonies. That's all we really need. We only need the flashy thing of this or that, and let's get to it. And I think this is a turning point in our history, for sure. If you think about the moment for the amount of people in this world that are conscientious, people that do care about this kind of stuff, and maybe not everybody is in the camp of understanding why self-centered sexuality is detrimental to our world society, but maybe we can convince them. Maybe there is a way through testimony, through conversation so we'll see.

Andrew Love 

I think there are enough people who already have that sense, that that is the way they just haven't been able to phrase it. They haven't had somebody to capture it and express it for them. We can do that. But, by the way, just on a practical note, if we're going to have such a rally, you got to double down on security, man. It's going to be some weird people who show up. Some weird, like leather bondage outfits and like, I'm here. I'm here. No, sorry, wrong convention.

Benjy Uyama 

No, we'll call it something more appropriate, not a sex rally. It's just a concept, guys. This is nothing official, by the way. This is not like a Family Fed event.

Andrew Love 

Our bosses have not written this down yet. They're not signing off on this. We'll get back to you, guys. Well, this is just part one of our workshops on this idea. If you have any suggestions, please let us know. If you have anything, any hate mail or trolling stuff, again, you can just go straight to the dumpster and sit there for a little bit, and steal your juices. And it's been a slice.

We thank you so much for listening. We thank you if you're watching this for watching, we have not been recording the video at all. But now, Benjy wants to do that. So if you're watching this on YouTube, subscribe. If you watch it this long, for God's sakes, subscribe. And let us know how you're going to help make this idea come to life, okay? And save your hatred for somebody who cares. If you're a troll... Alright, thanks so much, and we'll see in the next one.

Hey, Andrew Love here, and I wanted to plant a seed in your mind before you go. You see, a lot of people when they start to consume our content, they listen to our podcast, they watch our videos, they read our blogs, they start to believe in the idea of freedom as a possibility for them and their lives, and it is. You can break free from porn, you can build amazing eternal relationships, but it requires you to make the jump. It requires you to commit to transformation. And that only happens when you invite other people into your journey. You see, a lot of people think that because I got into porn by myself, I can get out of it by myself, and that's the wrong thinking. It's not about simply removing a negative force from your life. It's about creating fulfillment and connection and intimacy with other people. So we really recommend, first and foremost, that you build a team of accountability partners, facilitators, group members, and we can do that. We have all that waiting for you. But you need to first reach out to us. If you already have people in your life that you think can help you, we have online courses that will teach you both how to create a dynamic that works in terms of accountability. But if you don't have an accountability partner, we already have volunteers who are waiting for somebody to help. We have groups that are waiting for somebody like you. But your role and your job are to merely reach out to us, and we can work together with you to create a powerhouse team so that you can build the life of your dreams. We look forward to hearing from you.

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#102 - Why We Need to Talk about Good, Heavenly Sexuality!


#100 - How to Confidently Talk with Your Kids About Porn | Marylin Evans